048-1995 DM CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 48-1995 DATE: September 15, 1995 TO: ALL DEPARTMENT DIRECTORS/DEPARTMENT HEADS FROM: Jose Garcia-PedrosaW~ARD City Manager SUBJECT: "ESTEEMED EMPLOYEE WARD" The City of Miami Beach has convened a panel to evaluate and select the winner of the "Esteemed Employee Award." All candidates will be recommended to the South Florida Employment and Training Consortium for competition in the Metro-Dade County's Award. Nominations are being solicited for the "Esteemed Employee Award." An "Esteemed Employee" is an employee for which a high opinion is held; is considered to be a great value; and, for whom his/her employer has high regard and respect as a person who has overcome a disability to perform above and beyond a satisfactory level of performance. The "Esteemed Employee Award" will be presented to the City's top 10 employees with a disability who has distinguished his/herself for his/her contributions to their department and/or service to the community. All entries must be received by Joe Pinon, Assistant City Manager, by Monday, September 25, 1995, with the name(s) of the employee and a memorandum which states why you the Director/Department Head/Supervisor feel the employee is meritorious of this recognition. Thank you for your cooperation and diligence in recognizing our employees JGP:JP:blbm cc: Sergio Rodriguez, Deputy City Manager Joe Pinon, Assistant City Manager Mayra Diaz~Buttacavoli, Assistant City Manager Dean Mielke, Assistant City Manager/Labor Relations Peter Liu, Executive Assistant/OMB Jack Lubin, Executive Assistant/Interim City Clerk