024-2008 Status Report on the Normandy Shores Golf Course ClubHouseh 1CII8 AL~~ c0 Pty 4~ 45 C1Tr CLEr\~~ S Gi"FfC~ OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER MEMORANDUM no.024-2008 To: Edward L. Tobin, Commissioner From: Jorge M. Gonzalez, City Manager ' Date: August 20, 2008 Subject: STATUS REPORT ON THE NORMANDY SHORES GOLF COURSE CLUBHOUSE At this time, the replica club house project design is progressing on schedule. A JOC contractor, H.A.. Contracting, demolished the existing club house and has removed the debris. The demolition of the club house was completed on August 8, 2008. Currently soil borings and testing is in progress in preparation for the construction of the new clubhouse. The project has a total budget of $4,619,681. The current costs are $598,596 including $268,000 for design, $148,235 for additional design and demolition services, $44,904 for demolition, and $137,457 for investigations and pre-construction services. There are $3,000,000 budgeted for construction, $167,918 for CIP fees, and $43,219 forArt in Public Places. At this time, the project contingency and un-allocated funding total is $809,948. CIP has been in contact with the consultant, Architeknics, Inc. and with Coastal Construction throughout the development of the project documents. CIP staff has visited the consulant's office to review the progress and ascertain that the documents are consistent with the previous scope discussions. Coastal Construction has participated in constructability reviews and in advising the consultant on construction values as part of their pre- construction services already contracted. The design of the replica project is seventy percent (70%) complete. The plans should be ready for permitting on September 15, 2008. On that day, the City will provide the plans to Coastal Construction for pricing. Negotiations for a Guaranteed Maximum Price for the construction of the replica will begin in October 2008. It is anticipated that an item requesting authorization for this work will be on the agenda of the December 10, 2008 Commission Meeting. If approved, it is estimated that construction will be completed by March 2010. As the replica club house will not be built before the opening of the golf course, the City will lease atriple-wide trailer to serve as the temporary club house/pro shop. This trailer will be located to the north of the former club house. The City is presently coordinating utility services to this location. The trailer is scheduled for delivery next month, allowing time for stocking the temporary pro shop and club house and connecting utilities before the golf course opens. The Normandy Shores Golf Course is scheduled for opening by November 2008. This schedule required the completion of multiple, simultaneous projects including the golf course itself, a maintenance facility to operate the course, two restroom buildings, a cart barn to house the golf carts, and a club house/pro shop to arrange starting times, sell golf merchandise, and collect greens fees. The clubhouse is the only facility that is pending. c: Mayor and City Commission Tim He street, Assistant City Manager J r e hartrand, CIP Director JMG F:\CAPI\ hartran ormandy Clubhouse Memorandum 08-20-08.doc