FAX: (305) 673-7782
TO: All Department Directors DATE: September 9, 1996
FROM: Jose Garcia-PedroserEnt&E
City Manager
SUBJECT: Public Works Depa nglneering & Construction Management
As you know fTOm previous correspondence, the Public Works Department and Engineering and Constru~on
Management were separated into two separate departments. There have been some problems regarding a
delay in their receipt of the inter-office mail, therefore, please ensure that you address their mail properly.
The Public Works Department is located at 451 Dade Boulevard, and Vincent Akhimie is the Public Works
Director. The Department consists of the Administrative Division, Streets and Streetlights Division, Water and
Sewer Division, Storm Water Utility Division, and the Environmental Resources Management Division. Public
Works responsibilities include the repair, replacement as~d/or maintenance of the aforementioned streets,
sidewalks, stmetJights, bddge, curbs and gutters, seawafts, and utilities. Mail should be addressed to Public
Works/Yard. The main telephone number is 673-7620 end their fax number is 673-7647.
Engineering and Construction Management is located in City Hall, 4th Floor, and Julio Grave de Perelfa is the
Director. Their responsibilities include providing project services for the City's capital improvements. The
Engineering function designs and prepares construction speefficetions for water, sanitary sewer, storm water,
streets and streetlight projects, and coordinates inspections and other construction activities for City projects.
It issues public and utility construction permits related to the development process and inspects the work of
private contractors, utility and cable companies performing work within City streets and rights-of-way.
Additionally, it provides surveying services for City projects and participates in the review and approval
process of planning and zoning matters. Mail should be addressed to Engineering and Construction
Management. The main telephone number is 673-7080 and their fax number is 673-7028.
The Environmental Resources Management Division falls under the jurisdiction of the Public Works
Department; however, this Division is currently housed in City Hall in the Recreation, Culture and Parks
Department. The telephone extension is 7273.
co: Mayor and City Commissioners
Sergio Roddguez, Deputy City Manager
Mayre Diaz-Buttacevofi, Assistant City Manager
Joseph Pinon, Assistant City Manager
Harry Mavrogenes, Assistant City Manager
Peter Liu, Executive Assistant to the City ManagerlOMB Director
Jack Lubin, Executive Assistant to the City Manager/interim Parking Director
Richard Bender, Executive Assistant to the City Manager/Labor Relations