047-1994 DM .. .-- DEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM Departmental Memorandum No: 47 -19 9 5 September 13, 1995 SUBJECT: Department Directors Jose Garcia-Pedrosa ~ City Manager t" ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY MANUAL SMOKE-FREE WORKPLACE - #4.26.00 TO: FROM: The attached policy on "Smoke-Free Workplace" has been updated and should be replaced in your Administrative Policy Manual. -- IGP:pp Attachment cc: Mayor and Members of the City Commission Sergio Rodriguez, Deputy City Manager Mayra Diaz-Bqttacavoli, Asst. City Manager Dean Mielke, Asst. City Manager Joe Pinon, Asst. City Manager Harry Mavrogenes, Asst. City Manager Susan Hickerson, Credit Union Director r '. , , -- SMOKE-FREE WORKPLACE OBJECTIVE: In keeping with the Florida Clean Indoor Air Act, Florida Statute 386.201-211, the City of Miami Beach is committed to the promotion of a healthy environment. This includes the prevention of disease. Smoking is a major cause of preventable diseases and deaths in this country. POLICY: For the above reason and for the health and comfort of City employees, citizens and visitors, City of Miami Beach facilities will be smoke-free. Smoking or possession of a lighted cigarette, cigar, pipe, or any other lighted tobacco product is prohibited in all City buildings, indoor facilities or vehicles or during any public meeting related to City business. DEFINITION: 1. "City building" means any building or any portion of any building owned by or leased to the City and used for governmental purposes. - 2. "City vehicle" means any motor vehicle owned by or leased to the City and used for governmental purposes. 3. "Public meeting" means all meetings open to the public in City buildings. 4. "Smoking area" means any designated area meeting the requirements of this policy. PROCEDURE: 1. Smoking is prohibited in all City buildings including private offices, lounges, restrooms, elevators, stairwells, lobbies, reception areas, customer service areas and all City vehicles. 2. Each building or facility may have a designed smoking area putside the building, at least 10 feet from any entry to the building. Committees of employees, managers, smokers and non-smokers may decide the designated smoking areas for each building. r- - continued - 4.26.00 . . 0' ,-- Smoke-Free Workplace... Page Two 3. Property Maintenance will post signs designating all City facilities as smoke-free areas and signs designating smoking areas for each building. 4. Each Department Head, Division Head, and supervisor is responsible for monitoring the compliance of this policy. Every supervisor is responsible for enforcing this policy among his/her employees. 5. All employees are responsible for politely reminding visitors that their facility is "smoke-free" and advising them of the locations of smoking areas, if appropriate. 6. Employees may report violations of this smoking policy by filing a complaint with their supervisor or the Human Resources Department. All complaints, regardless of where filed, will be forwarded to the respected violator's department director for appropriate handling. 7. Compliance with this policy is expected and will be sought with thoughtfulness, tact, and the exercise of appropriate judgement. Employees who violate this policy will be subject to progressive disciplinary action. r- CONTACT Human Resources Department 2nd Floor, City Hall Miami Beach, FL 33139 (305) 673-7091 =================================================================== Florence Cohan PREPARED BY: Training & DeveloD. Coord. (NamefTitle) APPROVED BY: ,) C T. C. Adderly Department Di e tor DEPT. NAME: Human Resources ."-- APPROVED BY: rcia-Pedrosa anager (Rev. 8/95) 4,26,00