020-1996 DM -' - . DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 20-1996 ,-- June 19, 1996 TO: All Department Directors FROM: Jose GarCia-pedrosa~ City Manager fI' LOBBYIST SIGN-IN LOGS SUBJECT: - City of Miami Beach Ordinance No. 92-2785 amending the City's lobbying ordinance requires that all City Departments, including the offices of the Mayor and City Commission, the offices of the City Manager, and the offices of the City Attorney maintain signed "Sign- In" logs for all non-city employees or personnel for registration when they meet with any personnel as defined in Section 1 of City Ordinance No. 92-2785. A copy of the relevant page of the Ordinance is attached for your reference. Each department needs to prepare a "Sign-In" log asking for the following information: name, business address, date, City personnel visited, and the specific issue on which he or she has been employed to lobby. This log should be placed in a convenient place accessible to all lobbyists. Thank you. JGP:rr Encl. cc: Sergio Rodriguez, Deputy City Manager Mayra Diaz-Buttacavoli, Assistant City Manager Harry Mavrogenes, Assistant City Manager Joe Pinon, Assistant City Manager Jack Lubin, Executive Assistant/Acting parking Director Peter F. Liu, Executive Assistant/OMB Director - Richard Bender, Executive Assistant/Labor Relations (w/encl. ) f:\cmgr\$all\:deptmemo.95\lobbyist - ORDINANCE NO. 92-2785 AN ORDINANCB OF THB KAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THB CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA AMENDING ORDINANCI NO.t2-2777 WHICH BSTABLISHBD LOBBYIST RBGISTRATION STANDARDS FOR THB CITY OF MIAMI BBACH, BY BXBMPTING FROM THB REQUIRBMBNTS OF REO:ISTRAT:IOH ALL NOT-Fall PROI'tT AND CBRTA:IH OTHER RlPRlSBKTAT:IVBS, EXBMPT:IHO PR:IHC:IPAL8 AND THBIR ATTORNBYS, AGENTS, BMPLOYBBS AND ALL OTHBRS RETAINED IN COlOlECT:ION WITH PROCEBDINOS CONCBRNING CO DB V:IOLAT:IONS OR OTHBR "QUASI-CR:IHINAL" BBARINOS, PROVIDING I'OR INCREASED REGISTRATION FBBS,.PROVIDINGFoa.RBPBALBR, PROVIDINO FOR SEVERABILITY, AND PROVIDINO FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATB. ,- WHEREAS, on March 4, 1992, the city of Mia~i Beach adopted a lobbying registration ordinance which requires lobbyists, as deUned therein, to register and pay a registration fee for such activity; and WHBREAS, there are certain proceedings, such as Code Enforcement, Special Master, Unsafe Structures Board and ..- Administrative hearings which compel an individual's attendance and as such, require individuals to come within the prescriptions of the registration ordinance, and .... WHBRIAS, in addition to experience showing that certain exemptions should be made regarding registration, the City Clerk has determined that the fees currently assessed cannot pay for all administrative time expended to ensure compliance with this law. NOW, THIRBFORI, BE IT OkDA:INBD BY TBI C:ITY COMMISSION OJ' THB CITY OJ' KIAHI BEACK, FLORIDA I SICTION 1. That the following definitional section of ordinance 92-2777 is a~ended as follows: (a) The term "colllJllissioners" shall refer to the Mayor and ~embers of the City co~~ission. (bl The term "lIutono~ous personnel" shall include but not be 1i~ited to the.members of the Housing Authority, Personnel Board, Pension Boards,. and such other autonomous or se~i-autonomous authorities, boards and agencies as are entrusted with the day-to- day policy setting, operation and management of certain defined functions or areas of responsibility. , ., r- (c) The term "quasi-judicial personnel" shall refer to the members of the Planning Board, the Board of Adjustment and such other boards and agencies of the City that perform such quasi- judicial functions. The Code Enforcement Board. Nuisance Abatement Board. SDecial Master HearinQs and Administrative HearinQs shall not be included for DurDoses of this Ordinance. Cd) The term "advisory personnel" shall refer to the members of those city boards and agencies whose sole. or primary .. . .' ... . ~ responsibility i. to recommend legislation or give advice to the . ,. City commissioners. , .,. ", . ,-- (e) The term "departmental personnel" shali refer 1:0 the City Manager, all Assistant City