LTC 216-2008 Weekly Meeting Notices 9/1-5, 2008R~C~Fl~IF~ '1+~~(~~~ 10f18AUG28 PM !~!8 CITY CL~ RK`S OFF iCE OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER No. sib-zoos LETTER TO COMMISSION To: Mayor Matti Herrera Bower and Members of the City Commission FROM: Jorge M. Gonzalez, City Manager DATE: August 28, 2008 SUBJECT: Weekly Meeting Notices for the Week of September 1- 5,2008 Attached please find meetings noticed in Thursday's Neighbors section of The Miami Herald for the week of September 1-5, 2008, published on August 28, 2008. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact the City Clerk's Office at 305-673-7411. JMG:REP/fs Attachment c: Robert Parcher, City Clerk F:\CLER\$ALL\aMEETINGS\Meeting Notices LTC\LTC format.no.changes.doc ! 17 ;` MEETING NOTI CES 0 N September 1 - 5, -2008 , ', MONDAY; September 1 ~ a City Hall Closed Labor Day , Q Holiday Observed !, ~ ' ! o: x TUESDAY, September 2 _ Design Review Board* 0 Commission Chambers I ° a.m. 8:3 Third Floor, Ciy Hnll ' ~ x 3:00 p.m• Bass Museum of Art Bass Museum Conference Rm. '; a ' ~ Search Gammittee 2 } 2 } Park Avenue ' _ _ -5:00 p.m. Golf Advisory Committee 2100 W ° h ngton Avenue o L 5:00 p.m. Budget Advisory _ City Manager's Large Conf.. Fourth Floor, City ball Room j z ; ~ Committee , 0 v I m WEDNESDAY, September 3 a`~ _- 6:00 p.m. Parks & Recreational 21~' Recreational Center 2100 Washington Avenue Facilities Board. m THURSDAY, September Q - rs . 9:00 a.m. Special Master Hearings Third FloornCity Hall ? 9:00 a.m. Minmi Beach Cultural Fou9hrFloor9City Hall Raom Arts Council , 1:00 p.m. Beautification Committee 2000 Convention Center 2.30 p.m. Finance & Citywide **' City Manager's Large Conf. Fourth Floor, Gty Holi Room Projects Committee , FRIDAY, September 5 ard of Adjustment* B rs i `. o 9:00 a.m. Thi d FloornC'ity Hap j * Aired o~ Atlantic Broadband/MBN 77 * * Commission Committee Meetings l~lAl~l11B~Al-~ We are committed to providing excellent public service and safehr~-to oll who live, work and ploy in our vibrant, tropical, historicaltommuniry. For any and/a all of the above meetings, one or morer membedr'~~ e~~Cy Bich City Commission moy be in attendance and po "pa Hall is located at 1700 Convention Censer Drive; and the Miami Beach Convention Center is located at 1901 Convention Center Drive. Any meeting may be opened and continued and, under such circum-stances, additionol legal notice would not be provided. To request this moterial in accessible format, sign language interpreters, information on access for persons with disabilities, and/or any accommodotion tOSe co t~y 305-604-2469a I o~t, in any city-sponsored proceeding, Plea 305-673-7524 Ifax) or 305.673-7218 ITTYI five days in advance to initiate your request. TTY users may also call 71 1 IFL Relay Service). A meeting. not noticed in the Week)y Meeting Notice ad and determined to be an emerge meeting wild be posted on the bulletin boa och6rao~r~iewcit~v/detots/ erk/c~k~ ..t,le nn the Ci1Js website at