LTC 219-2008 Little Stage Theatertic ~' ~.: ~- ~ ~I ~-; i ZDQB SEP -3 APB II ~ 23 MIAMI BEACH . ~_.,~J ~;~--F,~~f OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER NO. LTC # 219-2008 LETTER TO COMMISSION TO: Mayor Matti Herrera Bower and Members of the City Commission FROM: Jorge M. Gonzalez, City Manager SATE: September 2, 2008 SUBJECT: LITTLE STAGE THEATER In an effort to analyze the potential capital costs for moderate improvements to the Little Stage Theater (Theater), in response to the community's interest to have the theater in operation prior to the forthcoming comprehensive Little Stage Theater Complex Master Plan renovation project, City staff has explored three (3) design options varying in range of scope. Option 1, interior aesthetic upgrades only, estimated at $100,000 - $150,000 with an estimated timeline of 4 months; Option 2, provide interior upgrades to meet minimum code requirements, as well as aesthetic upgrades estimated at $456,000 with an estimated timeline of 6 - 8 months, and Option 3, interior upgrades and limited exterior upgrades as proposed in the Consultant's Master Plan, estimated at $565,000 with an estimated timeline of 12 - 14 months. These are further described below: Option 1 -Provide interior aesthetic upgrades only This option would include minimal construction modifications that would only address the improvement of existing building finishes. No major work would be contemplated that would address existing deficiencies with the capacity of the central air conditioning systems or the electrical main panel loads. The lack of adequate electrical capacity may impact the type of programs that may be able to use this venue but programming similar to the one that was presented previously would be possible. In addition, although the existing restrooms meet the plumbing code with regards to fixture counts, the existing configurations do not comply with American with Disabilities Act (ADA) mandated requirements. As long as the restrooms are not modified the compliance with ADA will not be required. The HVAC system has not received maintenance since the building operations were stopped and therefore maintenance would have to be addressed. The consultant ascertained while visiting the site that the HVAC is operational even if it does not fully comply with current codes. However, similarly to other installations, if the system is not modified but only maintained to proper operational capabilities, no code upgrades would be necessary. This option does not anticipate any replacement of the existing windows or doors, which are not in good condition and which do not comply with current impact resistance. At this time, this option contemplates minimal internal renovation work to the facility and has not been reviewed by the necessaryjurisdictional agencies. In discussing the modifications with the Building Department they have stated that as long as improvements are minor and of a maintenance nature no compliance with current codes would be triggered. Modifications must be kept to a minimum. Permit reviews, if required, may result in additional scope of work and construction costs but is not expected. Letter to Commission September 2, 2008 Little Stage Theater Complex Page 2 of 3 The Capital Improvement Projects (CIP) Office staff estimates that this minimal scope of work will have a probable construction cost within the range of $100,000 to $150,000 and the limited work could be accomplished within 4 months. This estimate does not make provisions to replace the existing electrical wiring in the facility which has been identified to contain asbestos by a report recently completed. However, if the asbestos is not disturbed the code would allow operation of the facility under the current conditions. This option, however, could significantly reduce design, permit, and construction timelines as the proposed improvements are cosmetic in nature and can be considered maintenance related. ~N~~~~~ ~ - ~~~~~u~ irnenvr ur~graaes io meet minimum coae requirements This option would include capital improvements that specifically address compliance with minimum code requirements as included in the attached report prepared by Glavovic Studio, Inc., the City's Consultant for the Little Stage Theater Complex Project (refer to Exhibit A). The Consultant's Budget Analysis provides allowances for removal of damaged items, removal and replacement of existing electrical systems components, removal and replacement of air conditioning (A/C) systems components, selective removal and repair of broken window panes, removal and replacement of carpet in auditorium and lobby, new