LTC 220-2008 BURN NOTICE - Filming this week, inclusive of simulated explosion'~ t= ~ ~s~ m /11AMIBEACH 2008 S~4~ -3 Pik 4~ ( 5 C11~Y CLE:~~~~'5 ur r ICE- OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER NO. LTC # 220-2008 LETTER TO COMMISSION TO: Mayor Matti Herrera Bower and Members of the City Commission FROM: Jorge M. Gonzalez, City Manager SATE: September 3, 2008 SUBJECT: BURN NOTICE -Filming this wee ~ clusive of simulated explosion This Letter to Commission (LTC) is to advise you of planned filming for the USA Network/ Fox Television produced television series "Burn Notice" scheduled for this Wednesday, September 3 through Friday, September 5 in the South Pointe neighborhood. While filming of this program and in this neighborhood is quite typical, I wanted to advise you the production will execute a simulated explosion of a delivery truck parked in front of the Atlantic Center at 119 Washington Avenue between 1 and 2 Streets this Thursday, September 4 from 1 to 4 pm. The actual process, inclusive of setting and cleaning up, should take no longer than two hours within that time period. The producers, director and effects specialist met with representatives of the City's Tourism and Cultural Development Department's Film Office and Fire Department last week to determine the appropriate conditions and requirements to achieve this stunt. The Fire Department will have a truck and crew on stand-by and the Police Department will coordinate a road closure of both north and southbound lanes with an approved maintenance of traffic plan. The production has distributed and received approval surveys from businesses and residents within a 500' area of the location, and the Film Office has communicated with the representatives of the South Pointe Neighborhood Association and South of Fifth Neighborhood Association. Our 911 dispatch will be notified beforehand in case of errant calls. Representatives from the Film Office will be on site to monitor the production. The effect is a simulated explosion, using a controlled propane tank and pre-detached debris that will land in the street and not damage property. The Film Office has secured a deposit for any unlikely damage, and the production also has the required insurance to cover any damage to public or private property. The scene will also involve the use of "squibs," or fake bullet hits, on the vehicle and other production-provided property. These have no projectiles and create afirecracker-like sound only. "Burn Notice" is USA Network's extremely successful summer series, seen by an average of four million viewers weekly, with production for the series mostly shot in Miami (studio) and Miami Beach. The show employs close to 200 locals and spends approximately $18 Million in South Florida each season. It also uses beautiful images of the City in each show. Season three was recently extended by the network, with filming to take place locally early in 2009. F:lcmgrl$ALL1HiIdaILTCsIBurn Notice Sept 09.doc