031-1995 DM , \ v CITY OF MIAMI BEACH ~e - CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH FLORIDA33139 OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER TELEPHONE: (305) 873-7010 FAX: (305) 873-7782 DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 31-1995 TO: All Department Directors DATE: July 27, 1995 Jose Garcia-Pedrosa !lIJ City Manager !/1 SUBJECT: lWENTY-FOUR HOUR VEHICLE ASSIGNMENTS/POLICY UPDATE FROM: ,.. Attached is an update of the Vehicle Allowance Policy for inclusion in your Manual of Operatlna Policies and Procedures. It should be noted that the Policy has been amended to cover those circumstances when, due to the employee being on an extended leave of absence, the 24-hour vehicle assignment will cease so the City vehicle can be temporarily assigned as a facility pool vehicle until the employee returns to duty. JGP:lg Attachment ":S./DEFT MEMO-LTCZ194 VEHLZ4HllPCT cc: Dean R. Mielke, Assistant City Manager/Labor Relations Mayra Diaz-Buttacavoli, Assistant City Manager Joseph Pinon, Assistant City Manager Harry Mavrogenes, Assistant City Manager Jack Lubin, Executive Assistant to the City Manager Peter Uu, Executive Assistant to the City Manager r . ,.-- TWENTY-FOUR HOUR VEHICLE ASSIGNMENTS POLICY The City Manager or designee must approve all 24-hour vehicle assignments based upon proper justification. All 24-hour vehicle assignmentsjre-assignments must be requested by the Department Director. DEFINITION A 24-hour vehicle assignment entitles the assignee to the use of the City vehicle for City business purposes on a 24-hour basis. The City vehicle may be used to commute to and from the workplace. The 24-hour assigned vehicles must be designated as a facility pool vehicle during periods of non-use (see Desianation of 24-hour Assianed Vehicles as Pool Vehicles policy). PROCEDURE To request a 24-hour vehicle assignmentjre-assignment, the procedure below must be followed. 1) The requesting Department's Director or designee obtains and completes a Vehicle Assianment/Re-assianment Reauest (City Manager's Office). The form must be signed by the Department Director or aesignee. ,- 2) The Request is then forwarded to the Mechanical Maintenance. Assignments that are determined to be properly justified will be approved by the City Manager, and the Request will be returned to the requesting department. A copy of all approved requests will be forwarded to the Payroll Section in Finance by the City Manager's Office. Denied requests will be communicated to the requesting department with a brief explanation on the denied request. A SAMPLE VEHICLE ASSIGNMENTjRE-ASSIGNMENT REQUEST FORM IS PROVIDED IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING THIS PROCEDURE. NOTE Justification for 24-hour vehicle assignmentsjre-assignments will be re-evaluated upon relevant changes in a position's duties. This re-evaluation may result in the elimination of the vehicle allowance. Effective as of this July 1995 update, 24-hour vehicle assignments of those employees who take an extended leave fro. duty in excess of three (3) weeks due to sick leave, vacation, and/or any other extended leave of absence with/without pay, will be tem.porarily re-assigned by Mechanical Maintenance as' a facility ,pool vehicle until the employee returns to duty. Further, it shall be the employee's responsibility to notify, in writing, the City Manager's Office, as well as the Mechanical Maintenance Division, of the dates of the extended leave, so that Mechanical Maintenance may promptly have t.he vehicle re-assigned as a facility pool vehicle. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF DEPARTMENT DIRECTORS TO ENSURE THIS POLICY IS ENFORCED. continued.. . r 9.7.00 ,. r"' ,r"' r . TWElnY-FOUR HOUR VEHICLE ASSIGNMENTS.., REFERENCE DOCUMENT City Manager Department Memorandum No. 51-1983 and No. 31-1995 CONTACT City Manager's Office 4th Floor, City Hall Miami Beach, FL (305) 673-7010 DRM:lg .:5.1DEPT-MEMO/LTC2/94 VEHL24HR.PCY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PREPARED BY. :~:n K:~'~~ APPROVED BY. Assist C ty Manager/Labor Relations (rev.7/95) DEPT. NAME. City Manaaer's Office Jose G c' -Pedrosa APPROVED BY I C' Manager 9.7.00 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH VEHICLE ASSIGNMENT/RE-ASSIGNMENT REQUEST Form No. r-,4_HR Assigrm:ent D 8-HR Assignment D Re-assignment I D ," Department/Division: Charge Code: Vehicle No.: Date assigned: Date of request: Current Driver: (only if re-assignment) Assigned/Reassigned Driver: Where is (will) vehicle kept during off-work hours(check one)?: Home Address: CMB facility o Specify: o JUSTIFICATION (Department Head or designee): r APPROVED: Date: Department Head APPROVED: Date: City Manager ,.- This form must be submitted to the Mechanical Maintenance Department for every assignment or re-assignment request.