exterior door thresholds to meet ADA requirements, new panic and closer hardware on existing doors, wall patching and painting, auditorium seating replacement, plumbing fixture and accessories repair, roof the repair, new fire alarm system, and limited ADA upgrades (keeping existing restrooms). This analysis and design approach provides the general scope of the work. However, the applicable regulatory agencies would also need to determine the impact of the extent of the improvements recommended from the compliance with codes perspective. These improvements do not consider window replacement, roof replacement, exterior upgrades, or any comprehensive asbestos abatement. As long as these items in the existing building are not disturbed they do not have to be upgraded to new codes in orders to operate the facility. The Consultant has estimated construction costs for this option to be in the amount of $456,000. This option provides an estimated design, permitting, and construction timeline of 6 - 8 months. Please note these costs are conceptual at this time and have been prepared prior to submitting any construction documents to the applicable regulatory agencies for their review. In addition, other than an asbestos and initial vermin inspection, no other exploratory testing of the existing systems has been conducted at this facility. It is not anticipated at this time that presentation to the Historical Preservation Board (HPB) would be required since no exterior work is being proposed for the building's exterior(other than minor repairs) and no historical features have been identified in its interiors. Nevertheless, the improvements would need to be subject to the review of the City's Planning Department. This option further explores capital improvements as analyzed by the Consultant during the planning process of the Little Stage Theater Complex Project, subsequently resulting in the draft Basis of Design Report (BODR). Letter to Commission Sepfember 2, 2008 Little Stage Theater Complex Page 3 of 3 Rather than being dependent on the Carl Fisher Clubhouse for dressing rooms and backstage restrooms amenities, the Consultant is proposing to remodel the existing theater spaces and locate the restrooms to the north side and the stage on the south side, a reversed position from the existing layout. The Concept Design in the commissioned Master Plan proposes a new Pavilion Building connected to the Theater that would provide the adequate support and dressing rooms with direct access to the new stage area. The Consultant has estimated the probable costs for these capital improvements to be $565,000. This option provides an estimated design and permitting timeline of 6 months, and a construction timeline of 6 - 8 months. It is anticipated that presentation to the HPB would be required since exteriorwork is being proposed forthe building's exterior. The proposed renovation provides for 80 new seats (net increase of 5 new seats), and includes, but is not limited to, a new roof, new windows and doors, new mechanical, electrical, and plumbing (MEP) systems, and new interior finishes, including new acoustical panels over windows for light and acoustic control. A referral of the draft Basis of Design Report for the Little Stage Theater Complex to the Finance and Citywide Projects Committee (FCWPC) and / or the Capital Improvement Projects Oversight Committee (CIPOC) will be presented at the September 10, 2008, Commission Meeting for further discussion and guidance. Should the City Commission decide to proceed with any of the above options, additional funding, beyond the previously appropriated funds will need to be made available to fund additional architectural and engineering fees, construction costs, contingency, and other associated costs. Additional costs associated with AiPP, Construction Management, Contingency, and Equipment are customarily added to project budgets based on the estimated construction costs. Attachment C: Tim Hemstreet, Assistant City Manager Jorge E. C rtrand, CIP Director JMG/ J / /M P/NM F:ICAPII alll U ittle Stage Theater Complex\S-AcorntheaterlS-Acorntheater-021LTC1S-Acorntheater02-LTC.7.doc ~ xti i F3rC' A glavovic studio inc architecture + urban design 724 ne 3rd aye fort lauderdale fl 33304 I AA#0003643 ph 954.524 5728 fx 954.524 5729 www.glavovicstudio.com terence o'connor toconnor@glavovicstudio.com p. 1 of 5 2 September 2008 Nury Menicucci, Capita! Projects Coordinator Capital Improvement Projects Office 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, FL 33139 Nury, Regarding: An analysis of requirements to upgrade the existing Little Stage Theater building