030-1995 DM DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 3 o - 19 9 5 DATE: July 28, 1995 TO: All Department/Division Directors FROM: Jose Garcia-Pedrosa City Manager ;tP~roce SUBJECT: Energy Manage dures at the City Hall Building In an effort to reduce the costs of electricity at the City Hail Building, the Property Management Division has recently completed the installation of a new up-graded Energy Management System. This EMS system will shut down lighling and air conditioning systems in the building during normai non-use periods. All emergency systems including emergency lights and 24 hour security lights will not be effected by these shutdowns. Current normal operation hours of the facility are Monday thru Friday ( except holidays ) from 7:00 a.m. thru 10:00 p.m. Effective August 7th, 1995 all Departments requiring use of the facility beyond the normai operation hours, must contact the Property_ Management Division at 673-7630 before 3:00 p.m. on the workday orior to needed use. This will ailow for the necessary programming of the EMS system. This programming can easily facilitate any building use or specific demands needs of all Departments and will ailow only the portion of the building occupied to be activated for lighting or A/C. These procedures will provide for a comfortable work environment while maximizing energy efficiency. JGPPoaj wp60/memos/ctyman/ems CITY ElF MIAMI BEAC~ 1245 MICHIGAN AVENUE MIAMI BEACH FLORIOA 33139 Pr~erty Maintenance Division FRANK DIAZ Operations Supervisor Tel. (305) 673-7630 Fax (305) 673-7963 Beeper (305) 276-2082