Masferrer, Roy Concluded Letterm !/i!A^~11BEACH ~~ ~~' City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139, www.miamibeochfl.gov City Clerk's Office Telephone:305.b73.7411 FAX: 305.673.7254 CityClerk@miamibeachfl.gov September 22, 2008 Roy Masferrer 1900 Sunset Harbour #1009 Miami Beach, Fla. 33139 Dear Mr. Masferrer: On behalf of the City Commission, I want to extend' my appreciation for your services on the Green Ad-Hoc Committee. In 2007, the Ad Hoc Green Committee was formed by then Mayor David Dermer to provide a City focus on green issues. The Committee was specifically charged with several items regarding green initiatives and a specific charge to recommend an approach to deal with green issues long term in the community. In 2007, Mayor Matti Herrera Bower extended the Ad Hoc Committee so that they could continue and complete their work pursuant to the original charge. The Ad Hoc Green Committee has forwarded several recommendations and initiatives to the members of the City Commission and have also specifically recommended that the City Commission consider creating a Sustainability Committee as a standing Committee of the City of Miami Beach to deal with long term sustainability and green issues. The Committee spent a good deal of time actually considering the appropriate name for the Committee. A variety of different names were reviewed and ultimately the Committee felt that the use of the word sustainability conveyed a long term and broader purpose for the Committee that was more appropriate for its activities. The first reading of the ordinance creating the new Sustainability Committee took place on the meeting of September 10, 2008. The second reading of the ordinance will be on October 7, 2008. At that meeting, the City Commission will be making city commission appointments for this committee. If you are interested on being considered, please contact the City Commissions' office either by phone, mail or in person. Please be advised that as per City Code Section 2-23 "serving on more than one agency, board or committee", no person shall be appointed or elected to, or serve on, more than one agency, board or committee of the city. Sincerely, ~ Robert Parcher City Clerk c City Liaison Saul Frances, Parking Director ~~"~ F \CLER\~ALf \MARIA-M\6 & C\Green Committee Conclude letter 2008 Masierrer.docWe are committed to providing excellent public sen~ice and safety ro all who live, work, and play in our vibrant, rropicol, historic community.