to make it "functional and able to be occupied in the near term". Introduction Glavovic Studio with our associated consultants DeRose Design Consultants, Inc (structural, mechanical, electrical, plumbing, fire protection), Thorn Grafton, AIA, LEED AP (historic preservation) and Alan Brown of Boyken International (cost estimating) surveyed the existing conditions of the Little Stage Theater building for master planning phase purposes only for the Little Stage Theater Complex project. Ir addition, programmatic information from City staff was issued to Glavovic Studio that included data critical of the building's inherent limitations to accommodate more than rudimentary theatrical presentations. Planning recommendations regarding the renovation, remodel and addition to this building derived from a consensus view of a broad range of assembled planning phase data, were pursued in the agreed upon master plan schemes presented to City Staff and documented in the draft Basis of Design Report (BODR). The request for assessment to retain the existing building (without regard to master planning criteria discussed in the conclusion to this budget analysis) to only estimate what minimum work would need to be done to occupy the building in the near term meeting minimum code requirements and a rough estimate of those associated costs was not a specified task in our contract with the City. In addressing this new request we have undertaken an explication of particular observed conditions with due allowance made for the inherent constraints of our mandated master planning research to describe this limited approach to renovation. No representation is made by this analysis to reflect a comprehensive and detailed investigation of the Little Stage Theater building as none was contractually obligated for the present planning p. 2 of 5 phase of our contract and therefore these conclusions must be weighed as only an estimate of the situation. Budget Analysis The following is a summary of the scope of construction work (hard costs only excluding all fees) according to architecture, structure, MEP/fire protection categories and associated budget allowances required to meet this objective: Architecture: (1) Removal of vermin & debris, mould & mildew, misc. stored materials, electrical system components (asbestos related), AC system components, broken window frames & glass, carpet, VCT and exterior door hardware & thresholds: The estimate price of approximately $16,000 will allow for 2 weeks fora 5 man crew, plus disposal. Abatement of asbestos will require compliance with OSHA regulations and specialized disposal. Since interior asbestos is limited to electrical wiring (which is defined below), we would suggest increasing the budget to $20,000. (2) Provide new carpet in auditorium & lobby: The auditorium & lobby requires approximately 180 SY, or 200 SY with 10% waste. Suggested budget of $25 per SY, or $5,000. (3) Provide new exterior door thresholds, panic & closer hardware on existing exterior doors: There are nine (9) doors. Suggest budget of $350 per door, or $3,150 to include time for fit adjustment. (4) Interior plaster patching allowance (for walls & ceiling due to electrical/AC system retrofit): Suggest 1 week for a mechanic and helper, at $55 per hour, plus $1,500 for materials and scaffolding, or $3,500. (5) New interior painting allowance: Suggest 1 week fora 3 man crew plus helper, at $125 per hour, plus $1,500 for materials and scaffolding, or $6,500 (6) Misc. carpentry repairs allowance: Suggested allowance of $2,500 p.3of5 (7) Allowance for fixing broken windows, glass replacement, caulking frames: ** There are nineteen (19) window sections- Suggest budget of $200 per door, or $3,800 to include time for fit adjustment. (8) Auditorium seating replacement allowance:* Suggest allowance of $325 per seat (incl. fire retarding) for approximately 75 seats, or approximately $25,000. (9) Existing toilet room partitions, fixtures & accessories repair allowance:'" Suggested allowance of $5,000 (10) Roofing: ""* Due to asbestos concerns, suggest allowance of $10,000 for repair of existing historic clay the roof. Architectural Budget Total: $85K Structural (1) No visible problems, however should require allowance for various repairs that will be found Mechanical: (total new system) (1) New A/C system -existing unit is under capacity for 70 person load occupancy and outside air requirements; required specification roughly 12 tons with a lot of outside air: Scope of work shall include: Removal of existing a/c equipment, ducts, air devices and controls. Provide (1) 12 ton compressor DX-VRV A/C unit outside