Managers, all department heads, the city Attorney, Chief Deputy city Attorney and all Assistant city Attorneys, Drovided however. that all departmental Darsonnel when actinQ in connection with Adminietrative HearinQs shall not be included for Dureoses of this Ordinance. nOTION 2. The term "lobbyist" means all persons, 1\irms, or corporations employed or retained, whether paid or not, by a principal who seeks to encourage the passage, defeat, or modification(s) of any (1) ordinance, resolution, action or decision of any Commissioner: (2) ..... any action, decision, recommendation of any city board or committee, or (J)any action, decision or recommendation of any personnel defined in any manner above, during the time period of the entire decision-making process on such action, decision or recommendation which foreseeably will be heard or reviewed by the --- ~ity Commission, or a city board or committee. "Lobbyist", as defined above, specifically includes the prinCipal, as described above, as well as any agent, attorney, officer or employee of a principal, regardless of whether such lobbying activities tall within the normal scope of employment ot such agent, attorney, otficer or employee. ..OTION 3. as follows: That Section J of ordinance No. 92-2777 is amended All lobbyists shall, before engaging in any lobbying activities, register with the 'City Clerk. Every person required to so register shall (a) register on forms prepared by the clerk, (b) 2 - ---- pay a registration fee of twenty-five dollars and (c) state und~ oath his or her name, business address, the name and business address of each person or entity which has employed said registrant to lobby, the commissioner or personnel sought to be lobbied aria the specific issue. on which he or she has been employed to lobby. Any change to any information originally filed, or any additional clty commissioner or personnel who are also sought to be lobbied shall require that the lobbyist file an amendment to the registration forms, although no additional fee shall be required for such amendment(s). The lobbyist has a continuing duty to supply information and amend the forms filed throughout the period for which the lobbying occurs. If the lobbyist represents a ---- corporation, partnership or trust, the chief officer, partner or beneficiary shall also be identified. Without limiting the 'foregoing, the lobbyist shall also identify all persons holding, directly or indirectly, a five percent (5') or more ownerShip interest in such corporation, partnership, or trust. Separate - registration shall be required for each principal represented on each specific issue. Such issue shall be described with as much detail as is practical, including but not limited to a specific description where applicable.of a pending request for a proposal, ... . invitation to bid, or pUblic hearing number. The City Clerk shall reject any registration statement which does not provide a description of the specific issue on which such lobbyist has been employed to lobby. Each person who withdraws as a lobbyist for a particular client shall file an appropriate notice of withdrawal. In addition to the reqistration fee required above. reQistration of all lObbYists shall be reauired prior to October 1st of every even numbered year and the te. for biennial reuistration shall be on@ hundred twentY-fiye dollars (5125.001. InitiallY. all lobbyiotl shall register on or betore October 1. 1992. In addition to the matters addressed aboye, every registrant shall be required to state the extent of any business, financial, familial, or professional relationship, or other relationship which gives rise to an appearance of an impropriety, with any current City cOllllllissioner or personnel de~ined above who is sought to be lobbied as identitied on the lobbyist registration form flled. The 3 .,,--. registration fees required by this subsection shall be deposited by the clerk into a separate account and shall be expended only to cQver the costs incurred in administering the provisions hereof. There shall be no fee required for filing a notice of withdrawal and the City Manager shall waive the registration fee upon a finding of financial