045-1996 DM CITY OF MIAMI BEACH lO '. ~ Department Memorandum No. 45-1996 To: All Department Directors Date: November 6,1996 From: Jose Garcia-Pedrosa IJJ City Manager 'I Subject: DISPOSAL OF FOOD AND P APER WASTE It is imperative that all employees within your department be explicitly informed that "food items" cannot be mixed with paper items to be recycled. Please read the enclosed letter from V. Ponte and Sons, Inc. Beginning November IS, 1996, the cleaning staff will document and report to our office any continuing violations of this directive. It is very important that we work together to protect our environment and our efforts to contribute to that end. r Thank you for your cooperation and assistance in eliminating this problem. JG~:blbm Enclosure c: Sergio Rodriguez, Deputy City Manager Mayra Diaz Buttacavoli, Assistant City Manager Joe Pinon, Assistant City Manager Harry Mavrogenes, Assistant City Manager/DDHPS Peter Liu, Executive Assistant to the City Manager/OMB Jack Lubin, Executive Assistant to the City Manager Richard Bender, Executive Assistant to the City MangerlLabor Relations r- .~,. ~ ~r ~'I> ~ 'l,'" O{l.-\ o~~ ,,<<-0'1/ p .... ~ ,<I? f<<<~ ~. CP~~ 1;-~'l, o '~.-ff -$ "3 ,:So<:- ~~ ,<?} \0' ;"0<:- S ~~ i}~ 'l;CJ ~'l, 'I> ,10 \& ~~ ,\6, 'l, '0 ~ [::.'1> - ",:-0 ,'l, ~<:J ,,0 :) R'I> ,0 :l>~ q;}1O ,'l,~ ",,&~ ,,,,'l, o ':o.,g. .~ .;so" <010 ,:So '*,CJ ~o ~G <.0' ~ 0" 0'1> <0'l,'I> o ,,~ ~o ''1>~~ 6 c," ~90 0~~~ \O",e, (;-$1 o o \v~ K\Z t"Q'I; ~ r- v. PONTE & SONS L.C. 1899 S.W. 31st Avenue Pembroke Park, Florida 33009 305.986.2346 305.576.6168 Dade County 305.986.2342 Fax, ~~;'" eeT 2~J r~: ~"1 '",' , . , ' Complete Waste Management & /?,e/;yciliilfServices . i, J ~ -'. October 28, .1996 Mr. Jose Garcia-Pedrosa City of Miami Beach City Hall 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, Florida 33139 Dear Mr. Garcia-Pedrosa, It has been a pleasure serving the City of Miami Beach with our progressive recycling program, Since its onset, the program has been very successful. Unfortunately, the month of October found the recycling dumpsters to be severely contaminated with food waste and bathroom waste. - It is very expensive for V. Ponte to dispose of the garbage as we are a recycling company, with a facility zoned to accept recyclables only, not garbage. Separating the garbage from the paper is very expensive and time consuming. In addition, the severe decline in the paper market makes it even more difficult and costly to accept contaminated loads. Weare experiencing the most difficulties with the following locations: City Hall- 1700 Convention Center Drive - On October IS, 1996, the containers were 20% contaminated with garbage. The contamination factor has continually grown worse and on October 22, 1996, the containers were 100% contaminated. We were not able to empty the recycling containers on this date. It would be most appreciated if you could have the recycling containers dumped into your garbage container so that any future paper placed into our containers will not be contaminated. - Miami Beach Police -1100 Washinl!ton Avenue - The contamination at this building is so severe that we cannot service it at all. I have spoken to Ed Young previously, while at the police department, and it is his feeling that the staff are not willing participants. Garbage is being thrown into the wastepaper baskets making it impossible for the cleaning crew to separate the paper from garbage. The enclosure for garbage and recyclables is completely full of garbage. The cleaning crew is not utilizing our containers, they are sitting upside down in the enclosure. If this facility does not want to participate, then we must remove our equipment. DON'T THROW THE ;''-D AWAY t!?~/;(' ~"!pN RECYCLE!@ ,.- Mr. Jose Garcia-Pedrosa 10/28/96 page 2 of2 It is our goal to provide your city with an exemplary recycling program, however, we need employee cooperation. Attached, is a flyer for your convenience to be distributed among your facilities. In addition, I feel that re-training of the cleaning company is warranted as bags of food waste and bathroom waste are being thrown into our containers. I look forward to hearing from you so that we can schedule training and improve the City of Miami Beach's recycling efforts. Sincerely, V. PONTE & SONS, L.C. ?'-;C:/c-~ Dianna Radcliff Operations Manager ~.. - -- L~Y ~ CL-/~ -- .. -'-- c: ~ -< L.LJ o U ~ $' ~. ~ "-1/r~ THE ~'\.~<<. f~ll'Y f)l~ Illlllll 111~llf~11 PAPER TO BE PLACED IN THE WASTEPAPER BASKET AT YOUR DESK --- OFFICE PAPER COMPUTER PRINTOUTS COLORED PAPER WINDOW ENVELOPES PHONEBOOKS/MAGAZINES JUNK MAIL FAX PAPER PAPER OF ANY TYPE ALUMINUM AND PLASTIC TO THE KITCHEN/COFFEE STATION IN DESIGNATED CONTAINER SODA CANS SODAlWATERBOTTLES GARBAGE TO THE KITCHEN/COFEE STATION IN DESIGNATED CONTAINER FOOD WASTE GLASS STYROFOAM ALL OTHER NONIRECYCLABLES -