027-1995 DM OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER TELEPHONE: (305) 6734010 FAX: (305) 673-7782 DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 27-1995 DATE: July 3, 1995 TO: All Department Directors and D/vision Heads FROM: Jose Garcia-Pedrosa, City ~ROV Manager SUBJECT: PAYROLL BATCH ENTRIES AND A ALS It has come to my attention that certain department directors/division heads have not adhered to City policy governing the opening, entry and/or approval of payroll batch entry transactions in the computer. This increases the risk to the C~ty that incorrect payroll transactions will result in erroneous payroll checks being released. ---- Each Department Director will be held strictly responsible for ensuring that all payroll timesheet transaction batches entered in the computer are correct. This means that all batch entries must be opened, transactions entered (even if there are no exception transactions), and approved by an authorized, designated department supervisor. There should be at least one primary and one backup data entry individual and one primary and one backup supervisor designated in each department/division. The only exception to a departmental data entry or approval is in those rare instances when all of the primary and backup data entry individuals or supervisors are absent at the same time when their involvement is required. In these cases, with the advance written approval of the City Manager or Assistant City Manager, the departmental payroll will be entered or approved by the City's Payroll Section Supervisor. It is required that supporting departmental approved leave, time-off or overtime slips must be made available to the Payroll Section for this data entry or approval~ By copy fithis memorandum, I am requesting that the City Internal Auditor advise me on a bi-weekly basis, which department directors or division heads are in violation of this important City policy. Thank you for your cooperation. JGP:IB:me (F:\budg\$aud\doc94-95\paydir.mem) cc: Dean R. Mielke, Assistant City Manager/Labor Relations Mayra Diaz~Buttacavoli, Assistant City Manager Joseph Pinon, Assistant City Manager Harry Mawogenes, Assistant City Manager Peter Liu, Executive Assistant to the City Manager Jack Lubin, Executive Assistant to the City Manager