008-1995 DM - '... ~ CITY OF MIAMI BEACH CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH FLORIDA 33139 --- OFFICE OF THE CITV MANAGER TELEPHONE: (305) 673-7010 FAX: (305) 673-7782 DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 8-1995 FROM: All Department Directors Roger M. Carlton ". n j ~ City Manager ~ DATE: February 2, 1995 TO: SUBJECT: BULLETIN BOARDS--POSTING OF MATERIAL This office has received several inquiries regarding the types of material that would be permitted for posting on City bulletin boards. For your Information. attached is a copy of Legal Opinion Number 2/2~, regarding the posting of material on the City's bulletin board located in the Employee's Lounge on the ground floor of City Hall. As the Legal _ Opinion indicates, employees may post Information and/or their personal business cards on the bulletin board In the Employee's Lounge area only. All other City bulletin boards are exclusively for City business. Further, the City bulletin board in the lobby area on the ground floor of City Hall is to be used only for the posting of notices relative to City business, functions, activities, meetings. programs. etc. The Public Information Office is assigned the responsibility of posting material, as well as the removal of any Information/material that is not City related, It Is suggested that an employee in your department/divisions be assigned the responsibility for ensuring that the City bulletin boards contain only current and pertinent City-related information. Any material that Is posted on a City bulletin board should contain the DATE POSTED and a SPECIFIC REMOVAL DATE. unless the item Is for permanent posting, in which case the material should indicate "DO NOT REMOVE" , The posting of material that reflects negatively on the City, its officials. officers and/or employees, Is strictly prohibited. RMC:lg Attachment ..1)EFTMEMO.I.:r~ MJ'N.MD.MAT cc: Dean R. Mielke, Assistant City Manager/Labor Relations Mayra Diaz-Buttacavoll, Assistant City Manager Joseph Pinon. Assistant City Manager Harry Mavrogenes. Assistant City Manager Peter Liu. Executive Assistant to the City Manager Jack Lubin, Executive Assistant to the City Manager r CITY OF MIAMI BEACH , "' ,!r'f L. .. . ,. r TO: Mr. Rob Parkins City Manager DATE: Feb. 24, 1983 &:: Jean Kronhei Assistant Ci ttorney SUBJECT: USE OF BULLETIN BOARDS TO ADVERTISE PRIVATE BUSINESS OPERATED BY CITY EMPLOYEE - LEGAL OPINION 112/2-83 FROM: ISSUE: Maya City employee who also operates his own business be permitted to place his business cards on the bulletin boards in the lobby area (near vending machines) and/or on the bulletin board in the City Employee Lounge? CONCLUSION: Employees may post information which may be useful or interesting to ~other employees on the bulletin board in the employee lounge, so a business card of another employee may appropriately be placed there. The other bulletin boards are exclusively for City business and no personal business cards should appear there. APPLICABLE AUTHORITY: There are no written directives governing this situation, but the above conclusion has been the City Managers' policy in the cities of Miami and Hollywood. ANALYSIS: This policy seems equitable in that employees are free to exchange information in their own lounge, but not to interfere with the publication of City notices on City bulletin boards. SS/jhd r