005-1994 DM DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 5-1994 January 26, 1994 TO: All Department Directors o~ M. Cadt~n~ FROM: ~q~ty~Manager SUBJECT.' TELEPHONE BILLS- TOLL AND LONG DISTANCE ONLY Enclosed please find toll and long distance charges for your department. These bills are to be revised, approved and signed by the Department and ~'eturned to the DeDartment of ComDuters and Communications within five days. Personal long distance calls are prohibited. If an employee must make a personal long distance call, they should charge this call to their personal telephone or make the call collect. All long distance ca/Is required for City business shall be made utilizing SUNCOM. Departments that continue to use other than SUNCOM shall be responsible for justification and/or re/mbursement to the City. SUNCOM provides the City substantial savings for to//calls. I request your cooperation/n this matter. Should you have any questions, please contact Ms. Cheryl Gorchik at x7040. RMC:ah A ttachmen t cc: Eddie Cox, Senior Assistant City Manager Mayra Diaz-Buttacavoli, Assistant City Manager Cheryl Gorchik, Computers & Communications Director