054-1995 DM
TELEPHONE: (305) 673-7010
FAX: (305) 673-7782
All Department Directors
DATE: October 16, 1995
Jose Garcia-Pedrosa In/
City Manager //(11
Airfare Discount for Travel on City Business
Attached is an article from The Police Chief magazine concerning the settlement of a
$40 million lawsuit involving the "State of Colorado et al. v. Airline Tariff Publishing
The settlement of this suit is that City employees, agents, or invitees of the City are eligible
for a 10% fare reduction on any published airfare for travel on City business on the
following airlines:
Alaska Airlines, Inc.
Delta Airlines, Inc.
TransWorld Airlines, Inc.
American Airlines, Inc.
Delta Airlines, Inc.
United Airlines, Inc.
Continental Airlines, Inc.
Northwest Airlines, Inc.
USAir, Inc.
This 10% discount became available on or about August 8, 1995, and is in effect through
February 9, 1997, or until total discounts to eligible government entities total $40 million,
whichever occurs first.
The 10% discount fare will be issued upon presentation of the following appropriate
evidence of eligibility:
a) purchase of a discount fare ticket with an authorized eligible government entity
charge card;
authorizing letter, on eligible governmental entity letterhead, stating that the traveler
is conducting official governmental business (the letter must include the traveler's
name, dates of travel and basic itinerary, as well as an authorizing signatur~
Department Memo
Airfare Discount
Page 2
October 16, 1995
c) executed eligible governmental entity travel request form and payment or executed
travel authorization form with official eligible governmental entity warrant or
approvals; or
d) eligible governmental entity purchase order for domestic air passenger
transportation services.
It should also be noted that at the time of the purchase of the ticket, the employeeltraveler
must inform the travel agent that the purchase is part of Prol;lram Code "Multistate" and
the CRS Code is "MS10".
The discount may be available on commuter carriers available for domestic travel on a
connecting flight involving a participating airline and any commuter carrier when the entire
flight appears in the computer reservation system "CRS" under the two-letter code of the
participating airline, Further, the discount may also be available on those commuter
carriers as listed in the article when the flight appears in CRS's under the two-letter code
of a participating airline.
The discount will NOT be made available for travel on any commuter carrier when the flight
appears in CRS's under the commuter carrier's own two-letter code; or for direct (i.e., non-
connecting) travel solely on any non-participating commuter carrier, even if the flight
appears under the two-letter code of a participating airline.
Please note that use of this discount for travel other than for official government business
may constitute fraud and will be prosecuted to the extent allowed by law.
f:\cmgr\$aII\:DEPT MEMO.95\airfare.dis
Mayor and City Commissioners
Sergio Rodriguez, Deputy City Manager
Dean R. Mielke, Assistant City Manager
Mayra Diaz-Buttacavoli, Assistant City Manager
Harry Mavrogenes, Assistant City Manager
Joseph Pinon, Assistant City Manager
Peter Liu, Executive Assistant to City Manager/OMB Director
Jack Lubin, Executive Assistant to City Manager/Interim City Clerk
Maria Ruiz, Bureau of Children's Affairs Director
Celia Borenstein-Locke, Fire/Police Pension Administrator
Margaret Arculeo, General/Unclassified Pension Administrator
buo. Gx..J r\'l-.<(l ..5e.c.. s-'Uff
" : - - LEG I S L A T I V. E ' ,A L E R T ' ,",
_ );, "^ ," \ , ~
10 Percent Airfare Discount Offered for
State and Local Government Entities
By Roy Caldwell Kime,
Legislative Counsel
lA]hen this article was written,Congress
" was on its August recess, and little was
going on legislatively in Washington, How-
ever, one of our members did send us som.,.
thing you may find interesting, It concerns the
settlement of an anti-trust action in federal
court. On May 10, 1995, the DistrictCourt of
the District of Columbia approved a $40 mil-
lion settlement in the case of Slllte of Colorado et
at v. Airline Tariff Publishing Co, The case began
when state attorneys general for each of the 50
states, the District of Columbia, Guam and the
Northern Mariana Islands filed suit claiming
the air1ines had overcharged governmental
have!. Rather than litigate, the air1ines offered
this settIement.
Beginning,A"g.'<t8, 1995[a 10percentdis-
count on the purchase of any published fare or
(non-federal) government contract fare in ex-
cess of $50 for official government travel will
be available from the air1ines listed below, Per-
sons who can take advantage of these dis-
counts are<!llll?loyees, agents or invitees of
each of the 50 states and several of itS posses-
sions and/or territories, and each of their polit-
ical subdivisions or instrumentalities, indud-
ing-but not limited to--stale colleges and
universities, counti~, villages, munid-
palities, school districts and special districts,
The 10 pelM\t discount will be available until
F....n'arv9.1<Jr7, or until total discounts to eli-
gible governmental enti~ million,
whichever occurs first.
