023-1995 DM . . , CITY O~ MIAMI BEACH r DEPARTKD1'1' MEMORANDtlK 11'0. 23-1995 June 6, 1995 TO: All Department Directors FROM: Jose Garcia-Pedrosa City Manager SUBJECT : CITY COMMISSIOII' KEETIII'G DATES; AUGUST RECESS As a reminder, at the December 21, 1994 City commission Meeting, it was determined to change some of the meeting dates in 1995. Please see attached Commission Memorandum No. 974-94 for your review. The City Commission is in recess during the month of August. Please note the following meeting dates: r AGENDA REVIEW (10: 00 a.m.) COMMISSION MEETING June 13, 1995 June 21, 1995 July 3, 1995 (Monday) July 18, 1995 July 12, 1995 July 26, 1995 AUGUST RBCBSS september 5, 1995 September 19, 1995 October 3, 1995 October 17, 1995 October 31, 1995 November 14, 1995 November 28, 1995 ~' ~ December 12, 1995 September 13, 1995 September 27, 1995 October 11, 1995 October 25, 1995 November 8, 1995 November 22, 1995 December 6, 1995 December 20, 1995 P~ease mark you calendars accordingly, ThanJc you, .Tnp~ -4h . I ~ CITY OF MIAMI BEACH CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH FLORIDA 33139 COMMISSION MEMORANDUM NO. ~ TO: Mayor Seymour Gelber and Members of the City Commission , RogerM,Cartto" n J.- City Manager ~ RESCHEDULING CITY COMMISSION AND REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MEETING DATES FOR 1995 DATE: December 21, 1994 FROM: SUBJECT: ADMINISTRATION RECOMMENDATION: The Administration requests that the City Commission review the attached list of regular meeting dates on the first and third Wednesdays, and also review the proposed list of alternate meeting dates and consider changing the meeting dates of the City commission and Redevelopment Agency as follows: in July from the 5th and 19th, to July 12th, and 26th; schedule a recess in August; ~ in September from the 6th and 20th, to september 13th and 27th; in October from the 4th and 18th, to October 11th and 25th; and in November from the 1st and 15th, to November 8th and 22nd. BACKGROUND: To prepare the meeting schedule for the entire year and avoid conflicts, we are proposing various changes to the regular meeting schedule. The city commission has usually scheduled a recess for the month of August, and has shifted the July meeting dates to the second and fourth Wednesdays in the month, thereby shortening the duration between the last summer meeting and the first meeting in September, and avoiding any schedule conflicts with July 4th. In 1995, Labor Day is Monday, September 4th. There is that some residents, staff and commissioners may vacations through the first week of September, when the Commission and Redevelopment Agency meeting would scheduled. a likelihood be planning regular city normally be ~ Yom Kippur Commission scheduled. is and Wednesday, october 4th, when Redevelopment Agency meeting the would 431 regular city normally be AGENDA ITEM R - 8- L DATE~ :).;:) ~ ~t( f ANALYSIS: If the City Commission approves the proposed, revised schedule of ~ meeting dates for 1995, it should avoid conflicts in schedules. REGULAR MEETINGS CALENDAR YEAR 1995 COMMISSION & RDA MEETING DATES 1st and 3rd Wednesdays r- January 4, 1995 January 18, 1995 February 1, 1995 February 15, 1995 March I, 1995 March 15, 1995 April 5, 1995 April 19, 1995 May 3, 1995 May 17, 1995 June 7, 1995 June 21, 1995 July 5, 1995 July 19, 1995 **August September 6, 1995 September 20, 1995 *October 4, 1995 October 18, 1995 November 1, 1995 November 15, 1995 December 6, 1995 December 20, 1995 REGULAR AGENDA REVIEW DATES Tuesday 1 ~eek Before Meeting December 27, 1994 January 10, 1995 January 24, 1995 February 7, 1995 February 21, 1995 March 7, 1995 March 28, 1995 April 11, 1995 April 25, 1995 May 9, 1995 May 30, 1995 June 13, 1995 June 27, 1995 July 11, 1995 August 29, 1995 September 12, 1995 September 26, 1995 October 10, 1995 October 24, 1995 November 7, 1995 November 28, 1995 December 12, 1995 Sun./Mon. Monday Monday Saturday Monday Tuesday Monday Monday Wednesday Frio/Sat. Thurs./Fri. Monday FOR INFORMATION ONLY - 1995 HOLIDAYS (For purposes of scheduling meetings, etc.) Jan. 1 / 2, 1995 Jan. 16. 