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025-2008 Request for Information - Flamingo Park & Tennis Center
{;~~V~C~ !! 2008 AUG 20 P~ ~+~ 46 .~- ~`~t`~'~`: ! ~'~~~'~ '"'~~~~~.~~`~ I CITY CL t ~ K' S Q ~ F i Cf~ OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER MEMORANDUM no/025-2008 TO: Edward L. Tobin, Commissioner FROM: Jorge M. Gonzalez, City Manager DATE: August 20, 2008 SUBJECT: Request for Information -Flamingo Park and Tennis Center This memorandum is in response to your request for additional information on the Flamingo Park improvement project. The project is presently in the planning and design phase with initial priorities, as established by the City Commission, to construct a new Tennis Center, including the tennis courts and associated infrastructure facilities. To date, the planning and design development activities for the Flamingo Park Tennis Center and Courts have been occurring in parallel with the master planning activities for the entire Park. Planning activities for the Park so far have included: • City scheduled meetings with Park and community stakeholder representatives (Feb. 29, May 19, July 2, and July 14, 2008); • Site reconnaissance visits and analysis of existing conditions (April 10 & 23, 2008); • Establishment of overall design guidelines including; strengthening the Park connections to the neighborhood; enhancing and softening the park edges; enhancing and facilitating circulation through the Park ;enhancing interior pathways, shade and seating; enhancing lighting, security and safety; and enhancing and reinforcing open green areas; • Completion of a full site boundary and topographic survey; and • Moderating the Flamingo Park Charrette, held on August 6, 2008, at the Botanical Garden, to solicit community and other stakeholders' input and receive feedback on the various preliminary master plan options for the Park. The on-going planning process has involved the following participants and stakeholders: • Consultant • Parks and Recreation Dept. -CMB • Property Management Dept. -CMB • Capital Improvement Projects (CIP) Office -CMB • Green Square, the Flamingo Park and North Shore Park Tennis Centers management company • Police Athletic League (PAL) • Boys and Girls Club • Miami-Dade County Public Schools (Miami Beach Senior High School Athletic Dept.) • Flamingo Park Neighborhood Association (FPNA) • Area residents and community organization representatives, such as members of the Miami Beach Community Development Corporation and Historic Preservation Board (HPB) Additional stakeholders, such as the skateboarding community and members of the Collins Park Neighborhood Association also participated in the August 6, 2008, Flamingo Park Charrette. Several meetings regarding Flamingo Park have also been held with the FPNA, the most recent having been held on July 14, 2008, and attended by the project's Consultant. Flamingo Park and Tennis Center August 20, 2008 2 of 4 At this point, the proposed design of the Flamingo Park Tennis Center is being placed on the September 9, 2008, Historic Preservation, Board (HPB) agenda for review of the proposed design options. Once any applicable comments are incorporated by the Consultant into the Tennis Center design, the project will proceed into final design. With respect to the duration of the tasks associated with the completion of the design services, this scope of work includes architectural, engineering, urban design, and landscape architecture services for the planning, design, bid and award, and construction administration services. Once all applicable comments from jurisdictional agencies, staff and stakeholders are incorporated into the Tennis Center design, the project will proceed from its current schematic design phase into final construction documents. It is anticipated that this design production effort will take the Consultant approximately four (4) months to complete before documents can be submitted through all the appropriate jurisdictional agencies. The current City practice requires certain review agencies, such as the Department of Environmental Resource Management (DERM), Miami-Dade County Public Works Department's, Division of Traffic Engineering, and Florida Health Department, as well as internal City departments to receive design documents at various design stages and provide comments. As such, a design production effort with a six (6) month duration