041-1995 DM - CITY OF MIAMI BEACH MEMORANDUM DATE: August 22, 1995 Departmental Memo 4L -19 9 5 TO: All Department Heads FROM: Jose Garcia-Pedrosa, City Manager 11 SUBJECT: ADA Policy and contractsNoidab~ Language Please find attached a memorandum from Raul Aguila, First Assistant City Attorney regarding Commission Resolution 95-21632 that requires all finns doing business with the City to be in compliance with ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) and related laws, to attest to their compliance, and to have in their contracts a voidability provision for non-compliance with ADA. /'""- If your department does its contracting through the Purchasing Department then they will provide the proper language in the contracts as well as provide the required affidavit fonn. If your department contracts without going through Purchasing then you must have the finns, businesses, professionals, etc. with whom you do business with execute the required Affidavit (attached) and [all] your contracts must include the language as written in the memorandum from Raul Aguila (attached). The executed Affidavits should be filed along with your copy of the contracts. If you have any questions please contact Raul Aguila, First Assistant City Attorney at X-7470. JGP:RF cc: Joe Pinon, Assistant City Manager Robert S, Fine, AlA, ADA Coordinator Judith Ford, Purchasing Director Raul Aguila, First Assistant City Attorney - enclosures: Raul J. Aguila Memorandum of Aug. 18, 1995 / Affidavit fonn F:IMJl.ADAIMEMOSIMEMOO I02.WPD CITY OF MIAMI BEACH r' FROM: Robert S. Fine, A.LA, ADA Coordinator Raul J, Aguila ~~ First Assistant City Attorney TO: DATE: August 18, 1995 RE: ADA Policy and City ContractsNoidability Language In accordance with Commission Resolution 95-21632 that all contracts with the City must contain language to the effect that if a firm doing business with the City is not found to be in compliance with ADA or related laws, the City may void the contract. The following language should be inserted into all City contracts: r- (Insert name of contracting party) agrees to adhere to and be governed by all applicable requirements of the laws listed below including, but not limited to, tho~e provisions pertaining to employment, provision of programs and services, transportation, communications, access to facilities, renovations, and new construction. The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA): Pub. L. 101- 336,104 Stat 327, 42 U.S.C. 12101-12213 and 547 U.S.C, Sections 225 and 611 including Title I, Employment; Title II, Public Services; Title III, Public Accommodations and Services Operated by Private Entities; Title IV, Telecommunications; and Title V, Miscellaneous Provisions. The Rehabilitation Act of 1973: 29 U.S.C. Section 794. The Federal Transit Act, as amended: 49 U.S.C. Section 1612. The Fair Housing Act as amended: 42 US.C, Section 3601-3631. r- (Insert name of contracting party) must complete and submit the City's Disability Non-Discrimination Affidavit (Affidavit). In the event (Contractor) fails to execute the City's Affidavit, or is found to be in non-compliance with the provisions of the Affidavit" the City may impose such sanctions as it may determine to be appropriate, including but not limited to, withholding of payments to (Contractor) under the Agreement until compliance I ,-. r r and/or cancellation, tennination or suspension of the Agreement in whole or in part. In the event, the City cancels or tenninates the Agreement pursuant to this Section, (Contractor) shall not be relieved of liability to the City for damages sustained by the City by virtue of (Contractor's) breach of the Agreement. Upon your review of the aforestated language, I would request that you circulate same to all City Department heads, Also, in the interest of time, I would request that you direct City Departments to the Purchasing Department for copies of the Disability Non-Discrimination Affidavit, as that is where I got my own copy. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. cc: Murray H, Dubbin, Interim City Attorney Donald Papy, Deputy City Attorney Jose Garcia-Pedrosa, City Manager Judith Ford, Purchasing Director RJAlbfg C:I WPWIN601 WPllOCSIMEMOS.RJAIPOLICY.ADA . DISABILITY NONDISCRIMINATION AFFIDAVIT CONTRACT REFERENCE ".- NAME OF FIRM, CORPORATION, OR ORGANIZATION AUTHORIZED AGENT COMPLETING AFFIDAVIT: POSITION PHONE NUMBER ( ) I, , being duly first sworn state: That the above named firm, corporation or organization is in compliance with and agrees to continue to comply with, and assure that any subcontractor, or third party contractor under this project complies with all applicable requirements of the laws listed below including, but not limited to, those provisions pertaining to employment, provision of programs and services, transportation, communications, access to facilities, renovations, and new construction. The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA): Pub. L. 101-336, 104 Stat 327, 42 V.S.C. 12101- 12213 and 47 US.C. Sections 225 and 611 including Title I, Employment; Title II, Public Services; Title III, Public Accommodations and Services Operated by Private Entities; Title IV, Telecommunications; and Title V, Miscellaneous Provisions. The Rehabilitation Act of 1973: 29 US.C. Section 794. ,,-- The Federal Transit Act, as amended: 49 US.C. Section 1612. The Fair Housing Act as amended: 42 US.C. Section 3601-3631. Signature Date SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO (or affirmed) before me on by (Date) . He/She is personally known to me or has (Affiant) presented as identification. (Type of identification) (Signature of Notary) (Serial Number) (print or Stamp Name of Notary) (Expiration Date) Notary Public (State) Notary Seal ".- The City of Miami Beach will not award a contract to any firm, corporation or organization that fails to complete and submit this Affidavit with the firm, corporation or organization's bid or proposal or fails to have this Affidavit on file with the City of Miami Beach.