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Questions and Answers
k.X ~ _ ~:._ ~ s ~ ~~~ FA~`~LiTY ~. 5 C'~ ~~~r ~.~ ~c~~° ~~~~n~e~ ~ff~~t~ve ~~ F~b~uary ~.~ 200 The Passt~®~°t ~a~°d what is t~~ passpc~x°t cap°d~ "_o The passport card is a wallet~si~e card that can o~ be used for l~.nd and sea travel be`cween the United States and Canada, Mexico, the Caribbean9 and I-~er~n~dae '~hc card viii provide a Tess e~pensi~c9 sn~aiicr, and more convenient alternative to the passport book for those who travel frequently to these destinations by land or by ease ~o ~F~,~I'i'y .~d~i~ii 1, rl!~~!~1~ ~~~1~~~!:r:~.~!'~~~1 ~~~ (:~~ _l~ '_® ~;i~!:~s,c~N~y1vC'~:~~~',~9'~~~la"; ~arF~~I~~~~~E~i~~ ,;r~° C~b~rr~~:N~r~~`~ ~ o rI'he passport card is designed for the specific needs of the northern and southern border resident communities and is not a globally interoperable travel document as is the traditional passport book, V~Ihile the passport card has limi`ced use9 the passport book will remain the premier internationally accep`ced travel documents Qo I~idn9t ~an~r~ss just pass a iaw delaying passp~~r~~~ ~~~~~.~~~ ~~~~~~~t~ fir`a~i_~ land ~ord~~° crossings and sea tr°a~~l until June 200~`~ ~ o questions about the implementation of the ~Testern PIemisphere Travel Initiative (~1I-I'I'I) must be referred to the Department of I-Iomeland Security, which is the federal agency charged with deciding and implementing the documentary requirements, Dur role in ~TI-IT'I is to produce passport books and passport cards for international travel Please check the Department of ~Iomeland Security website at '~.tt~;;~!I~~~ Y~~~=,~.~~izs.vi~~cr~rlsec/cr~ss~,bL~~~c3A~1~_~~~.~e~~~:1~t~_for the latest information on travel document requirementso Qm ~®es the p~ssp®rt ca~°cl ~®ntai~a a.n electr®nic chi~~ Ao To facilitate the frequent trammel of ~n~ericans liming in border communities, and to meet the Department of ~Iomeland Security's operational needs along the land borders, the passport card will have a vicinity-read radio frequency identification ~l~'~D) chip, V~ith this technology, Customs and border Pgrotection inspectors will be able to access photographs and other biographical information stored in secure go~rern~~°~ent databases before the traveler reaches the inspection stationo Qm W®n9t this chip ~i®late Ae~°icans9 p~°i~acy~ Ao There will be ~o personal information written on the electronic chip Itself The chip will have only a unique na~mber linl~i~*lg the card to ~ shored record contained in secure government databasese ~o H®~ sec~~e is the ca~°~2 Aa The Depar'~ment has decided to use laser engraving and will incl-ode state-®~ the®a~~t secu~.ty features to m~t~gate against the poss~b~t~ty of counterfeiting and forgery, ~n addition, to mitigate any possibility that the card could be tracl~ed, it will be issued with a protective sleeve that