period for the completion of architectural and engineering documents for the Tennis Center is consistent with our current practice of review by multiple reviewers at various points of the process. Please keep in mind that this timeframe also includes the time necessary to present before the HPB or other applicable boards. The Consultant continues to make every effort to expedite the design development and construction documents of the project. Since April 10, 2008, when the first site reconnaissance visits were conducted, until August 6, 2008, when an additional planning session (Charrette) with the community was conducted, the Consultant has explored ways to accelerate the Tennis Center scope of work. They have already developed four (4) design options for the Tennis Center, and five (5) design options for the Park Master Plan. It is the intent of the Administration to further develop the Tennis Center/Courts option that received consensus from the stakeholders as previously identified (see Attachment). It is also anticipated that the timelines for completion of the Bid and Award phase and commencement of the Construction phase can be maintained at June 2009. The Administration will explore all construction delivery options available to the City to determine the one best suited to expedite the construction completion timelines of the Tennis Center and Courts and associated lighting, thus further reducing the current 12 month construction duration. One such option, that may offer reduction of construction duration timelines, may be the Construction Manager at Risk project delivery method. Although some tasks have been delayed, others have advanced further. For instance, the Final Park Master Plan (90 day duration) has experienced a delay with the completion of the required updated topographic and boundary survey. Previously estimated to be completed by July 2008, the Master Plan is now projected to be completed in October 2008. However, in an effort to accelerate other components of their scope of work, the Consultant has worked concurrently on the development of the programmatic/schematic design requirements for the Tennis Center and Courts, and the other Master Plan components. As such, it is anticipated that the Tennis Center design can be completed by March 2009, and construction completed as early as June 2010. We are committed to providing excellent public service and safely to all who live, work, and play in our vibrant, tropical, historic community. Flamingo Park and Tennis Center August 20, 2008 3 of 4 Please note below a summary outline of the revised project task milestones as follows: • Planning (Park master plan, previously July 2008) October, 2008 • Design (Tennis Center, previously February 2009) March, 2009 • Bidding and Award (Tennis Center, previously June 2009) June, 2009 • Construction (Tennis Center, previously March 2010) June, 2010 The commissioned Consultant for the Flamingo Park project is Wolfberg Alvarez and Partners. With respect to the competitive bidding process, on December 2006, the City Commission authorized the Administration to issue a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) No. 15-06/07, for architectural, engineering, urban design, landscape architecture, and construction administration services for the Flamingo Park project. On March 20, 2007, an Evaluation Committee (LTC No.052-2007) appointed by the City Manager convened, and ranked Wolfberg Alvarez and Partners (Consultant), as the top-ranked firm; Corzo Castella Carballo Thompson Salman (C3TS), as the second-ranked firm, and BEA International, Inc., as the third-ranked firm. On April 11, 2007, Resolution Number 2007-26503, authorized the Administration to enter into negotiations with the top-ranked firm of Wolfberg Alvarez and Partners. On September 5, 2007, Resolution Number 2007-26609, was approved, and authorizes the Mayor and the City Clerk to execute an Agreement for Professional Services with the Consultant for a not to exceed amount of $443,000. No other design firms have been commissioned to do the scope of work as identified in Request for Qualifications (RFQ) No. 15-06/07, issued in December 2006. The professional services fee includes all design services for the master planning, design development and construction administration of the entire Park, including the Tennis Center, and the Park general restrooms. The Capital Improvement Projects (CIP) Office evaluated and negotiated the fee for professional services with the Consultant, and found it to be fair and reasonable, for a not to exceed fee amount of $443,000. The original proposal submitted by the Consultant, including reimbursable expenses, totaled $540,000. Between October 2007 and January 2008, CIP staff met with the Consultant to finalize the scope of work, the proposed contract language revisions, and the fees. The fees are broken down as follows: $404,992, for basic services, and $38,008, allocated as a reimbursable expense allowance. This negotiated professional service fee represents (basic services only) a fee that is less than 7.5% of the initial estimated construction cost of the Park and Tennis Center Project -which was initially identified in the RFQ, as $5,500,000 -and within industry standards. It should be noted, that the estimated construction cost mentioned in the RFQ was not reflective of the funds currently allocated to the project. In the Capital Budget for 2007/2009, in the amount of $4,911,800. These funds now available however are sufficient for the construction of the Tennis Center and the Restrooms. Additional funds have been requested in the Capital Budget for 2008/2009, in the amount of $135,611. Further additional funds, in the amount of $3,546,979, will be requested to fund the Park's overall improvements, other than the Tennis Center and Restrooms, in the Capital Budget of 2009/2010 in time for the expected start of construction of those improvements. The negotiated fees for the Consultant are for the entire Park and Tennis Center Project as follows: • Planning Services $ 44,997 Design Services $ 266,160 • Bidding and Award Services $ 17,573 • Construction Services $ 66,262 • Reimbursable Expenses $ 38,008 • Historic Preservation Board Presentations $ 10,000 We are committed to providing excellent public service and safely to all who live, work, and play in our vibrant, tropical, historic community. Flamingo Park and Tennis Center August 20, 2008 4 of 4 The current budget level estimate of probable construction costs for the Tennis Center and the Park restrooms is as follows, with the balance of the construction budget available for capital improvements in the Capital Budget of 2007/2008, in the amount of $1,411,800, for the remainder of the Park: • Tennis Center (approx. 5,000 square feet) $1,750,000 • 18 Courts, including lighting $ 900,000 • Park general restroom building $ 500,000 • Construction contingency $ 350,000 Total estimated construction budget: $3,500,000 Additional information on the demolition of the Abel Holtz Tennis Stadium (Stadium), which has been a master planning objective for Flamingo Park improvements, is offered as general background information. During various community meetings, prior to commissioning the Consultant, staff had received numerous requests from neighborhood residents asking that the Stadium be demolished and the area converted to an open green space - prior to the completion of the Master Plan. On April 10, 2007, a request for a recommendation to the City Commission for a Certificate of Appropriateness for the demolition of the Stadium was denied by the HPB. Nevertheless, the Certificate was granted by the City Commission on May 16, 2007. On May 18, 2007, the first Notice to Proceed (NTP) was issued to a Job Order Contractor (JOC) to commence with the demolition of the Stadium and restoration of the area to an open irrigated green space. This scope of work commenced in May 2007, and attained final completion by the end of October 2007. The City received praise from the neighborhood during the recent Charrette for advancing the Stadium demolition and- creating additional green space within the Park. The Flamingo Park Charrette results will be summarized and presented to the City Commission to determine the final scope of work and possible phasing of Park improvements, since the desires of the residents and community may exceed the available funding. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. C: Mayor and City Commission Robert'C. Middaugh, Assistant City Manager Tim Hemstreet, Assistant City Manager Jorge E. Chartrand, CIP Director Att JMG JCC/MGP F:\CAPI\ a \Flamingo Park and Tennis Center Status Report.doc We are committed to providing excellent public service and sofety to all who live, work, and play in our vibrant, tropical, historic community. f" c.J ~~ ~~ ~: ,~ . k~ :~ h-, ~ ~ M ~ rv1 ~ '- ~ ~ ,Y .,~~ a, • ~ ~ ' ~ ~' ~~6s, ~_ ~ €-+ V ~ ~ 4~ ~ ~ ®~ C~ ®~ ° . ,°+ ~ ~ ~ i~ i e ~~ r ~.