1995 Feb. 20, 1995 Apr. 15, 1995 May 29, 1995 Jul. 4, 1995 Sept. 4, 1995 Sept. 25, 1995 Oct. 4, 1995 Nov. 10/11, 1995 Nov. 23/24, 1995 Dec. 25, 1994 New Year's Day (observed) Martin Luther King's Birthday Washington's Birthday (President's Day) Passover Memorial Day Independence Day Labor Day Rosh Hashanah Yom Kippur Veteran's Day (observed) Thanksgiving Holiday (observed) Christmas Day * Please note conflict with Yom Kippur, Wednesday, October 4 ** Commission normally takes August as vacation** Note: In the event of cancellation or change of meeting dates, etc., the City Manager adjusts agenda review meeting dates. r RMC:REB.mw 12/16/94 432 .. PROPOSED 1995 CITY COMMISSION AND REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MEETING DATES COMMISSION & RDA MEETING DATES Wednesdays January 4, 1995 January 18, 1995 February 1, 1995 February 15, 1995 March 1, 1995 March 15, 1995 April 5, 1995 April 19, 1995 May 3, 1995 May 17, 1995 June 7, 1995 June 21, 1995 July 12, 1995 July 26, 1995 **August September 13, 1995 September 21, 1995 ~ October 11, 1995 ~ October 25, 1995 ~ November 8, 1995 n...~/ vember 22, 1995 'X' December 6, 1995 December 20, 1995 ,,-.. REGULAR AGENDA REVIEW DATES Tuesday 1 Week Before Meeting December 27, 1994 January 10, 1995 January 24, 1995 February 7, 1995 February 21, 1995 March 7, 1995 March 28, 1995 April 11, 1995 April 25, 1995 May 9, 1995 May 30, 1995 June 13, 1995 Mon., July 3, 1995 July 18, 1995 September 5, 1995 september 19, 1995 October 3, 1995 October 17, 1995 October 31, 1995 November 14, 1995 November 28, 1995 December 12, 1995 sun/Mon Monday Monday saturday Monday Tuesday Monday Monday Wednesday Fri/Sat Thurs/Fri Monday FOR INFORMATION ONLY - 1995 HOLIDAYS (For purposes of scheduling meetings, etc.) Jan. 1 / 2, 1995 Jan. 16, 1995 Feb. 20, 1995 Apr. 15, 1995 May 29, 1995 Jul. 4, 1995 Sept. 4, 1995 sept. 25, 1995 Oct. 4, 1995 Nov. 10/11, 1995 Nov. 23/24, 1995 Dec. 25, 1994 New Year's Day (observed) Martin Luther King's Birthday Washington's Birthday (President's Day) Passover Memorial Day Independence Day Labor Day Rosh Hashanah Yom Kippur Veteran's Day (observed) Thanksgiving Holiday (observed) Christmas Day ** commission normally takes August as vacation ** Note: In the event of cancellation or change of meeting the City Manager adjusts agenda review meeting dates. Richard E. Brown, City Clerk REB:mw 12/16/94 r- dates, etc., .' 433 . J CITY OF MIAMI BEACH CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH FLORIDA 33139 COMMISSION MEMORANDUM NO, ~ TO: Mayor Seymour Gelber and Members of the City Commission , RogerM,Carlto I" n J.- City Manager ~ RESCHEDULING CITY COMMISSION AND REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MEETING DATES FOR 1995 DATE: December 21, 1994 FROM: SUBJECT: ADMINISTRATION RECOMMENDATION: The Administration requests that the City COIlllllission review the attached list of regular meeting dates on the first and third Wednesdays, and also review the proposed list of alternate meeting dates and consider changing the meeting dates of the City commission and Redevelopment Agency as follows: in July from the 5th and 19th, to July 12th, and 26th; schedule a recess in August; ,...... in September from the 6th and 20th, to September 13th and 27th; in October from the 4th and 18th, to October 11th and 25th; and in November from the 1st and 15th, to November 8th and 22nd. BACKGROUND: To prepare the meeting schedule for the entire year and avoid conflicts, we are proposing various changes to the regular meeting schedule. The City Commission has usually scheduled a recess for the month of August, and has shifted the July meeting dates to the second and fourth Wednesdays in the month, thereby shortening the duration between the last summer meeting and the first meeting in September, and avoiding any schedule conflicts with July 4th. In 1995, Labor Day is Monday, September 4th. There is a likelihood that some residents, staff and Commissioners may be planning vacations through the first week of september, when the regular City cOIlllllission and Redevelopment Agency meeting would normally be scheduled. - Yom Kippur Commission scheduled. is and Wednesday, October 4th, when Redevelopment Agency meeting the would 431 regular City normally be AGENDA ITEM R - ~- L DATE--.J J-~ \ J1i..