007-1994 DM CITY OF MIAMI BEACH -- CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH FLORIDA 33139 ....,- OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER TELEPHONE: (305) 673-7010 FAX: (305) 673-7762 DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 7-1994 TO: All Department Directors DATE: February 1, 1994 FROM: Roger M. fto City Manager SUBJECT: ATTACHED NOTICE TO BE POSTED IMMEDIATELY NOTICE OF ELECTION ON FEBRUARY 15,1994 COMMUNICATION WORKERS OF AMERICA VIS CITY OF MIAMI BEACH V IS MIAMI BEACH EMPLOYEES BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATIONIPERC CASE # RC-93-052 In reference to the above-mentioned subject, attached Is a coov of PERC Form 77_ NOTICE OF .-- ELECTION from the State of ROOda. Public Emolovflfls Relations Commission (PERC), P1f1Bse immediate(v POST the attached NOTICE OF ELECTION in a consoicuous location on all the bulletin boards within vour deoartments and divisions. The NOTICE OF ELECTION is to remain POSTED untJ7 after the election on Februarv 75. 7994, P1f1Bse take rflBsonable steps to ensure that the Notice is not removed. altered, defaced, or covered by any other informational materials. If you need additional copies of the Notice, please call Mr, Mielke's secretary, Linda, at 673-7010, I appreciate and thank you for your attention and cooperation In oostino the Notice. and como/etina and returnina the Acknowledaement below, RMC:lg Attachments a:DEPT MEM()..LTCJI92CWA-PERC.~ cc: Eddie Cox, Senior Assistant City Manager Dean R, Mielke, Assistant City Manager Mayra Diu-Buttacavoli, Assistant City Manager Harry Mavrogenes, Assistant City Manager RECEIPT OF THE PERC NOTICE OF 2/75/94 ELECTION IS ACKNOWLEDGED & NOTICE IS POSTED (location of bulletin bosrd) ON (date) BY (signature) , (plflBse print name) at (department/division) .-- SIGN ACKNOWLEDGEMENT & RETURN IMMEDIA TEL Y TO CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE, ATTENTION: DEAN R. MIELKE, ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER/LABOR RELA TIONS. r r r . STATE OF FLORIDA PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RELATIONS COMMISSION PURPOSE OF THIS ELECTION To determine whether the eligible employef'S wane a representative for the purpose of collective bargaining with their employer. A majority of the valid ballots cau will determine the result. SECRET BAllOT The election will be by secret ballot under the supe,....ision of a Commission agent. Voters will be allowed to YOte without interference, restraint or coercion. Electioneering will not be permitted,. or near the polling placels). Violations should be reponed immediately to the Commission agent conducting the eleelion. A Commission agent will either hand a ballot to each eligible voter at the polliog place, or mail a ballot to each eligible yote" MARK YOUR BAllOT IN SECRET, DO NOT SIGN YOUR BALlOT, Fold the ballot and personally deposit it in the ballot box under the Sl..'pervision of the Commission agent. If a mail ballot, send it to the Commission in the envelope you receive with your ballot. A sample ballot appears on this Notice. ELIGIBILITY Eligibility is determined by your job classification. Employees eligible to vote are described under "Voting Unit" on this Notice. CHALLENGE OF BALLOTS The Commission agent, or any authorized observer, may question the eligibility of a voter. The ballots of such voters may be challenged. AUTHORIZED OBSERVERS Each of the interested parties may designate twO observers at each pollil1g place, The observers~ assist in the identification of voters, challenge the eligibility of voters, and otherwise assist the Commission agent. YOU HAVE THE RIGHT UNDER FLORIDA LAW, . To self-organization . To form, join, or assist employee org.Jnizations . To bargain collectively through a chO$fn representative . To act together for the purpO$f of collective bargaining or other tn\.Itual lid or protection . To refrain from any or all such activities Every effort will be made to protect your right to a free choice. Improper conduct will not be permitted. All parties ,re expected to cooperate fully with the Commission in upholding the basic principlts 01 a fair election. If ,gents of eith... the employee organization or the employer interfere with your right to a free election, the election may be set aside by the Commission. PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RELATIONS COMMISSION KOGER EXECUTIVE CENTER TURNER BUILDING, SUITE 100 2586 SEAGATE DRIVE TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32301-5032 904/488-8641 THIS IS AN OFFICIAL GOVERNMENT NOTICE AND MUST NOT BE DEFACED. 'IRC 'OR" 11