will present the card from being read when not in use, ~Ie are taping eery care to ensure that this passport card i~ as secure as current technology perf~its, There will be no personal information ~v~~it'~en to the '1D chips Qe What is I~~'I~ '~'echn®d®gy~ 1~; radio Frequency ~dentif~cation technology ~~F~D) has been used success~lly along our land borders with Canada and ~eAico since 199 in the Depart~~nent of ~~omeland Security's 'erasted traveler progra'~ns, such as l~T~~JS9 S~i~TT and F~ST~ iJeS, border officials are able to expedite legitimate cross-border trammel and trade of those t~~~sted tra~~elers who carry 2 membership cards with vicinity read I~II~ chips that link to government databases. Membership in these programs cui~°ently exceeds X00,000. I~ technology has been commercially available in one fo~~n or another since the 1970s, It can be found in car keys, highway toll tags, bank cards and security access cards. The I~epartnlent of I-homeland Security9s ~uston~s and border Protection ~~~~) officers, who staff the ports of entry, anticipate that the speed of vicinity P®PII~ will allow CAP ofi~cers, in advance of the traveler's arrival at tlge inspection booth, to quicl~ly access information on the Traveler fi°om secure govers~nent databases, and allo~~~ 8or automated terrorist watch list checks F~r~thout ~mped~ng traft~c flow. In addition, they foresee that multiple cards can be read at a distance and simultaneously, allowing an entire car of people to be processed at once, The P.FI~ technology embedded in documents will not include any personally identifying information9 only a unique number that can be associated with a record stored in a secure government database mill be transmitted. ~0 ~~h~n w1II ~h~ p~ssp~~°t ~ar~ b~ ~va~~bl~~ Am ~e anticipate that the passport card will be available sometime in the sp~~ing of ~00~. hlowever, beginning l~'ebr~ary 1, IJeS. citizens will be able '~o apply in advance for their passpoL~t cards. At t:~is tune, we cannot give a specific date as to when prod~.~ction will begin on the passport card. ~e will continually npdate our vvebsite, http://travel.state.g~v, with information on the production sta~~'~ date. a why ~~~ y~~ acce~t~n~ ~~pllc~tfl®~s f®r t~~ passe®~°t e~.~ b~f®re it is b~a~~ pr®~uc~d`? Ao ~Ve are aware that some Americans, particularly along 'she borders, will want to have the passport card as soon as it is available. Por those customers, we want to give them the opportunity to apply for it in advance, ® 'h~~°~ ~.®~ a~PIY ~°®r ~ ~ass~®rt ~a~°~~ Ae First time applicants can apply at any one ®f eur ~,3G® passp®rt Appl_icati®n Acceptance Facilities across ~~~ ~®untry. Applica~~ts can 1®cate a facility nearest t® them by cl~ecl~ing cur ~~ebsite at ~~ttp:i/tra~el,state.g~v. Qo Can I apply f®~° the passp®rt ~~rd and ~ss~®~°t b®®k ~t t~i~ sa~n~ tune using the earns applicat~®n~ Aa des. Q® What d®eur~ents wid t need in ®r°der° ~® apply f®~° a passp®r°t ear°d~ Am The passp®rt card is a fuflly valid passp®rt that attests t® the ~J.