( ( lUfALYSIS: If the city commission approves the proposed, revised schedule of __ meeting dates for 1995, it should avoid conflicts in schedules. REGULAR MEETINGS CALENDAR YEAR 1995 COMMISSION & RDA MEETING DATES 1st and 3rd Wednesdays REGULAR AGENDA REVIEW DATES Tuesday 1 ~eek Before Meeting January 4, 1995 January IS, 1995 February 1, 1995 February 15, 1995 March 1, 1995 March 15, 1995 April 5, 1995 April 19, 1995 May 3, 1995 May 17, 1995 June 7, 1995 June 21, 1995 July 5, 1995 July 19, 1995 **August September 6, 1995 September 20, 1995 *October 4, 1995 October 1S, 1995 November 1, 1995 November 15, 1995 December 6, 1995 December 20, 1995 r- December 27, 1994 January 10, 1995 January 24, 1995 February 7, 1995 February 21, 1995 March 7, 1995 March 2S, 1995 April 11, 1995 April 25, 1995 May 9, 1995 May 30, 1995 June 13, 1995 June 27, 1995 July 11, 1995 August 29, 1995 September 12, 1995 September 26, 1995 October 10, 1995 October 24, 1995 November 7, 1995 November 2S, 1995 December 12, 1995 Sun./Mon. Monday Monday Saturday Monday Tuesday Monday Monday Wednesday FrL/Sat. Thurs./FrL Monday FOR INFORMATION ONLY - 1995 HOLIDAYS (For purposes of scheduling meetings, etc.) Jan. 1 / 2, 1995 Jan. 16, 1995 Feb. 20, 1995 Apr. 15, 1995 May 29, 1995 Jul. 4, 1995 Sept. 4, 1995 Sept. 25, 1995 Oct. 4, 1995 Nov. 10/11, 1995 Nov. 23/24, 1995 Dec. 25, 1994 New Year's Day (observed) Martin Luther King's Birthday Washington's Birthday (President's Day) Passover Memorial Day Independence Day Labor Day Rosh Hashanah Yom Kippur Veteran's Day (observed) Thanksgiving Holiday (observed) Christmas Day * Please note conflict with Yom Kippur, Wednesday, October 4 ** Commission normally takes August as vacation.. Note: In the event of cancellation or change of meeting dates. etc., the City Manager adjusts agenda review meeting dates. r RMC:REB:mw 12/16/94 432 .. PROPOSED 1995 CITY COMMISSION AND REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MEETING DATES COMMISSION , RDA MEETING DATES Wednesdays January 4, 1995 January 18, 1995 February 1, 1995 February 15, 1995 March 1, 1995 March 15, 1995 April 5, 1995 April 19, 1995 May 3, 1995 May 17, 1995 June 7, 1995 June 21, 1995 July 12, 1995 July 26, 1995 **August September 13, 1995 September 27, 1995 . ~ October 11, 1995 ~ October 25. 1995 ~ November 8, 1995 n...~/ vember 22, 1995 ~. December 6, 1995 December 20, 1995 r- REGULAR AGENDA REVIEW DATES Tuesday 1 Week Before Meeting December 27, 1994 January 10, 1995 January 24, 1995 February 7, 1995 February 21, 1995 March 7, 1995 March 28, 1995 April 11, 1995 April 25, 1995 May 9, 1995 May 30, 1995 June 13, 1995 Mon., July 3, 1995 July 18, 1995 September 5, 1995 September 19, 1995 October 3, 1995 October 17, 1995 October 31, 1995 November 14, 1995 November 28, 1995 December 12, 1995 Sun/Mon Monday Monday Saturday Monday Tuesday Monday Monday Wednesday Fri/Sat Thurs/Fri Monday FOR INFORMATION ONLY - 1995 HOLIDAYS (For purposes of scheduling meetings, etc.) Jan. 1 / 2, 1995 Jan. 16, 1995 Feb. 20, 1995 Apr. 15, 1995 May 29, 1995 Jul. 4, 1995 Sept. 4, 1995 Sept. 25, 1995 Oct. 4, 1995 Nov. 10/11, 1995 Nov. 23/24, 1995 Dec. 25, 1994 New Year's Day (observed) Martin Luther King'S Birthday Washington's Birthday (President's Day) Passover Memorial Day Independence Day Labor Day Rosh Hashanah Yom Kippur Veteran's Day (observed) Thanksgiving Holiday (observed) Christmas Day ** Commission normally takes August as vacation ** Note: In the event of cancellation or change of meeting dates, etc., the City Manager adjusts agenda review meeting dates. Richard E. Brown, City Clerk 433 REB:mw 12/16/94 r-