~ rw ~.u~ w ~& ,. .,r •oz~ 0o~m , LLws ~ c ~ «~ r.: ~ ?~° ~~~ w e. .i x 0 e •, :!t L. ~ 11 ,` 1 ~1 i'1 7.t .Le r ~ ~.{ '~ j ~ ~ w11 ~ ~':i t,,, l ` ~ ter„` ei-! ~ ~.. ~ ' l rq'.. . °' 'Z, ,.t 1. :1 ?,~ `- Z, 1{ -. ~ ~~:,` ~l ~'1 ~ ,~., X71 --~ ~ '+1 It _ZI :., ~ ~„{ 2{ ` ..F ~ .2t ~ ~ - 1 ~M .ii .~ `L~yy ~ `~ ~ wZ.! :411 ~ ~ `{ ~4 .~ ! +al ~:~1 ~ ~t `~,.. ~i .ti i.. ~ -..! La LM L+ ~..1 ` ,.Li .,; `~rf ~Lt ~-~a ;~ ter. ~%1 ~ , .:•1 ~x i ~ ~rS i'~ ~.. '1 a `' :.w .fie St :?M `' ,.,+ SI .LS %t ~l `t i.Zti "`~{ vl vl -L, ~„{ w .Lx 11 `" ~ 1 Ll.! :1 `~ 1{ .li li _I 11 ' 1! 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'~.~s ~ t r ~ (' P~1Plamiugo P:u6 ?INU;1Ntvd 1'r~ktmm~K'uMarcM~r nuseisgK-n6tdti nkrtiurt ath•rni:nx'wkx~~ 1500 `ir1\ REMO AVE3VUF., S[11T1= 3uO CpR~il_ C7A13LES, FLORIDA 33i4(~ II;LEI'HONt- (3(15) (~(,G-Sd7a r~:~ 0(11! ?~t1G 1H 000 ?354 at ntrt'crt ttt ~~` :' F.At:lAkk. ttl~G Meeting Attendance Sign-In Sheet :~ rrT add Project: Flalrlingo Park -Master Plan Meeting Date: August 6, 2008 Meeting Subject: Flamingo Park Charrctte WA.Project No. ?8U10.00 Location: Miami Beach Botanical Garden -Banyan Koom Name Company Ph(>!ne Nwnber t~,-mail AI'lti ~1cll'Cla, A111 Wolfberg Alvarez & Partnel:ti 3O5-fi66-54'74 ~S~t'~~1L`u'o~thit•galvarci.cont Aida Sanchez-Gomez, AIA WOlfberg Alvarez & Part-lel:ti 3()5-(ififi-5474 iisvuhczc',voln,ctealVBtY /..l't)ttt 1 :fir: ~.r~ ~_~~=- ~) ,~, r_; ~_.., .. , . ti 1 ~~ ~~t, ~ ~~, ~ , ; - . .~. r-r• ~~~.<< . ..~ ~~,>r, _.~! .~ ? -1~~'r. t~-~1~ ~tz:.~~-~~»t li~ .J. . ~~,77 j~ / C _.~ ~, ,~.~: ~ ~.~ . ,~j ~, , ~ j ~ ~ , ~ 1~ t z ~ ~~ . ,,- , ,,~ -~ , ~,~~ - t,,~ .~ _ ~ ~ ( ~:.~~>r Q I1'? t....l T1 W t~~''~~~-~!!~~ ~~ct~r7Uir)~G'~t" f+)(.t~~.~ . ,, (r~ (f ;~~,~~, A '~ \.. ` R.,., • 1 1 1 ".!~ ~ 1 ~'~p "~ . , ~t( j. , rl l3 `~'~ t ~~ ~ ~ Y74~ l ~ 4: ~1~~ t ~ ~ ~~ l~ ' r~ ; "\ r.~1.'h',,~ r ..: i- ~ ~ -~~~~Y'~ll~ V 'P~ °9 ,^ ~.,r ~ i ~ y ~.. \. l 1.. ('~ 4-•._... W. .~ (~ C 4..t Y ~ {.rtK 1 M~ IA. '+~~~t4 1~- ~ ~ R ~ v e ~~ ~?r~'~ M ~~ ("~(`r< ~~ 1'r\F~;mtoi~u n:a A.HUrK~N`nrd tRucr~~ing4lanl.•renee runengiR irl, eIF ttxrting ~uetnlurxeJtrc, 15uu SAN ItNMO AVENIaE, SUIT"h i(!Q ('ORAL (iAF31.rS, hL()RInA .~314G TELEPHONE i3(-51 f, (,b-S~t74 AA Ilfll) ?41(~ P{2 Iltlll ?"2S~1 f~-r~~(~v~--~-~ 1 t ~ ----- Original Message ----- From: Tobin, Ed To: Hemstreet, Tim; Gonzalez, Jorge Cc: " "RTWilliams@aol.com' < " 'RTWilliams@aol.com>; Broad, Anthony Sent: Wed Aug 06 23:34:16 2008 Subject: RE: Flamingo Park Tennis: Tim and Jorge, The Flamingo Park Tennis Center was once the site of the Orangle Bowl Tennis Tournament. The Tournament brought many stars and celebrities as well as great young tennis players. The Tennis Center was very very impressive back then. Over time the Tennis Center and courts have deteriorated. Many residents have voiced complaints for years. The prior City Commision at its March 2007 meeting (correct me if I am wrong on this date please ) directed the Administration to commence the rehabilitation of the Flamingo Park Tennis Center in light of numerous complaints over the years by residents about the condition of the Courts. That Commision recognized that the whole park was in line for a makeover but directed the Administration to not wait for a total park makeover to rehabilitate the tennis center. In May of 2008 I asked for an update on the status of this Rehab. Just days prior to the June 2008 Commission meeting, where the Commission was to receive this update, the Administration finally engaged a firm for design services for the Tennis Center (almost 15 months from the March 2007 City Commission directive ! ) At a minimum, in light of this history, the Administration should have taken charge of this project. I was recently provided the below timeline for rehabilitation of the Flamingo tennis center. The timeline shows a lack of urgency and is dissapointing. Project Timelines (Durations) for Tennis Center, Courts, Park restrooms only. Planning (90 days) July 2008 Design Services (180 days) February 2009 Bidding and Award (65 days) June 2009 Construction (365 days) March 2010 1. Can you please ascertain what was involved in the 3 month Planning Stage you referenced above ? 2. Who was involved in this 3 month Planning process? 