~. citizenship and identity ®f the bearer. As such, the passp®rt card is adjudicated t® the exact standards as the passp®rt b®®i~, 1-~ppflycai~ts n~~~st pr®vide d®cL~ments vahich attest to their J.S. citizenship and identity s~~cfl~ as birth and nat'~ralizatien certi-~~ cafes. First time aduflt and min®r applicants under the age cf fl ~ ~ifll need t® s~~~n'~it a cc~pleted ~'®rn~ ~S~i fl ~'l~~ppflicati®n fcr a ~J.~. passp®rt~', 2 ph®t®s, evidence cf citizenship, 'she application fee fcr the passp®~~ card and the executi®n fee. These appflicants Unust apply ib~ pers®n at a passp®i~ Appflgcat~®n Acceptance Fac~l~ty. Adult appflicants with fuflly~valid passp©rts caL~ apply fcr the ;crisp®rt card by n~aifl by submitting F®rn~ D~m~2 °"Applicati®n f®r a ~J.~. passp®rt Icy I~aifl7°, 2 phct®s, fulfly valid passp®r~ issued v~ithin the fleet fzf~een years, and the passp®rt card applicati®n fee. please checfl~ ®ur ~ebsite, http://travel,state.~ov fer complete details ®n applying f®r the passp®rt card. ®w much ~~ the passp~r°t ear°d c~st~? Aa ~®r first time appflicants, the passport card mill c®st X45 fcr aduflts and X35 fcr children under the age of 1~, which incll~des the execution fee ®f X25. Adults with f~flly~valid passports issued within tl~e last f~fteer~ years can apply for the card by n~aaifl using For~rA ~~®~2, at a cost of ~2~-. 4 Qm why is the~°e an ~x~~ut~®n f~~ f®r the passpo~°t ~®®k and passp®~°t ~a~d~ Aa First tine applicants, n°~inors9 and those seeping to replace a lost or stolen passport must appear in person before a person authorized by the Secretary of State to gi~re oaths to ~~erify their passport applicationsa In order to offer American citizens convenient locatio~~s to apply for a passport, the Department of State authorizes passport Acceptance ~ gents to accept passport applications on its behalf the execution fee is to reimburse the acceptance fac~l~ty ~or the cost of t ne serr~~ce, ~6~~dh pro~Pdes an once Il~~~ae for them to act on behalf of th.e Department of Staten effective pebraary 19 2008, the execution fee per application will be reduced from X30 to X25, Applicants applying for both the passport boob and card simultaneously pay only one execution fee, ~o H®~ did the ~~pa~t~~nt ~f Stag d~~~d~ ~n the ~®st of t~h~ passp~~°t ~a~d`~ Ao Dur fees re~ sect the cost of pro siding passport services to the American public, per regulation, the Department of State employs an indepeg dent consultant to conduct per~od~c and regular cost of service studies to dete~nminc the cost of pro siding consular serviceso ~ he cost of service study indicated that the Department could issue a passport card at X20 for an adult and ~ 10 for a child, ~Tisih