Ad #506 Notice of Public Hearings~! o N ". m W w c 0 0 a W Z S a f 0 r z E 0 A a x E m E IV~I ANA I B=~EAC H CITY'OF MIAM{ ~B'Eil~~F1: NOTICE OFPUBLIC HEARINGS NOTICE IS HEREBY given that a second reading and public hearings will be held by the Mayor and City Commission of the City of-Miami Beach; Florida, in the Gommission Chambers, 3rd floor, City Hall,'1700 Convention Center Driye, Miami Beach,'Florida, onaNednesday, September 17, 2008, to consider the following: • 5:05 p.m. Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 1335, The Classified Employees' Leave Ordma~ce iBya4reending The Rrdvisions.Of SectionB.For Use Of Sick Leave.- Inquiriesmaybe.dfrected to the Human Resources Department at (305) 673-7520. _ 5~5'p.m. Ordinance Amending The Gode Of The City Of Miami Beach, By Amending Chapter 106, Entitled '?raffic •And~Vehicies,"'By Amending Article li, Entftled "Metered Parking," By Amending Division 1, Entitled "Generally, "ByaAmending Section 106-55, Entftled "Parking:Rates, Fees, And Penattias;" By Amending Parking Meter Rates And Time Limits; Regulations Concerning Metered `Parking'Space Rentals; Temporary Residential Guest Parking Placard Permits; And Providing Minor Amendments For ConsistencyWtthin'Section 106=55:As'To Parking Department Operating Procedures And Modernizing Parking Regulation Terminology By Amending Division.2.:Eritttled "Residential Parking Permits" By Amending Section 106-79 Entftled "Issuance Of Permits; -Placement Of Signs" By Amending 'The Provisions "For Residential`Parking Permits. • Inquiries may be directed to the'Parkiitg Department at (305) 673-7275 _5:05 p.m. An Ordinance Amending Chapter 110 Of The'Miami.Beach City Gode Entitled'"Utrlrtres"'>Amending Article IV, Entitled "F~~Thereof Entitled And BIIIing Procedure 'fhereof•," Amending Division 2, Entftled "Rates, Fees grtd,Charga5;. ,13yDeleting Section 110:168'(6) "Sanitary-Sewer Service Charge," To Provide Additional Water Meter.Fees; And Also Amending Appendix A To Section 110-1 66, (Entftled "Fee Schedule,' To increase The Santtary Sewer Servlde Charge`Imposed By The City Pursuant To Sections 110-166 (A) And (B), And 110-968 (A). inquiries may be~directed to the Public Works'Departmemt at (305) 673=7080. 5.05 p:m. An~rdinance~Amtending Chapter 110 Of The Nliami' Beach:Clty Code, Entftled "Utilfties'"'By Amending Article III Thereof.F_rttttied "Storrnwater Utility,"?Amendfrig"'Section 110-109 Thereof Entftled "Stormwater Utiftty Fees," By Amending Appendix AThereof To Increase The Stormwater UfiiltyPSerytee-6heige-r#ritpesed By The City... .. ..Inquiries may be dir•ected.to.the P.ubiic Works Department: at 1;305) 673-7080. , _ +~. ,,~ , .~ - -~: - - - 05~p.rto, . , ~ , ,: 'An OrdinancefAmentlmg-The Mramr'Beach Ciiy Gofte~By. Amerid'mg :Chapter 90.,Entitled .Solid Waste °4By'Ametrdtn9:Artrole 1 zE~f]tled '"Iri3;ener~l,"~yY>,mendiifg;Sectron~90=2,~Entitled Definitions °.Bq<AmendingDs~in'ifiFid~`~cancAming Wastelle~iap,~y Ameu~d~gg'Jacticl~~ ~ry Entttfetf Private V11a~SecrrolfeCtors/Contrsctors B,y Amendir~gDiv)sidn 2, Entitled "License4And Permtt "~Bg2A•riendrrag,Se~Cti ,~ ~, '; ;~psl,gg*.9~~'g3 ~rtd•,g0-'~95fo GiaHfy'Prov~arons;Regatdmg Licenses, Partnits, lndemnfficatroh,Aod Insuran¢e~or Indepen~ ~. By.Amemtiing Drvlsibn 3 E,fttitled °Franchise .Of~rgcle IVBytAmending Sections 90-221, 90-222, 90-223 :9A-22.4..90-225 90=.?28 ~J0-~t3 -~~9p-Z~SO,iR~rd-gE1s233 By.At~ai9igg`Frandhise`Fee-Provisions Providing Provisions For Recycling And Waste'Comtr3ctors flVtth Regard'To ~FrertdHise"Feas,:Account ~i3'fdrinatiOn,'Monthly`Reaoris'The-Haritiling Of Complaints, Regulations For Serylang_Dumpsters; iyomPaEtors; AniS:Cartsge'FaciliGes Tha'~eiectton'Of Frenehise dfHasta`ContFactors, The Renewal Of. Waste Contractors+~lr"ranchiseggreement Contracts, ~._ . - -.r_ ,-.