3. Design Services- 6 months seems like a long time to do architectural and engineering plans. what is the scope of the design services referenced above? 4. who is the Architect? 5. Was there a competitive bidding process? 6. What other design professionals have we retained for the Tennis facility? 7. What is the total cost to the City for the design services associated with the tennis facility ? From: Broad, Anthony Sent: Wed 8/6/2008 10:31 AM To: Mejia, Dolores; Smith, Kevin; Hemstreet, Tim; Chartrand, Jorge Cc: Tobin, Ed; " "RTWilliams@aol.com' Subject: FW: Flamingo Park Tennis: Safety Concern (resend) Dolores, Good morning. In advance of .tonight's Flamingo Park Charrette and for ease of reference I have attached your e-mail from June where CIP establishes a timeline for a July completion of the planning portion of the project. Please make certain that this timeline is highlighted during this evening's discussion as I know residents and attending Commissioner's are very interested in this project as it has been on the drawing table for several administrations. Feel free contacting me should you have any questions. Thank you, Anthony From: Mejia, Dolores Sent: Wednesday, June 11, 2008 1:18 PM To: Tobin, Ed Cc: Bower, Matti H.; Libbin, Jerry;; Gross, Saul; Smith, Kevin; Magrisso, Julio; Steinberg, Richard; Buigas, Theresa; Wolfson, Jonah; Chartrand, Jorge; Weithorn, Deede; 'GREENSQUAREINC@aol.com'; 'RTWilliams@aol.com; info@gsibollettieri.com'; 'Proshopfrank@aol.com'; Gonzalez, Jorge; Hemstreet, Tim; Broad, Anthony Subject: RE: Flamingo Park Tennis: Safety Concern (resend) Importance: High Commissioner Tobin: Per your request, following please find the condition report and supporting photos of the current condition of the Flaming Tennis Courts. The current tennis courts at the Flamingo Tennis Center are at the end of their life cycle and in a less quality and condition than the standard in the industry. They are however maintained in as safe condition for patron's use. The base of each court is worn down which creates problems with poor drainage resulting in standing water or wet courts that take more than a day to dry and put back into play and clay runoff with the rains. The Flamingo Park Fastdry above ground irrigated courts do not meet the quality, playability and maintenance standards of the more advanced subsurface irrigated hydro-courts installed at the North Shore Tennis Center. Their condition and age are specifically why they are being recommended for complete demolition and replacement in the next phase of the Flamingo Park construction program. The courts are maintained as well as can be expected for their condition and age. The maintenance standards applied to the courts at the Flamingo Tennis Center are as recommended by the USPTA (United States Professional Tennis Association). According to the USPTA daily maintenance for the type of court currently installed at Flamingo (Fastdry) should include watering, brushing/ rolling and the sweeping of lines. According to Greensquare, the City's authorized tennis centers Management Company; they perform the following maintenance procedures on a daily basis: * The courts are watered to the recommended level by the USPTA after closing. Additionally the courts are watered at approximately 1:00 P.M. daily in preparation for the afternoon and evening play. There are also water hoses available at each court bank should a particular court be too dry so it can be watered as needed. * All courts are brushed daily in the morning, prior to opening by Greensquare staff. Again, this is in accordance with the USPTA standard. All courts are also rolled and "heavy brushed" at a minimum of one time per week with a mechanical brush/ roller unit. This removes heavy imprints and distributes the har-tru clay evenly on the courts. Additionally, manual pull brushes are available at each bank of courts should the players wish to brush their court while playing. * The line on all courts are inspected, maintained and brushed at least one time per day in conjunction with the brushing and more frequently if required. There are also two line brushes available on each bank of courts for the players use should they wish to brush the line on their courts. Loose lines are straightened, secured and brushed. According the USPTA (United States Professional Tennis Association) the amount of fastdry lost to wind, wear and wash will vary. The annual erosion factor on fastdry courts averages four tons