028-1995 DM .. . CITY OF MIAMI BEACH ~e ~ CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH FLORIDA33139 OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER TELEPHONE: (305) 873-7010 FAX: (305) 873-n82 DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 28-1995 TO: All Department Directors DATE: July 24, 1995 Jose GarCia-pedros~ City Manager SUBJECT: VEHICLE ALLOWA E/POLlCY UPDATE FROM: - Attached is a copy of the most recent update of the Vehicle Allowance Policy for inclusion in your Manual of Operating Policies and Procedures. It should be noted that the Policy has been amended so as to cover those circumstances when a car allowance will be held in abeyance due to the recipient being on an extended leave of absence. Additionally, the Policy has been clarified with regard to car allowance recipients not being permitted to utilize a City vehicle. JGP:lg Attachment "".IDEn'MEMo-L'l'C1,bI l'Elft..4Llv.pcr cc: Dean R. Mielke, Assistant City Manager/Labor Relations Mayra Diaz-Buttacavoli, Assistant City Manager Joseph Pinon, Assistant City Manager Harry Mavrogenes, Assistant City Manager Jack Lubin, Executive Assistant to the City Manager Peter Liu, Executive Assistant to the City Manager r ... r- VEHICLE ALLOWANCES POLICY Eligible executive employees in the classifications of Assistant City Manager, Executive Assistant to the city Manager, Department Director, or Assistant Department Director, for whom a 24-hour vehicle is justified may be given the option to choose a vehicle allowance in lieu of a city vehicle (see 24-Hour Vehicle Assignments policy). Vehicle allowances are set at predetermined rates, depending on the employee's position. The City Manager, at his/her sole discretion, reserves the right to provide a vehicle allowance in lieu of an assigned 24-hour vehicle when such an alternative is in the best interest of the City of Miami Beach. All vehicle allowances must be requested by the Department Director and approved by the City Manager or his/her designee. PROCEDURE To request a vehicle allowance, the procedure below must be followed: 1) The requesting Department's Director or designee obtains and completes a Vehicle Allowance Reauest (City Manager's Office). The form must be signed by the Department Director or designee. 2) The Allowance Request is then forwarded to the Mechanical Maintenance Department. Allowances which are determined to be properly justified will be approved by the City Manager, and the request will be returned to the requesting department. A copy of all approved Vehicle Allowance Reauests will be forwarded to the Payroll Section in Finance by the City Manager's Office. Denied allowances will be communicated to the requesting department on the returned form. ,- 3) Effective February 27, 1991, each eligible executive employee who receives a car allowance in lieu of using a 24-hour car and/or any other City vehicle, shall maintain in operative force and effect with an insurance carrier licensed to do business in the State of Florida, a policy for liability insurance coverage with limits for bodily injury liability of at least $100,000 per person and $300,000 per occurrence, as well as property damage liability of at least $50,000 per occurrence. Each employee shall maintain personal injury protection coverage in accordance with Florida Statue 627.736 (1985), as amended. Proof of coverage, as listed above, must be on file with the City's Risk Manager prior to any employee using his/her personally owned vehicle for City business if he/she is receiving a car allowance reimbursement. The employee shall, on each insurance anniversary date, submit appropriate renewal of the insurance policy to the City's Risk Manager. So long as an employee is receiving said car allowance, the employee shall not allow the required insurance coverage to lapse or be modified. 4) In the event that the car allowance recipient's personal vehicle is rendered inoperative as a result of a motor vehicle accident or mechanical breakdown, the car allowance will be held in abeyance, and the employee may be authorized to utilize a City vehicle on a 24-hour basis, with specific approval from the City Manager or his/her designee. Such temporary utilization shall be granted for a limited duration, and only to the extent that a vehicle is available. ,'- Prior to utilizing the temporarily assigned city vehicle, the employee must notify Payroll to hold their vehicle allowance in abeyance, as well as notify the Mechanical Maintenance Director of his/her request for temporary utilization of a 24-hour City vehicle. NOTE: IF YOU ARE A RECIPIENT OF A CAR ALLOWANCE, WITII THE EXCEPTION OF THE CONDITIONS IN ITEM 4, YOU ARE PROHIBITED FROM UTILIZING A CITY VEHICLE FOR ANY REASON WHATSOEVER, UNLESS SPECIFICALLY AUTHORIZED BY TIlE CITY MANAGER. continued. . . 9.8.00 r VEHICLE ALLOWANCE... The Mechanical Maintenance Director shall approve such temporary utilization requests, and then immediately_notify the Finance Director, so that the car allowance to the employee making said request may be prorated. Car allowances for employees utilizing a temporary 24-hour vehicle assignment will be prorated and adjusted by debiting the number of days that the temporary 24-hour vehicle was used, and then deducting the adjustment amount from the recipients next payroll check. 5) Effective as of this July 1995 update, the car allowance will cease after thirty (30) calendar days for car allowance recipients who are on an extended leave fro. duty due to vacation, sick leave, and/or any other extended leave of absence with/without pay. Further, it shall be the responsibility of the recipient to notify, in writing, the Payroll Division, with a copy to the City Manager'. Office and Mechanical Maintenance Division, of the dates of the extended leave, in order to ensure that the allowance ceases until the employee returns to duty. NOTE: IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF DEPARTMENT DIRECTORS TO ENSURE ENFORCEMENT OF THIS POLICY WITH REGARD TO VEHICLE ALLOWANCES BEING HELD IN ABEYANCE WHEN THE RECIPIENT IS ON A LEAVE OF ABSENCE THAT EXCEEDS THIRTY (30) CALENDAR DAYS. A SAMPLE VEHICLE ALLOWANCE REQUEST IS PROVIDED IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING THIS PROCEDURE. r NOTE Justification of vehicle allowances will be re-evaluated upon relevant changes in a position's duties. This re-evaluation may result in the elimination of the vehicle allowance. REFERENCE DOCUMENT City Manager Memorandum No. 51-1983 & City Manager Memorandum #28-1995 CONTACT City Manager's Office 4th Floor, City Hall Miami Beach, FL (305) 673-7010 DRM:lg .:5.1DEPT-MEMO/LTC2/94 VEHL-ALW.PCY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PREPARED BY: Citv Manaaer's Office Dean R. Relations DEPT. NAME: Citv Manaaer's Office Jose Garcia-Pedrosa APPROVED BY: ;J{v c~nager APPROVED BY: ,-. (rev.7/95) 9.8.00 , CI'l'Y or MIAMI BEACH VEHICLE ALIDWAKCE REQUEST pona No. r Department/Division: Annual allowance amount: $ Employee No.: JUSTIFICATION (Department Head or designee): ,r APPROVED: Date: Department Head APPROVED: Date: City Manager This form must be submitted to the Mechanical Maintenance Department for every vehicle allowance request. r