hardship, based upon a sworn statement of the applicant. Any person who only appears as a representative of a not for profit corporation or entity (such as a charitable organization, a neighborhood or homeowner association, a local Chamber of Commerce or a trade association or trade union), without ,,--. special compensation or reimbursement for the appearance, whether direct, indirect or contingent, to express support of or opposition to any item, shall not be required to register with the clerk as required by this subsection, b~t, ~peR re~est, shall Rat be re~ired ta pay aRY re!is~ra\iaR fees. Copies of registration forms shall be furnished to each Commissioner or other personnel named on the forms. IBC'l'IO" 4. That Section 4 of Ordinance No. 92-2777 is amended as follows: Any public officer, employee. or appointee or any person or entity ~n contractual ~ivity with the City who only appears in his or her official capacity shall not be required to register as a lobbyist. BIIOTIO" S. as follows: That Section 5 of Ordinance No. 92-2777 is amended -- Any person who only appears in his or her individual capacity at a public hearinq before the City Commission. Planninq Board. Board of Ad1u.tment or other Board or Committee and has no other communication with the personnel defined in Section 1 above. for the purpose of self-representation without compensation or reimbursement, whether direct, indirect or contingent, to express support of or opposition to any item, shall not be required to reqi.ter a. a lobbyist, inoludinq but not limited to those who are members of homeowner or neiqhborhood associations. All speakers shall. however. siqn-up on forms available at the public hearinq, Additionallv. anv person requested to appear before anv citv 4 ~ written material in, defense to the City cOlDlllission.. The City commission may reprimand, censure, suspend or prohibit such person from lobbyinq befo.re the cOlDlllhsion or any COlDlllittee, board or personnel of the City. ,. IBC'1'ION 8. .B..aLB. That all ordinances, resolutions or parts of ordinances or resolutions in conflict be and the same are hereby repealed. IBC'1'ION 9. IBV1lUBILI'1'Y ,,- If . any section, SUb-section, sentence, clause, phrase or portion of this orcSinance is for any reason, held invalid or unconstitutional by court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision and such holdinq shall not effect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance. 8BC'1'1:0. 10. BI'I'BC'l'IV1l Da'1'B That this ordinance shall take effect ten (10) days after its adoption, on Jun. 27, pa88BD and aDOP'l'BD this 1992. ATTEST: ,,- -.l:':,;AA,"'- ;? ~IIU~ItY.' )It:taft: ~)..2it CITY CLERK .... ~ ~.<, JCD/CNM Y .1..4. ..\4"'9Z.GID (Sponsored by Commissioner Pearlson) Additions shown by underlinina. Deletions shown by s~rill. atl~a. let readlna 6/3/92 2nd readlna 6/17/92 FORM APPROVED LEGAL DEPT. By ::n.. ;:) Olt, 6'/7..,1- 6 " . -- COMMISSION MEMORANDUM NO. .8.33 - ~~ DATE: May 14, 1992 PROM: Mayor Seymour Gelber and Members of the City Comml~~!, Laurence Feln,old .J! -i;~ ~ CIty AlIomey , V Lobbylnl OrdInance No. 1n.2m TO: RE: -- Commissioner PearllOn requests Ibe followln, amendments 10 Ibe above referenced LobbyinC Ordinance, The effect of these amendments is to create the following exemptions 10 the ordinance: I. Where panles or theIr lawyers are compelled to appear before the City in a quasl-crimlnal setlinl (G.!., Code Enforcement Board hcarlnlS, Special Muter hearinIS). 2. Corpol2dons or penons who have contractual. reladons with the City <c.a.., Greater MIami Convention Bureau, SMG Management Company). 3. Charitable, non-piofit orlanlzatlons or public service corporations (G.!., Miami Beach Historic Preservation/Design Review Board, HOll1eowners AssocIation, Chamber of Commerce, etc,). r- ,. In addition, concern hu been addressed recardln, Ibe administrative costs of enforclnllbls ordinance. The City Clerk hu stated that the $25 fee does not currently offset the costs Incurred by hIs department, The County fee schedule includes a $12S fee biennially for lobbyists as well u Ibe $25 fe: for sin,le Issues. LF/cnm _..,.1411._ ., . ~.' 39 "GENOA ITEK R.3-F ~-/'7-9~ OAT~