041-1996 DM DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 41-1996 / PLEASE POST October 25, 1996 TO: All Department Directol FROM: ]ose Garcia-Pedro~C City Manager SUBJECT: HALLOWEEN C ONTEST THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31 In reference to the above caption, all employees are eligible to partialpate by dressing up in costumes for Halloween on Thursday, October 31, 1996. A prize (dinner for two at a very exclusive restaurant on Miami Beach) will be awarded for the best costume. Stop by the First Floor Conference Room at 1:30 P.M. to be judged by the Halloween Committee. (Please keep in mind that your costume must be appropriate for the workplace.) Happy Halloween. ]GP:pp c: Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners Deputy City Manager Assistant City Managers Executive Assistants to the City Manager