026-1996 DM DEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM Departmental Memorandum NumbeF. July 15, 1996 TO: All DepartmenffDivision Heads FROM: Jose Garcia-Pedrosa ~ SUBJECT: e Polie The attached Administrative Policy Manual updates from Human Resources are submitted for your files. Please replace your corresponding outdated versions with these updates. Thank you. JGP:pp Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners Sergio Rodriguez, Deputy City Manager Mayra Diaz-Buttacavoli, Asst. City Manager Joe Pinon, Asst. City Manager Harry Mawogenes, Asst. City Manager Peter Liu, Executive Asst. to the City Manager/OMB Jack Lubin, Executive Asst. to the City Manager/Parking Richard Bender, Executive Asst. to the City Manager/Labor Relations f:cmgr\$all\deptmemo.96\policy.man