015-1996 DM CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH FLORIDA 33139 ~e C~TY OF MIAMI BEACH , OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER TELEPHONE: (305) 673.7010 FAX: (305) 673-n82 DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 15-1996 TO: All Department and Division Directors DATE: April 12, 1996 FROM: Jose GarCia-pedrosalJ.! City Manager III SUBJECT: MONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORTS ~ Effective with the financial reports for the month of March, 1996, the Finance Department will distribute the "Statement of Expenditures/Encumbrances" (formerly the Budget Statement) to each Department Director. Each ACM/DM will receive the reports related to his/her areas of control. This statement shows budget, current month and year-to-date expenditures and encumbrances by line item. In addition to this statement, each Enterprise and Internal Service Fund Director, ACM or OM will receive a revenue report for that month. Revenue reporting for all other funds (including General Fund Departments) as well as detail transactions for all accounts can be produced by each department on an "as-needed" basis. Each department should have access to FMS Inquiry. Such access allows you to process and print a report on detailed transactions and revenue as often as you like. You can also produce a "Statement of Expenditures/Encumbrances" for your department at any time of the month. Basically, if your department can process payroll input, you have the capability to sign-on to the FMS Financial System. Access to FMS Inquiry as well as training on production of transaction detail and reports should be directed to the Finance Department. Please contact Bob Spinney, Asst. Finance Director, at Ext. 7451, if you need to be granted access or desire training. Requests for access to FMS InqUiry must be made in writing to be forwarded to MIS upon Finance Department approval. He will see that access is granted and that you and/or a designated staff member are scheduled for training. Once you have obtained access to the financial system and have been trained, you can review the back-up for specific transactions by contacting Ramon Duenas, in the Finance Department, Ext. 6445, to arrange a convenient time for both departments. JGP:RWS:cp r F:\FINA\$D1R\WPWIN6O\CITYCOMM\MOFINREP.INPD - , ' ." ~ .. \. ( ~ CITY OF MIAMI BEACH MEMORANDldl\ll"'GC' -') \0: k" ,)o't'.Aj-,\ 1\ 'j "\TV ?,,'\ t\Nj.\Gic..r~ '" I I Mf\CE TO: Sergio Rodriguez Deputy City Manager l,i~C .......1 DATE: 4/2/96 FROM: Bob Spinney ~ Assistant Finance Director 4PH 1 1 r?C,; V.,)'i Ly Tin-;:------ ----- ..,., . " -- , -- i' SUBJECT: MONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORTS _l~ - "fc-, C-) z- c); Following discussions with Danielle Judd, OMB, and considering your input on t1u'1 issue, I am recommending that a City-wide memo be issued by the City Manager's office, outlining monthly financial report distribution and training on the financial system. I have enclosed a proposed City- wide memo for your review and issuance. You may want to include policy on a review and follow- up process by each department. Should you need additional informati~n, please call me at Ext. 7451. 41~ RWS:cp F:\FJNA\$DIR\WPWIN6O\WPDOCS\MOFINREP.Wl'D ~ /1 uV . ~5 Robert J. Nachlinger, Finance Director. rJ. . <j( Dr- Ii ,) o..u,lIdwkl. B_ 0",= l' f(1l JI" . ~( cc: ~ r-