per year. It is recommended that courts are reconditioned every two years. In November of 2005, following the serious damage caused by Hurricane Wilma, which caused the closure of the Flamingo Tennis Center for approximately seventy five days, the City retained Welch Courts Inc., to repair 17 courts. In order to restore the courts to a safe playable condition Welch removed the damaged court surface, resurfaced each court with approximately 1/2 inch of clay (according to Welch Courts Inc., 1/2 inch of clay equates to approximately 20 tons); laser grading, removed and reset the lines, inspected & adjusted the net poles and installed new nets. It was FEMA's position that the courts be restored back to pre-hurricane condition and any additional improvements would be at the City's cost. It was anticipated at the time that the courts were going to be completely demolished in the future so it was not practical to expend more than what FEMA was authorizing to restore the courts. Since the courts were restored in late 2005, Greensquare has maintained them in accordance with their contractually established maintenance standards. According to Greensquare, from January of 2008, to date, they have purchased and applied approximately 16 tons of clay. Greensquare also continues to apply clay as necessary. Additionally they patch and plug the courts as needed and continue their daily maintenance as stated above. Additionally, new net straps have been ordered and will be installed upon delivery. The irrigation system which is an above ground sprinkler system is old and in need of replacement. The system is repaired on an as needed basis but does not function nearly as effectively or efficiently as the subsurface (hydro-court) system at the North Shore Tennis Center. The Flamingo Tennis Center is monitored by the Flamingo Park Facility Manager, Mr. Andrew Plotkin as part of his responsibilities. Mr. Plotkin is in on-going communication with Greensquare personnel to ensure that all maintenance issues are addressed. It is the intention of the Parks and Recreation Department to insure the Flamingo Park Tennis Center is operated and maintained to the highest possible standards under the current conditions. Attached as requested, please find photos taken on 6/9/08 at mid-day showing the conditions of the courts both before and after players have used them. Photographs 2, 6 and 9 show court conditions prior to an hour of play and photographs 5, 7 and 10 after an hour of play. Status update of the Flamingo Tennis Center and Flamingo Park Master Plan: The Capital Improvement Projects Office has provided the following status update of the Flamingo Tennis Center and Flamingo Park Master Plan. Below is the established schedule for the activities of the full master plan for the park and specifically for the tennis center project. The consultant is working on putting the planning documents together based on the surveys and meetings he has had with the users and other interested parties. If the master plan is approved when it is presented to the residents and Commission, the timelines for each part of the projects is described below. There are some gaps between the timelines to account for resident meetings and commission action. The schedule has slipped from the original expectations because it took a while to get the contract executed and then to prepare the initial information and documentation necessary for the planning effort. We will try to expedite as much as we can but the effort needs to be thorough in view of all the stakeholders. We may be able to cut the schedule on the design effort. Project Timelines (Durations) for Tennis Center, Courts, Park restrooms only. Planning (90 days) Design Services (180 days) Bidding and Award (65 days) Construction (365 days) July 2008 February 2009 June 2009 March 2010 The above schedule is specific to the Tennis Center except that the Master Plan will be for the complete park which will include the Boys & Girls Club site and the possible development of the Property Management facility when it moves. Currently, the preliminary design of the tennis center facility at the agreed upon location, which is essentially where it is today, is underway at the same time that the full master plan is being completed. This has been done to try and gain some time and expedite the schedule. The schedule for the rest of the project will be determined after the