LTC 203-2008 Alton Road Neighborhood Planning Study~F~~~~~ ZODB aUG 12 PM 2~ 44 _ M I AM I BEAC H CITY CI_~.-~~t°s ~l=-F ICS OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER NO. LTC # 203-2008 LETTER TO COMMISSION TO: Mayor Matty Herrera Bower and Members of the City Commission FROM: Jorge M. Gonzalez, City Manager SATE: August 8, 2008 suB~ECT: Alton Road Neighborhood Planning Study The Planning Department is conducting a neighborhood planning study of the Alton Road corridor from 5th Street to Michigan Avenue, and generally bounded on the east by Lennox Avenue and on the west by West Avenue. This study is an outgrowth of a request from the Historic Preservation Board during the course of reviewing the proposed westward expansion of the Flamingo Park Historic District. The board requested the Planning Department to organize community meetings and a joint workshop with the Planning Board to consider holistically the future development of Alton Road between 5th Street and Dade Blvd, including such issues as historic structures, land use, building height and setbacks. The Planning Department will be holding the first community workshop on Wednesday, August 20 at 6:30 PM in the City Commission Chambers. They will be seeking input from residents and business persons on the issues and opportunities in the study area, as well as discussing some preliminary concepts for modifying building setbacks and height in the commercial districts. A workshop will be held with the Historic Preservation Board and the Planning Board sometime later this Fall. JMG J /JAM F:~PLAN ALLWIton Road Stud LTC Au 20 meetin .doc Y~ 9 9