037-1996 DM ,.,..., I, City Manager's Office MEMORANDUM September 18, 1996 Department Memorandum No, 37-1996 TO: Department and Division Directors From: Jose Garcia-Pedrosa City Manager Subject: CARD ACCESS S As you may be aware, the City has recently installed a new Card Access Security System in the City Hall Building and the Police Department Building, This new system will allow a much greater level of security for all personnel and property, However, a clear understanding of how the system works is necessary in order to prevent breaches in security, r The most important thing to remember is that the cards that will be issued to all employees are keys to the building and must be treated as such, Levels of security access must be approved by the respective Department or Division Director based on the specific needs of each employee, The system will allow for any combination of access times to be programmed, and each personal card will be programmed to reflect the exact level of access required by the individual that holds the card, The proximity cards that will be issued to all City Hall employees will also serve as new City photo LD, cards, Information on each card will be limited to the employee's name, title, department, and clock number, if appropriate, The attached form needs to be completed by each DepartmentJDivision to show each employee's individual access time requirements, This signed form must be returned by interoffice mail or faxed to the Property Management Division (673-7963) by Thursday, September 26, 1996, to allow sufficient time for preprogramming ofthe system, On September 30, October I, and October 2, video imaging equipment will be set up on the ground floor of City Hall to take photographs of all employees for the new cards, Please make your employees available for these days, The photo process will only take a few minutes to complete, and the finished, programmed cards will be delivered to each Department! Division's office, If there are any employees that cannot make these sessions, the video imaging equipment will be set up at its permanent location at the Police Department Building in the LD, section, The pictures will be printed directly onto the plastic proximity cards by a special printer, This will reduce the possibility of the cards, being altered, When an employee leaves, retires, or is terminated, the card can be immediately - deactivated from the system, New employees will be sent to the Police Department to obtain their I.D, cards, These cards will be issued with no access capabilities, When access requirements are -- determined for the new employee, Property Management will program the cards to the access times selected by the appropriate DepartmenV Division Director. This can be accomplished remotely by computer in the Property Management Division, When all cards are issued, the rear door of City Hall will be locked 24 hours a day, The door will be used as an employee entrance only, All visitors to the building will be required to use the Convention Center Drive entrance, It is important that when an employee uses hislher card to gain access, no one else be allowed to enter by the rear door, Deliveries will still be received at the rear doors; however, the roll-up doors will be closed at all times for added security, A doorbell has been installed at the rear door to notify the mail room of a delivery, Please keep in mind that this is a security system, DepartmenV Division Directors need to limit access to their respective employees to only those hours requiring access to the building, 24-hour, 7-days a week cards should be limited only to persons requiring emergency access to the building, All other cards can be programed to reflect any and all special requirements a person may have. Additional information on the system may be obtained from Brad Judd, Property Management Director, at x7630, Thank you for your anticipated cooperation in providing a more secure workplace for our City employees, r JGP/JP/BAJ --;c C:\OFFICEiWPWIMWPDOCSlMANAGERIACCESS. WPD r CITY HALL EMPLOYEE ACCESSABILITY REQUIREMENTS (pLEASE PRINT) r~PT,: EMPt<i4leENAU!cfj;.\ssmlc;.\tl;oi$i _u.................. i~iaml:)mGA.eCE$siteQwnm~$ 1 Week Days: Weekends: 2, Week Days: Weekends: 3 Week Days: Weekends: 4, Week Days: Weekends: 5 Week Days: Weekends: 6, Week Days: Weekends: 7, Week Days: Weekends: J, Week Days: Weekends: 9, Week Days: Weekends: 10, Week Days: Weekends: 1 1 Week Days: Weekends: 12, Week Days: Weekends: 13 Week Days: Weekends: 14, Week Days: Weekends: 1 5, Week Days: Weekends: ......, Week Days: , Weekends: 17, Week Days: Weekends: '8'- Week Days: Weekends: " 9, Week Days: Weekends: 20, WeekDays: Weekends: 2l. Week Days: Weekends: , 22, Week Days: Weekends: 23, Week Days: Weekends: 24, Week Days: Weekends: 25, Week Days: Weekends: 26, Week Days: Weekends: " :1.7, Week Days: Weekends: 28, Week Days: Weekends: 29, Week Days: Weekends: 30, Week Days: Weekends: 3l. Week Days: Weekends: 32, Week Days: Weekends: 33, Week Days: Weekends: · Time that City employee is to have access to the building (example: 24-hours/7-days-per-week or Mon, thru Fri, 7:00 a,m, to 6:00 p,m, or Sat and Sun from 7:00 a,m, to 6:00 p,m" etc,), This information will be on the new security card, What ever time you approve for employee will be put into security system, r- Dept. Approval Signature