022-2008 Amendment to Administrative Policy Relative to Non-Motorized Vehiclesm MIAMI BEACH
City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139, www.miamibeachfl.gov
No. 022-2008
TO: All Department Directors/Division Heads
FROM: Jorge M. Gonzalez, City Manager
DATE: July 29, 2008
On January 12, 2007, the attached Administrative Policy relative to non-motorized vehicles in
the City of Miami Beach was issued.
By action of the Miami Beach Mayor and City Commission, Ordinance No. 2008-3609
creating a pilot program for pedicab use in the City of Miami Beach was enacted on July 16,
2008 and became effective on July 26, 2008. One of the provisions of the pedicab pilot
program was that Washington Avenue would be allowed for use by non-motorized vehicles
for the duration of the pilot program.
As such, for the duration of the pedicab pilot program, which automatically sunsets on
January 1, 2009, Washington Avenue is hereby permitted for pedicab use consistentwith the
requirements of Ordinance No. 2008-3609 enacted by the Miami Beach Mayor and City
Commission. In all other respects, the attached Administrative Policy relative to non-
motorized hicles remains in full force and effect.
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City Manager's Office
TO: Police Department, Code Compliance Division,
Public Works, Parking & Finance Departments
FROM: Jorge M. Gonzalez, City Manager ~>.,, ~~-'
DATE: January 12, 2007 ~'
At the December 6, 2006 meeting of the City Commission, the members of the City Commission
declined to approve the First Reading of an Ordinance which would have provided for a pilot
program for pedicabs within the City of Miami Beach.
The City Commission denial was at least in part based upon the expert testimony of both the
Police Department and the Public Works Department Engineering Division that pedicabs and
more generally non-motorized vehicular use of heavily traveled roads within the City of Miami
Beach constituted a threat to the public health, welfare or safety. Given that non-motorized
vehicles can constitute a threat to the public health, welfare or safety of the community when
operated on heavily traveled roads within the community it shall be the policy of the City of Miami
Beach to deny that portion of an Occupational License requested by operators of non-motorized
vehicles to conduct business on public and heavily traveled roads. This policy shall only apply to
use of heavily traveled roads. Areas of the City of Miami Beach which are not heavily traveled
may be issued an Occupational License for non-motorized vehicles.
The authority for this Administrative policy is Section 102-372 Subsection 8 of the Miami Beach
City Code of Regulations relative to denial of Occupational Licenses.
For purposes of this Administrative policy, roads which will be included within those considered
heavily traveled are all those roads which are classified as arterial or collector roadways in the
Federal Functional Classification System as maintained by the State of Florida Department of
Transportation District Six Office and as amended from time to time. In addition to those roads
indicated in the Federal Functional Classification System, Ocean Drive in its entirety shall also
be designated as a heavily traveled roadway given its unique pedestrian vehicular and tourist
destination characteristics.
The Federal Functional Classification map is attached to this policy and includes without limit
roadways such as Collins Avenue, Washington Avenue, Alton Road, 5"'Street, Dade Boulevard,
41St Street, 71St Street, Pine Tree and La Gorce Drives.
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