004-2001 DM CITY OF MIAMI BEACH ~ Department Memorandum No. 4-2001-_- TO: Department Directors DATE: January 26, 2001 Division Heads FROM: Jorge M. Gonzalez ~V~ City Manager SUBJECT: ANNUAL SERVICE PINS AND SPECIAL AWARDS The Annual Service Pins and Special Awards Celebration provides us with an opportunity to acknowledge those employees who have contributed valuable work to the City. In the next few days, Human Resources will be sending out pins to each department for those employees who were not able to attend the official Annual Service Pins and Special Awards celebration. I encourage all Assistant City Managers, Department Heads and Directors, to take this oppommity to formally present the pins and acknowledge the service awards for the dedicated service of your department staff. JMG/Ic ~ c: Assistant City Managers Executive Assistants to the City Manager F:\CMGR\$ALL~DEPTIVIEMO,01~P1N .WPD