036-1996 DM City Manager's Office
September 10, 1996 DEPA]~.THENT I~4OEAI~IDU~ NO 36-1996
TO: Depa~ment and Division Heads
FROM: Jose Garcia-Pedros~~L
City Manager
Miami Beach's second annual Am ican Hea~ Walk will take place Sunday, September
29th, beginning at the Noah Shorn Bandshell on 73rd Street and Collins Avenue
continuing around beautiful Miami Beach through Noah Shorn Open Spa~ Park.
Registration is at 8:00 a.m. and the walk will begin at 9:00 a.m.
The Healthy Choice American Hea~ Walk is a pledge event where walkers raise money
for prizes. Walkers will be eligible for a wide array of prize incentives, awarded to the
level of funds raised. In addition to prizes available from the American Hea~
Association, the Ci~ employee who raises the most money br the campaign will
receive a ce~i~cate for a dinner br ~o at the Mezzano~e.
As a Communi~ Leader for this year's campaign, I am urging all of you to pa~icipate
and encourage our employees to pafficipate to raise needed funds for cardiac research
and educational programs. Also, please encourage employees to bring their family
and friends for a good cause at a beautiful location.
The Team Captains for the Ci~'s campaign have pledge envelopes for those who will
pa~icipate in the Walk. Pa~icipants in the Walk must sign up with one of the Team
Captains by Friday, September 20th. Pledge envelopes must be turned into the Team
Captains by Thumday, September 26th.
Employee Team Captains br all Ci~ depa~ments are:
Florence Cohan, Human Resources 673-7520 e~. 6393
Bobby Hernandez, Police 673-7925
~llie La~er, Sanitation 673-7616
Linda Reid, Recreation, Culture and Parks 673-7730
Jack Richardson, Fire 673-7123
For more information, posters, or additional pledge envelopes, contact Florence Cohan
at the above number.
Let's show the rest of the communi~ that Ci~ employees give from the H~RT.