031-1996 DM CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. July 31, 1996 TO: All Department Directors / FROM: Jose Garcia-Pe~' City Manager SUBJECT: PROCEDURES FOR SUBMISSION OF THE PROCUREMENT DMSION'S AGENDA DOCUMENTS The Procurement Division will submit their commission memoranda at the Agenda Review meetings to the affected Department Directors, with a copy to the City Manager, so that the documents can be reviewed and signed off by the Dkector and Assistant City Manager. The commission memoranda will then be submitted to the Agenda Coordinator by the Assistant City Manager no later than noon on Wednesday for signature by the City Manager. As a reminder, the documents that require reviewing and/or form approval by the City Attorney's Office need to be submitted to the legal staff as early as possible. The completed items can than be submitted to the appropriate Assistant City Manager for review before submission to the Agenda Coordinator. Please ensure that all Resolutions include, if applicable, a dollar amount and a time period. The September 11, 1996 meeting is expected to be a very heavy agenda. Therefore, early submission of agenda documents would be appreciated. The next Agenda Review meeting is scheduled on Tuesday, September 3, 1996, at 10:00 a,m. Please mark your calendars accordingly. Thank you for your cooperation. cc: Sergio Rodriguez, Deputy City Manager Mayra Diaz Buttacavoli, Assistant City Manager Harry Mavrogenes, Assistant City Manager Joe Pinon, Assistant City Manager Jack Lubin, Executive Assistant/Acting Parking Director Peter F. Liu, Executive Assistant/OMB Director Richard Bender, Executive Assistant/Labor Relations Robert E. Parchef, City Clerk Jane Hines, Agenda Coordinator f:~emgr~all\:deptmemo.96Nprocedur~.agd