Flamingo Park Master Plan is approved and the priorities are established in view of the fact that the funding for all that may be requested is not in place. If additional funding is identified at that time we will then prepare a full scheduled for all other improvements other than the tennis center and present it to the residents and Commission. Please advise if you have any additional questions. Thanks, Dolores MIAMIBEACH Dolores M. Mejia, Special Projects Administrator OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, FL 33139 Tel: 305-673-7010 / Fax: 305-673-7782 / www.miamibeachfl. <http://www.miamibeachfl.gov/> We are committed to providing excellent public service and safety to all who live, work and play in our vibrant, tropical, historic community. From: Broad, Anthony On Behalf Of Tobin, Ed Sent: Thursday, May 22, 2008 12:08 PM To: 'RTWilliams@aol.com'; Smith, Kevin; Magrisso, Julio; Buigas, Theresa; Mejia, Dolores; Chartrand, Jorge Cc: Bower, Matti H.; Libbin, Jerry; Gross, Saul; Steinberg, Richard; Wolfson, Jonah; Tobin, Ed; Weithorn, Deede; GREENSQUAREINC@aol.com; info@gsibollettieri.com; Proshopfrank@aol.com Subject: RE: Flamingo Park Tennis: Safety Concern (resend) Dolores, Good afternoon. I received the below e-mail from a concerned resident this morning. Please advise Commissioner Tobin with a condition report including supporting photos and immediately address any safety issues. Feel free contacting me should you have any questions. Thank you in advance, Anthony Broad x.6274 From: RTWilliams@aol.com [mailto:RTWilliams@aol.com] Sent: Thursday, May 22, 2008 11:45 AM To: Smith, Kevin; Magrisso, Julio; Buigas, Theresa Cc: Bower, Matti H.; Libbin, Jerry; Gross, Saul; Steinberg, Richard; Wolfson, Jonah; Tobin, Ed; Weithorn, Deede; GREENSQUAREINC@aol.com; info@gsibollettieri.com; Proshopfrank@aol.com Subject: Flamingo Park Tennis: Safety Concern (resend) Dear Mr. Smith, Mr. Magrisso, and Ms. Buigas, My name is Rich Williams, and I am a five year Miami Beach resident who uses the North Shores and Flamingo Park Tennis facilities. You may already be aware that the condition of the courts in those two facilities is quite different. The North Shore clay courts are in good shape, and I love playing there. However, the Flamingo courts are old and in a state of disrepair. In particular, the irrigation system is antiquated (above ground versus in the ground), and the court lines protrude causing an injury hazard. Net straps are old and difficult to adjust to the correct height. The playing surface is uneven and often excessively dry with clumps of clay. The result is that match play is often dangerous and unpleasant with the ball bouncing (or not bouncing) randomly. I would like to find out who is responsible for the underlying condition of those courts so that I can appeal to them to invest in improvements. I know there is a contract with Green Square Tennis and I have been pleased with my interactions with them. I see them making reasonable efforts to care for the courts, but the underlying conditions are very poor and beyond the ability of daily maintenance tasks to keep the courts in good shape. Basically, I don't know where Green Square Tennis' responsibilities start and end. I am aware that a plan for renewal was talked about and perhaps in place for after Wilma, but nothing happened. Did the funding go away? Did the plan get postponed? Is there a plan in existence? What can I do as a citizen to influence the decision makers responsible for the safety of our recreational facilities? I am copying the Mayor, the Commission, and emails I know are affiliated with Green Square Tennis in the hope that I have cast a wide enough net to find out who is responsible and what is the plan. Miami Beach is a wonderful home as well as a world class resort city. The tennis facility at Flamingo Park could be the jewel of Miami Beach with a very modest investment. It is time to bring the courts up to modern standards to ensure the safety of those who use the facilities. I would appreciate hearing the position of the City of Miami Beach Commission on this matter. Thank you very much for considering this issue. Best regards, Rich Williams 2545 Bay Avenue Miami Beach, FL 33140 305-968-6688 RTWilliams@aol.com Get trade secrets for amazing burgers. watch "Cooking with Tyler Florence" on AOL Food <ht~://food.aol.com/tyler- florence?video=4&?NCID=aolfod00030000000002> .