with (6) ductless ceiling mounted fan coil units and controls. Provide new ceiling mounted exhaust fans in bathrooms with new 6" round ducts exhausting to outside. Provide attic ventilator fans with back-draft dampers. Mechanical Budget Total: $80K Plumbing: (1) No changes required'` Permit, testing, inspections allowance: $2K p.4of5 Electrical: (total new system) Scope of work shall include: (1) New fire alarm system: $15K Provide new standard panel (MS-92000DLS or similar) with remote annunciator panel New audio-visual indicating devices New addressable initiating circuits and devices Wiring shall be and connected in plenum rated fire alarm type cables (2) New main disconnect on the exterior: $15K 400A service meter and service feeder to 5 feet from the building (2 sets 4# 4/0 - 2 %"C each) (3) New panel: $15K 400A panel with new branch circuit breakers, lighting controls and homeruns to new lighting, power and equipment appliances and equipment (4) New exit and emergency lighting w/ battery-back up ballast in fixtures as required for emergency egress lighting: $5K All existing wiring insulation is cloth/asbestos and must be replaced as follows: (5) Provide allowance for demolition of existing: $SK (Note: Where installed concealed wall and ceiling patching shall be provided by others. GC shall allow at least a minimum of 15 sq-ft per outlet box. Asbestos/hazard material mitigation is by others) (6) Provide new power and lighting branch circuits: $25K (7) Provide new lighting fixture package: $15K (8) Ambient & theatrical & lighting fixture replacement allowance: $25K New stage LED type lighting cans, supports, wiring and 12 channel dimmer control system Electrical Budget Total: $120K Fire Protection: (total new system) (1) Fire sprinkler system is not required but fire alarm will need to be added (see electrical and ADA upgrade). *Caveat: ADA upgrade expense is dependant upon City Bldq. Dept. discretion if extent of repairs to existing building components warrant ADA upgrade. If so, ADA will affect increased construction costs to existing toilet room's configuration, auditorium seating & access and stage access: Scope of work shall include: (1) Add new hand-railing at bathrooms: ($1 K) (2) Add new ADA tank type toilets and lavatory in each bathroom: ($6K) (3) Add voice-evacuation features to fire alarm panel and wiring components: ($10K) (4) New Fire alarm devices in bathrooms: ($2K) p. 5 of 5 (5) New seating aisle egress lighting at auditorium: ($10K) (6) Sound system emergency disconnect fire alarm relay component: ($2K) (7) Dimmer panel all bright function fire alarm connection components and battery inverter: ($12K) ADA Budget Total: ($43K) Construction Budget Subtotal: $330,000 X 1.382 Markups & Burdens (Design Evolution, Gen. Conditions, Contractor Fee, Escalation, Insurance & Bonds) Total Construction Budget: $456,060 Recommendation (1) Since the costs associated with the above "minimal renovation" approach generate only marginal savings (20% approx.) over the "master plan" budget ($565,169) for the renovation and remodeling of Little Stage Theater, Glavovic Studio recommends the Master Planning Design approach to the restoration of Little Stage Theater. (2) Further reason to recommend the Master Planning Design approach aside from the marginal savings consideration is that the "minimal renovation" approach fails to address the serious underlying functional problems inherent in the existing interior space configuration, i.e.: lack of performance support spaces (such as dressing rooms, performer's toilet rooms and storage) that are currently borrowed with difficulty in the separate building of Carl Fisher Club House. (a) The physical separation (effectively the absence) of back stage support space from the stage imposes major theatrical production constraints. (b) Maintaining the existing interior space configuration of Little Stage presents a serious impediment to the construction of these necessary spaces. (c) Investment in maintaining the existing interior space configuration perpetuates its programmatic difficulties into the future. (d) Alternately, the Master Planning Design approach reconfigures the interior space to facilitate the addition of these necessary back stage support areas without compromise to the building's historic integrity. See caveat p. 4 "`* New impact type window and door replacement is preferred recommendation to ensure weather protection for new interior renovations. "'` Condition of existing roof decking beneath roof the is unknown. Recommend investigation of roof assembly components regarding asbestos report and extent of materials deterioration.