~:.:~,.-~..":be,..,".r,,,,, _anri'Tha~iw»icicFitibnG}f Franchises...6vtiUddiOgaA New Section :9Q-.:231-ToProvide Recycling ~ R uiratnet•~ st~1AI rttuactot`5;~1nd Etepumbenrl9Seotmns"90-232 Thaou~h-JO-"235~ccoromgry; ay rv~~tl~~v„~y .,~,•. .• ; "SPecrdity ~d},p,~~~~grttC(e~iY/fByAme~lrrrg SdbElaiLdron~'ll,_Entitled aRoltoff/Waste Container Corrtrlictors"'.By Artiehdirlg,5actiPps _: ' 190-2r78;rm~kf:50=281'Tc~Arite€td~Lioerise Rnd'P~rtntt{Requrrem And Fees, Providing Penalties For Faifurs'to Obtatn.AtPemik PrAVlding =. r . 'That"On'Sti'e'et i4trtl4bff~Street'P.ermit~Fees"Skrell;iBe ~Eha~etlfBKfiesolution After October 1 x008, increasing The:On.StreeT7+cnd Off .Sheet ` aP.ertnit~`Fees•From~'k6Sl'o'?Fo ~f8/o~'>i1fThe LaEeriseasTotali'lulorith)y~Gross Receipts'AtirendRf9 Monthly=Repott.Ancl Audft'Proviswns i4nd f ~ Adtlirlg~iderit~cfftion~Re~quiremertts~Rnd Location, Use,-Arid OVerf; bw Restrictions .i~Y~mentiing Subdivision III; Entitled "Recychng,Waste >. '_Contractors 'C~fYL1{visi6n~l~Yf ;grticleclV'_By""J+menderlg~ectron::~J(k307.WRh'Regard To The Expiration ~L~icensaS Arrd`.GreatuC9 5echon i ~ '•90~31DTgSStF,o~tn"'P~ejE~egulatlons••R,pPlicabie'To peoyClin9'V1a'~te Contractors. • Fingarries~rnaytbe~ifiredtedhotthe PrJblti:YWotks~L~&partmgtit ats(3U5~873-708a - _ ~ INTERESTED PARTIES ace invded.to.appear at.thismeeting, br.berrepresented.by•an agent, or to express thetr,naws in.~arttin~atttlressed ` to the .City Commission, clothe City Clerk, 17.Og Convention Qenter Drive, 1st Floor Crty~Hall, Miami Beach Fionda 33'N39'~piesvf " these ordinances are available for,public inspection during nortn$Ibusiness hours in the City~3lerk's Office "t~g0'f:onvsntion Cerrter.Drrve, 1st Floor, City Hall, and"Miami Beach,.Florida'33139. This meeUng?,may be continued and under such circumstances additl6~rtal~legal:notide ~ < would not be provided. - ` ::Robert E.'Parcher, City Clerk - i ~ City of. Miami Beach Pursuant to Section 286.0105, Fla. Stet., the City hereby advisesthe public that: if a person decides to appeal any decision made by the .City Commission with respect td any matter considered at its meeting or its hearing, such person must ensure that a verbatim recordrof the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is :to be based. This notice dges not `[ constitute consent .by the City .for the introduction .or admission,of otherwise inadmissible or im3levant evidence, nor does ft author¢e challenges or appeals not otherwise allowed by law. ' 't .` To request this material in accessible format, sign language interpreters, information on access #or persons .with 'disabrlfties, • and/or .i any accommodation to review any document or participate in #any city-sponsored .proceeding, please contact {305) 604 2489 (voice), - (305)673-7218(fTY) five days in advance to initiate your request. TTY users may also call 711 (Florida Relay Service). ..,Ad #506 ~