026-2008 Customer Service InitiativesR~~'~=~`~1~1~ 2008 SEP 15 PH 3~ 10 i,1TY CLErr{'~°~ 0~ i- ICE MEMORANDUM n0.026-2008 FROM: Jorge M. Gonzalez, City Manager DATE: September 15, 2008 SUBJECT: Customer Service Initiatives The purpose of this memorandum is to respond to your request for staff to evaluate the Customer Bill of Rights initiative in the City of North Port, Florida, which received the Florida League of Cities City Innovations Showcase Award. The City of North Port's Customer Bill of Rights (attached) initiative came as a result of efforts from a committee established to address customer service complaints. This initiative calls for the "customer bill of rights" to be posted in a hanging frame behind each customer-service counter in every City department. The City of North Port is also in the process of developing a training program for all employees. Our City's efforts to improve the level of customer service contain similar components but go beyond those of the City of North Port. Similar components include quality service, prompt attention, remaining courteous, providing accurate information, providing and receiving feedback, accessibility, and accountability. In addition, our City's customer service standards (attached} define for our customers exactly what to expect from our team members. From the quality of the greeting to offering further assistance after each customer request, our team members consistently serve our public with dignity and respect. As stated in our mission, we are committed to providing excellent public service, and, improving customer service and public perception of City government is an important part of this mission. As such, a series of initiatives have been implemented in the past few years to support a philosophy of service excellence within our City government, including: refining and deploying our customer service standards; developing a core on-going customer service training program, which is required for all employees at least once every 3 years; and re-introducing our `Service Shopper' program on an on-going basis. The Customer Service Standards established have been incorporated into the evaluation tools used by Service Shoppers and have been introduced to staff through interdepartmental workshops on Customer Service. In addition, these standards are posted throughout the City, including City Hall office receptions, park facilities and the Police and Fire departments. To support our customer service enhancement initiative, I have created a Customer Service Enhancement Team, which includes representatives from my office, the Office of Budget and Performance Improvement (OBPI), Police Department, Parks and Recreation, Human Resources, and Communications. The team is tasked with working directly with departments who need additional customer service training and/or request additional support to improve their level of service. This team meets to discuss and brainstorm ideas on how to further deploy and integrate our customer service philosophy into departmental initiatives and activities throughout the year. ~,... .,, The Service Shopper Program has been in place since 2005. This program was designed to evaluate service delivery to our public at the point of service. By measuring how well we are meeting our standards, we can more readily make improvements that meet the public's needs and expectations. The Service Shopper Program uses three evaluation methods: in-person shoppers; exit interviews; and, telephone requests. Our best source of service shoppers are our City employees and residents. Participants attend a training session covering program guidelines, procedures, and customer service evaluation techniques. Participants receive additional customer service training, learn about various City operations, and become a part of this innovative program to improve service delivery. The program has already showed significant improvement in the level of customer service the City provides. The latest Service Shopper scores show a 30.5 percent improvement from 2005/06, and the 2007 Community Survey results shows that 62 percent of the residents and 65.7 percent of the businesses surveyed agree or strongly agree to being satisfied with their most recent contact with City Hall, which is a 12 percent improvement for businesses from the 2005 survey results. In addition, frontline employees and those in direct contact with the community are required to participate in our Employee Academy. This academy is a 9 week program offered twice a year to provide information to employees about the City's departments, their functions and services. The academy also encourages better interaction among employees and communicates departmental expectations and philosophies. The deployment of the "Essential Piece" cards to all city employees reinforces our commitment to our strategic plan and how each individual in this organization contributes to who we are and what we do. At the forefront of this is our ability to serve the public in a manner that supports our mission, vision and values. Each year, we, as an organization, celebrate Customer Service Week. This is an opportunity to recognize those employees who have participated in one of our service excellence programs, or have exemplified outstanding customer service throughout the year. In addition, during our annual Employee Rally, I personally take the time to recognize employees who have received outstanding customer service score through the Service Shopper program, as well as reinforce the importance of their role in our organization's success. My administration will continue to pursue innovative ways to encourage and promote improvements in customer service citywide, as well as continue with the efforts already deployed and in place in our organization. If you have any questions or need any additional information, please feel free to contact me. C: Mayor and City Commission Kathie G. Brooks, OBPI Director Dolores Mejia, Special Projects Administrator Leslie Rosenfeld, Organizational Development JMG/DM/LDR F:\obpil$ORG DEV & PERF IMP\Organizational DevelopmentlJorge memorandumlSTEINBERG- Customer Service Bill of Rights (2).doc /bB Cb. .. ..~ ~ .~ ., .J hx.. PifP L,a ~.: o. ... ~:~ ~ .. P;.'k. . .._. E, v. `.e. ~ 4 ,~.~ : ~; r.' ('.Ti ..,. ,.,. . n ,