029-1995 DM 29-1995 Department Memorandum # MEMORANDUM TO: All ACM's, Executive Aests, and Dept Directors FROM: Jo. se Garcia-Pedresa DATE: ~tl~ 2M~nT:i~ SUBJECT: MANAGER'S ORIENTATION CLASS FEATURING THE INTERACTIVE VOICE RESPONSE SYSTEM Manager's Orientation sessions featuring the Interactive Voice Response, or IVR, are scheduled for Wednsday and Friday, August 2 and August 4, fggS. Offering a basic overview of the Interactive Voice Response system, this orientation session is intended to assist managers in identifying their deparimental involvement in the area of citizen complaint processing. All managers (including Assistant City Managers, Executive Assistants, end Department/Division Directors) era required to attend this vital session. Computers & Communications will be hosting this orientation as well as accepting departmental feedbackastothetyposofcomplaintstypicallyenceuntered. ThisinformationwillbeusedtopregramthelVR system for greater e~'#ciency and citizen responsiveness. All participants must centact Computers & Communications by faxing the completed memo to -7546 or by calling extension -7040 to make reservations. Please be sure to indicate your first and second session preference. Seating is limited for each session. Reservations are accepted on a first-come-first-served basis and will be confirmed by phone. *** IVR MA~IAGER ORIENTATION SESSION *** ~SE~V~TZONS LOCATION: Training Room (former Light Duty Room) 2nd Floor City Hell NAME: I' I' SESSION PREFERENCE: PZease indicate First (1) and Second (2) preference. ~ Wednesday 2, August 2, 1995 Morning Session: 9:00 a.m. Wednesday 2, August 2, 1995 Afternoon Session: 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. Friday, August 4, 1995 Morning Session: 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. *Reservations are made based on space availability.