the yxecutpon fee of X25, the total cost for an adult is ~~5 or 37x5 cents per rnontl~P over a ten gear period, Q® ~~ dflp~®~n~.tk1~9 ®ffl~ga~, ®~° n®~f~~ ca~°ds be flssu~d? Aa 110, o ~ ~®n~ ~1~ ~t tai tai ~°~~~fl~~ a ~ass~®~t ca~d`~ Am once the passport card is being produced9 the processing and issuance time will be the same as for the passport bool~a por instance, the current turnaround time for routine service passports is ~ to ~ v~eel~s, ~Jp-to-date processing ti~~nes are located at ht;>'r't?'ayel.sta.te.~c~~o 5 o Can an a~~lieant ~°equest the ~6® e~~edited ser~ee f®~° the passp®~°t card`s A® expedited s~ir~~ice is net mailable ~~~ the passp®r~ card at this tirr~e, once we begin pr®ducing tl~e passp®r~ card9 ~e anticipate berg able to cY~er applicants expedited service, o Can an app~cant request ~~e~°n~~ht ~°etnrn del~~ery serve ~®r the passp®rt cards Aa Neither ®vernight ~°et-ern deli~er~ scice ~~~~ prierity bail service mill be availably f®r the passp®rt Garda Passpo~ c~.rds ~~111 be allcd t~ applicants using ~~rst Class l~/Iaal service, o mall the pay~en~t ®~ one ~~® e~pedflte ~°ee se~°ve t~ expea~~te b®th the passp~~°t b~®~ and passp~~°t ca~°d9 ? ap~a~~ed ~~~ at the same t1~e~ ~a Cur~°ently the passp®rt card is ~~®t in pr®ductis~n, once the passp®ri card is in p~°cducti®n then enly ene ~~~ expedite fee der the passport card and passp®~ b®ol~ v~ill be collected i ~ applied nor at the carne tine, 1~ the passport card and passpor~ b®ol~ are applied for at dia~erent ti~~es9 the applicant would Need to pay separate $~® expedite ~e~s i~re~uestede o ~~ an a~p~~cant a.~ready has a fu~lty®va-~d a.du~t passg~®~°~ b®®~ issued ~~th~n the fast ~~°~eeu years9 what ~°®~°~n sh®r~l~ be nse~ t® a~~~y ~'®~° a passp®~°~ card`s A® T'he applicant can apply fer the passp®rt card using either ~'orn~ DS-~2 er ~®rrn l~S-11 o If the applicant ch®oses t® a1:~ply using a DS-~29 he/she T must submit9 al®ng with the application9 the Willy valid passp®~ issued vaithin the last ~~~een years9 2 passp®rt photes9 and payment t® the ~epart~n~nt ®~ Stage in the a~~®unt ®~ ~2~, ~~° the applicant ch®oses t® apply using a ~5-119 he/she must submit a completed ~~r ~5-11 °'Applicatien nor a ~JeS, Passport°'9 2 phetos9 evidergce ®~ citi~enship9 tl~e application gee for the passpori card and the exeou~~o~. Leo, ~~~so a~~~~oa~ts ~s~ a~~~5~ ~~ ~o~°sor~ at a ~'~.sspo l~p~lzca~~or~ ~ooo~~a~~co Fac~~~~~, ~'~~s may ~~ ~~°~~o~a~~~ ~o ~~o a~~la~a~~ ~~ ~e/sho ~~as ~ro~~o~~ i~~oa~~o~~a~ t~°a~ro~ ~°~~~~~~~g ~~~o Aso o~ tiro ~ass~o~ ~ooe (~® fan ~®rs DS®649 a°St~.t~~nt ~~~a~°~.in~ ~ I~®st ®~° St®I~n Passp®rt°° ~.