Notice of Proposed Tax Increase32 1 ~: o. N Q" W ' m '. W a ~., N Q CJ t N , W i __ s ~i -i ;` ~' ~( ~€ ~~ d~ i= f m` E CITY OF MIAMI BEACH NOTICE OF PROPOSED TAX INCREASE The Cit)r of Miami Beach has tentatively adopted a measure to increase its property tax levy. Last year's property tax levy: A: initially proposed tax levy :....................................$152,007,177 B. Less tax reductions due to Value Adjustment Board and other assessment changes ..:...................$ 4,042,686 C. Actual property tax levy ...................:...:..................$147,964,491 This year's proposed tax levy .........................:....................~ 152,229,784 Ali concerned eittzens are invited to attend a public hearing an the tax increase to be held on - • Wednesday, September 17, 2008, , 5:01 P.M. at 17.00 Convention Center Drive City Hall Commission Chambers, 3rd Floor Miami Beach, Florida 33139 - A FINAL DECISION on the proposed tax increase and the budget wilt be made at this hearing. ~ - -- Bi1DGET SUMMARY. CITi(OF MIAMI BEACH - FlSCAL. YEAR 2006109 THE PROPOSED OPEIIATI~IG BUDGET EXPENtfRI1RES ~ ' THE CITY OF MIAMI BEAGJFi ARE 6,39(, MORE THAN LAST YEAR'S TOTAL OPERATING EXPEIrDITURES. ' G.O.OEBT MiF%Y~L GLNEIULL ~ ~ SC-R1ACE .RDA EN16iPIM~ RIND Rl1D RI1AS fUFN% W191S TO7AL Nl~LBA18d~.lR011611f FORIBARD S 0. S 0 f 0 S 4,312,80D S 1,778,380 S x,111 Tsaes: MlSageFer51,000 Ad Yebrem 5.6588 (OgNSINp~ 5125.930204 517,950,335 S 0 S 0 514:4,7flA3! AdY~srene Q72274NOnn.8leoae4~ 98,981 f8,l81 Atl 17alsaua O.Z47S (ilabd DebO ~ 8.089,019 6,019A11! Franchise 10.541200 ~ Ut19, 13,460,550 416,88! 1>, Carverdton ~ 0 4.500,000 4,801,OM lkenses sled Fbrmile 14.807,042 14,8!7,!42 IntMgaremmental .10,001,420 2,405,168 ~ 12,418,QM 12retgeelaSenices 11,657,961 122,752,224 41,188,360 1l1,~I,QBi floes and FoA6Mem 2.075.000 Mderesl F.amirga 8.310,000 2,489.450 780,000 li579A5! Rents and Leases 4,483,002 M63A52 1lacellaneas 7,710,555 2,318.670 518,360. 10.678,550 OBearRrerlditgSstrcea ~ 29,027,99D Z0.~,~ TOpI RE11B1YES AN0O111ER gNANCl1680pICF8 5238,111,925 58,0l~,019. 517,850;335 5134.493,510 518,784,728 f443,3flb17 TODLL ES1gAl4T®IEYBItlFS AND 9ALAl0~ 5230.111,925 SB,fBll1! f17~50,385 519!,(08,110 569,i8i,1l1 5446,1!0,(77 GenerMGorerremeM E 34.469,551 t 0 S 0 S 0- (48,187,385 5 82,!59,!36 FIAIIC Safety .145,427,181 '- 145,427,1!1 Ri7sica151vivnment 1,621,794 84,588,125 98,291,(1( Tranepatatbn 4261,768 25,708,582 29,870,318 Fcawmic Envtronmert 1,071,574 17,050,335 18,921,909 Hunan Senices L250,079 1,250979 CuSure 8 Reaealbn 33,323,486 15,843,881 418,917,347 t4amendy Stares Obhkt i52,Z78 152,278 DeMSerrok:e 1,915,222 5,069,019 15,093,887 2,375,703 ?Ji,183.l31 OMer FireancNtq UeearCapBal Tragl~s 11,318,974 11,318,974 liRAl. ~ 5234,811,925 59,689A18 517,881,936 f121,03'l~25 550,693,018 5490,320,800 CanSngenc,AieserYea 1,30D,000 0 0 17,774,075 0 10.W4,076 TD7AL APPRD-RIA1®F]~6WIlU11ES AND IIE98lYF! 5238,111,925 SS,IN,019 517,85/,x,6 5138,BN$10 556,50.1,088 5449,488,877 THETENTATIYE, ADOP[E0, AND/OR FINAL DUD6ETS ARE ON FILE N THE OFfiCE OF THE A90VE FAENTIOIIEO iAXl46 AU~fORIFrlASA R1BliC.HE911ROt ~. r ^ .: .