DiscOlmt fare tickets for domestic air pas-
senger transportation will be issued upon pre-
sentation of apP19priate evidence of eli~ility.
Any of the following will constitute appropri-
ate verification that travel is being conducted
for the pwpose of official business on behalf of
an eligible governmental entity:
. purchase ofa discount fare ticket with an
authorized eligible governmental entity charge
. authorizing letter, on eligible govern-
mental entity letterhead, stating that the trav-
eler is conducting official ~overnmental busi-
nessftlle 1'Jt+A.ml1~tin{'11J Pthp~aveler's
name, dates of travel and basic itinerary, as
"I.e.ll as an authorizin~ sisnature);
. executed eligible governmental entity
travel request form (induding the llistrict of
Columbia's use oTtJ S. government Travel Re-
quest Forms) and payment or executed travel
authorization form with official eligible gov-
ernmental entity wanant or approvals; or
. eligible governmental entity purchase
order for domestic air passenger transporta-
tion services. --..
At the lime of purchase of the ticket, the
traveler must inform the travel a!tent that the
purchase is partofPIvgr~- Crll HUtllti~tate"
and that the "CRS Code"Js MSl0,
Thisdiscountmay be used on the purchase
of a ticket for dnm~til' travel with ~'ly of the
following participating airlli)es: Alaska Air-
lines,InC,;~Airlin ~ r'~ tinental
Airli~ T, Airlin:i~. N :west
Airlines, Inc.; TransWorld Airlines, Ioc,; United
AirJ..irieS. Inc.; ana u;o,J-\u. hLL.
The discount may also be available for use
for domestic travel on the following commuter
air carriers, With regard to commuter carriers,
the discount will also be made available for
domestic travel
. on a connecting flight involving a partic-
ipating airline and any commuter carrier when
the entire flight appears in the computer reser-
vation systems ("CRSs") under the two-letter
code of the partidpating airline; or
. on travel wholly on any of the following
commuter carriers when the flight appears in
CRSs under the two-letter code of a participat-
ing airline:
Air Midwest
Air WISCOnsin Air1ines Corp., dba United
Allegheny Air1ines, Inc, (formerly Pennsyl-
vania Commuter Airlines, Inc.)
America West
American Eagle
Atlantic Coast Airlines, dba United Express
Business Express, Inc" dba Business
Chatauqua Airlines
Continental Express, Inc,
Continental Micronesia, Inc.
Express Air1ines, Inc. L dba Northwest
Express Air1ines, Inc, II, dba Northwest
Florida Gulf
G.P. Express
Great Lakes Aviation, dba United Express
Jetstream International Airlines, Inc.
Liberty Express Air1ines
Mesaba Airlines, Inc" dba Mesaba Air1ines
Piedmont Air1ines, Inc,
TransWorld Express, Inc,
Trans Slates Airlines
United Feeder Service, dba United Express
The discount will not be made available for
travel on any commuter carrier when the flight
appears in CRSs under the commuter carrier's
own two-letter code; or for direct (i.e" non-
connecting) travel solely on any non-partici-
pating commuter carrier, even if the flight ap-
pears under the two-letter code of a
partidpating airline,
Please be advised that use of this discount
for travel other than for official government
business may constitute fraud and will be
prosecuted to the extent allowed by law. +
All Department Directors
DATE: October 16,1995
Jose Garcia-Pedrosa };J
City Manager fJ!1/
SUBJECT: Airfare Discount for Travel on City Business
Attached is an article from The Police Chief magazine concerning the settlement of a
$40 million lawsuit involving the "State of Colorado et al. v. Airline Tariff Publishing
The settlement of this suit is that City employees, agents, or invitees of the City are eligible
for a 10% fare reduction on any published airfare for travel on City business on the
following airlines:
Alaska Airlines, Inc.
Delta Airlines, Inc.
TransWorld Airlines, Inc.
American Airlines, Inc.
Delta Airlines, Inc.
United Airlines, Inc.
Continental Airlines, Inc.
Northwest Airlines, Inc.
USAir, Inc,
This 10% discount became available on or about August 8, 1995, and is in effect through
February 9, 1997, or until total discounts to eligible government entities total $40 million,
whichever occurs first.
The 10% discount fare will be issued upon presentation of the following appropriate
evidence of eligibility:
a) purchase of a discount fare ticket with an authorized eligible government entity
charge card;
authorizing letter, on eligible governmental entity letterhead, stating that the traveler
is conducting official governmental business (the letter must include the traveler's
name, dates of travel and basic itinerary, as well as an authorizing signatur~