~d l)S~S6 ®°St~t~rnent ®f N®n~R~c~~pt ®f ~ P~ss~®~°t°°9 ~~ ~us~~ f®~° the p~ ssp®rt ~a~°d'? Ao ~'es, ~; ~®w s~®~~~ ~~ aq~~-~ca~t ~®~~~etIl~~ ~'~~°~ ~5~64 ~~~fl~at~ ~~at ~v~s ~®st ®~° st~n~~~9 Ila~o ~~ss~®~°t ~®®~, ~~ss~~~°t ~~~°d9 ~~° ~®t~'~ Ao ~~o a~~l_~oa~~ s~o~ld i~d~ca~:o ~~a~ ~~as ~os~ o~ sta~ry~~ ~~,~, ~ass~®~ ~o®~, ~ass~o~ ~a~~ o~° ~oo~~~ fl~ So~~~o~ ~ °°~,os~ o~° S'~o~o~ ~ass~o~ ~~~~~o~~~~ho~" ~~r~~~o ~~ as~~s ~oF~, ~~~?r~~~ a~~ o~ e~~a~ ~ai~o ~~~ ~~e doss o~° ~~o~ ~ay~o ~~~~~, ~m ~' ~~~®rtg~a~ ~ ~®st ~r st®~~~ ~~ss~®~t ~®~~ ®~° ~~~°~ ~~~~~~~~~t~ ~®~~ t~~ ~o~~ a~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~o Moo ~~~~r ~~~~ ~©s~ o~° sto~~~ ~~o~sy ~~®®~~, ca~~. o~'~ot~"~~, bol®oo~ o~ ~~~o ~5~~~9 ~~~~ 1~~ ~~~ra~~~ Boa rua~o~, a ~vv ~~~~ ~~®t~s ~~°~ ~~~~~~~~1 ~~~~ ~~~~y~~~ ~®~ t~~ ~~.ss~®~°t ~~~°? ~o '~~ro ~~~o~os a~°o ~°o~~~~od, s~o as ion a ~ass~o~ 1~00~, ~~ss~®~°t ~®®1k ~.~~ ~~.ss~®~°t ~a~°~~ Aa ~'~o ~~o~os a~°o x~~~2~0~0 a ~~~ t~~ ~ss~®~°t ~~;~~ ~~ ~s~~ t~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~ss~ ®~°# ~~®~`~ 7 A® ~'~so ® (:~.~ ~~ a~pli~~~~ page ~. ~6~ file sea~~h f~~ t~ ~pp~~ f®~° t~~ passe®r~ ~ar~? Ao Y~se ~'~~ sacs p~°~ced~x~~s ~~~iy ~s f®~° ~ ~~ss~® ~~®~, D®~s ~~ app~~an~ ~~e~ t® pad f®~° the r~ass~®~°~ ~~®~ a~~ ~aassp®~°~ ~a~°d sepa~r~~~fly~ Am I~T~, ~~ applica~~ a~ a~~ ~r~~ pa~~~ f©~ ~ ~~.ss~~ ~~®®~ a.~d ~r~.ss~®~ ~.a~d if ~.p~~?yi~~ f~k ~®t~ ~.~ ~i~~ sa~ae ~im~ ®~ ~~~ a~spli~~.~i®~n, ~~ ~~~s ~~ a~~~p~~~~~ ~'~~~~ ~~~~ ~~ aka s~pa~°a~~ ~~~~°~~s ®~ ~~±~ ~~°a~s~~~~a3 f~~ ~ ~~st~~~~° ~~ ~s ~~~~~~~~ f~~ b®n~ ~~ passe®~~ ~®~n1~ ~~~ ~a~~ att ~~~ sa~~ ~~~? ~o I~T~a ~ass~~~°~ ~~~°s ~~~ ~ass~®~°~ ®®k ~~~s h~~ ~ ~1~~ ~~~ passe®~°~ f®~°s b~ ~®s~~~d ~~ ~~~ ~~~s~~c~`~ ~a ~~ba~ 1, 2®d~, 3 ~~.~ ~~~ ~~~ ~ fees f®~° the ~~ss~®r~ ~®®k`~ Ao ~'i~°s`~ ~ig~ ~d~i~ ~.~~ii~~~~~s ~.s~ p~~ ~~~ $7~ ~~ssp®~~~ ~~®oi~ a~ipli~a~i~~ f~~ aid ~. X25 ~~~~a~~i®~ f~~9 f®~° ~. t®r~.l ~f ~ 1 ~~e l~i~®~ ~.~A~ii~~.~`~s under ~~i~ ~~~ ®f 1 ~ ~s~ i~a~ dp~~ ~~~ ~~.ss~~~'~ b®®~ ~ip~lic~`~i~n f~~ end ~. ~2~ ~~~cu~i~n f~~, f~~° ~ ~~~~.i ~f ~~~, 0 ~dul~ appli~ar~~s applying ~® r~~~~ ~l~~ir passe®~ ~ Z~us~ pay ~~~ $75 passe®r~ ~®®~ applica~i~r~ f~~, ~T® ~~~~u~i®~ ~~~ is ~~ll~~~~d ~~r ren~~al appiica~i®ns, Qo W the change ~n ~ass~®r°~ fees ~ffec~ ~p~li~~~i®~s a~°~ad~ ~n pr~ccss pry®~° t® F'e~rua~y f ? A© l~T®, ~o ~':~~ an ap~alican~ su~m~t a~ ®~d f®~° ~f a~~lyin~ f®~- a passe®~~ ~~®~ ®~~y~ ~o Ac~cp~ance facili~i~s sly®~ld use ~~e n~~ passe®r~ appia~a~i®~ ~s~r~s, ~~ g~~ ac~~ptan~~ facility d®~s ~®~ y~~ ~a~~ a supply ~~ t~~ ~~~~v ~~s, ~l~ey sh®uld d®~v~l®ad ~~c appiica~ic~s fr~ar~ cur ~°~sicc, h:i/t~~a~el.sta~c.~~~Y, o m ~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~~~~ s~l~~~~ ~~ ~~~ f~~~ if ~ppiyi~g f~~ ~ pa:~sp®~r~ ~~~°~~ ~® i~c, ~~~ ~a~cn~ C~nsc~~ o ~~~ ~ ~°~ ~fln®~°s ~°c~~fl~c~ ~® c~cc~~~ ~ ~n~ s~g~ ~~~ ~~mf f ~ Ao ~ffcc~ivc ®~ ~'c~ruary 19 2®®~, ~~®mparent ~®nscnt mill be required f®r min®rs under the ale ®f 1 ~e min®rs ale 1 ~ t® i ~ are required ~~ e~~ecu~e ar~d sigma ~~~~ ~S~ i i e ~i~®rs under tl°re ~~~ ®f 16 mill ~~ 1cn~er be required ~® e~ecu~e ~e ~Sm t 10