058-1995 DM CITY OF MIAMI BEACH CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH FLORIDA 33139 OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER TELEPHONE: (305) 673-7010 FAX: (305) 673-7782 DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. se-19~s TO: All Department Directors DATE: November 9, 1995 FROM: Jose R~MATIO Garcia-Pedrosa City Manager SUBJECT: NOTICES AND IN N (Posting.of) Taping information on the walls of the elevators and on the walls outside the elevators defaces the walls and looks unprofessional. Therefore; new, glass-enclosed bulletin boards have been installed outside the glass elevators on the second, third, and fourth floors of the City Hall building. In the near future, Property Management will be installing a bulletin board on the ground floor near the new conference room, as well as at the rear entrance of City Hall. Additionally, there is a large bulletin board on the ground floor in the lobby area that is to be used specifically for posting City-related business information, and there are bulletin boards located in the various City departments. We also have some glass-enclosed bulletin boards on the outside wall at the east entrance to City Hall, and the City Clerk's Office has the key. Attached is a bulletin board key (unlocks all new bulletin boards) for use by your department. Please inform all your employees that they are to refrain from posting/taping any type of information in the elevators or on the walls of City Hall. JGP:DRM:Isg Attachment cc: Mayor and City Commissioners Sergio Roddguez. Deputy City Manager Dean R. Mielke, Assistant City Manager/Labor Relations Mayra Diaz-Buttacavoli, Assistant City Manager Harry Mavrogenes, Assistant City Manager Joseph Pinon, Assistant City Manager Peter Liu. Executive Assistant to City ManagerlOMB Director Jack Lubin, Executive Assistant to City Manager/Intedrn City Clerk Celia Borenstain-Locke, Fire/Police Pension Administrator Margaret Arculeo, GenerallUnclassi~ed Pension Administrator