013-1994 DM ~ CITY OF MIAMI BEACH CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH FLORIDA33139 OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER TELEPHONE: (305) 673-7010 FAX: (305) 673-7782 DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 13-1994 PLEASE POST FROM: All Department Directors Roger M. CarltnCJ . . . (), I - City Manager~ DATE: March 15, 1993 TO: SUBJECT: MIAMI BEACH EMPLOYEES' BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATlON/PERC'S REVOCATION OF CERTIFICATION #388 Attached, for your Information and posting, is a copy of the verification of election results and revocation by the State of Florida, Public Employees Relations Commission (PERC) of the Miami Beach Employees' Benevolent Association's Certification. .-- The Benevolent Association's negotiated labor agreement and the Special Master's Report and Recommendations, which were adopted on February 16, 1994, by the Miami Beach City Commission, will remain in effect and will be honored by the City until such time as a new labor agreement has been negotiated between the City and Communication Workers of America (CWA) and approved by the City Commission. Effective as of March 11, 1994, the date of the City's receipt of the attached notice, the City Is no longer authorized to deduct the Benevolent Association's membership dues from City employees. As such, effective immediately, I have informed our Finance Department to discontinue a/l the payroll dues deductions for those employees previously COVIII"ed by the Benevolent Association's labor agrfHNTIent. P1f18se post this memo and its attachment, so as to inform the emp/oYflfls of the discontinuance of the Benevolent's dues deductions. Mr. Mielke's understanding, from a telephone conversation with Mr. Mike Grieco, CWA's Regional Director, is that CWA's intention Is that no membership d/Jesdeductlons will commence until a new labor agreement has been negotiated between the City of Miami Beach and the CWA bargaining unit. Once that Is accomplished, then CWA will submit to the City the authorization cards for dues deductions for those employees who desire to join the CWA's membership. We will keep you apprised as the negotiations develop with this new union. If you should have any questions, please call Dean R. Mielke, Assistant City MangerjLabor Relations, at 673-7010. RMC:DRM:lg Attachment a:DEPT MEM<J..Ll'C2/SI4 BNV-RVOLCRT r cc: Mayor and City Commissioners Eddie Cox, Senior Assistant City Manager Dean R. Mielke, Assistant City Manager Mayra Diaz-Buttacavoll, Assistant City Manager Harry Mavrogenes, Assistant City Manager IInl\-lU-~'l IOU 10'00 IIUL.L.l:.lt !HlIll. r"^ I~U. JUO Jllj JOlk: r. U<:: ~ \0 'd ~ E9 11:9t rnu ~6-0HMI ..: . , ~ '-oJ r STAft 0., FLORIDA PUBLIC BIIPLOYJ:IS RBIATIONS ~IBSION COHHUHlCATIONS WORJ<ElUl 01' UP:1UCA, . . Petitioner, : s s ea.e lfo. llC-U-052 v. . . . . s VBR:IJ':I~IJ':rOll 01' 1IlI'.1lIl!'I'tOIl DstlLTS I ,~IliDotI..:rt!AftOlf 0. RXOLURt:n t'lI\t".T.~ bRGAItJ'nIA ~~8_"TVI!: AND JtEVOCA'l'lOH OP CRM'YnOTIOH CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, : Respon<lent, I I : : I I v. InNa BDCIf 8IIPLOYEES BENEVOLENT ABSOCUTION. xnt.arveno;r. . . t I . . ,- V Paul A. Donnelly, AlaohU4. attorney for pet.itioner. Jalllea c. ero.land and lllbabeth 8. Syqer. MillJU., attoraeys for respondent. Neil Flaxman, Coral Gable.. attorney for ine.rv.nor. r A seoret. ballot election va. oonduot:ecl Pem:uary 15, 1994, 1n the followinq unit: . :IIl'CLUDBD: All regullal:. fUll-tillle City of Killlli. Beach aploy_ in the followint alaeei.tled j01) deGCript1ona1 aooount clerk 1. U and III, alb.miatrative aide I and II:. adllin- i.trative a..latant :I, adllinistl'atlve a8oretaqr, air condi tlon1nl1 hel.per. air oonditiolUnq aecha:lic, ~~1;11nq iMpACtor. buyer, OU'Jl*Dter, C1ivil anginMl' I aM II, olerk. clerk typi.t. code compliance ~ield lJUpervisar. oo4e oompliance offio_ I ll1'14 II, coin r90lIl lllonBJ' handler. OCJlI1IUaion reporter 1: and II, ............"ication. operator, c0lllllUl11oationa techniCliu I. counmitr aerv!cea .peai.lift. CIOJlplaint: operator n, data .m:ry alark, d!epatcher, dispatcher train... <!uplicatinq eqIIipaent operator, electrioal helper. electrical inspector, electrioian, elevator inspector, _~ineering ...ist.ant :I, r:I: and II!, 8lI9iDII~inq inspeotor, lirllgUard I . - . . ~ ~ - ~. "... ....... ~V v, I"v "",.v,", ................1.. II ~ II' ... . .... ...... ......", ...... "II! GO'd Ell WSI DIU. ",-QHIW . , . '-' '>J ~ RC-g3-052 - and 0:, litaguar4 l1eutalllUlt, ..aon, _.onry halper, II8<lhanical inspac;:tor, .U..U1lI u'lIi.tant., paint.er, park1nq lIJltorc8ll8Jlt apeoialbt 1 N14 II: , puJtinq met.- technio1_ I IUU1 :r:r, pera1 t: C11edr.. photoqraphDl:', planner, planninlJ teClbnl- cian, plumJ:ler, plUllJ)er helper, plUllbing 11lllpector, pOOL 9U&N I IJIcl II, and ..cretal:y. EXeLtmED; All unaqadal, oonfidcant:J.a1, aupervi- lIory, toporary and. casual ..loy..a, and aploy... currently ~...nted in other ~titled barqa11liDg' unit.. The election ru1l1ta are .. followlll 1. Approximate numb~ of eligible voter. 2. Vold ball0t8 3. vot_ cut for Petitioner " . vot.. o.llt for brt.rvenor 5. vot.. C1~ alJIlitl81:. participatinq OJ:9an1zatlon(.) e . valid vot.. ooun'tecl 7. Cbal1an984 ballot. s. valid vat.. counted plu.. challenqac2 belloa !iI. CballanCJ" are. not: euttlcililI11: to ~feot the X'..ult.s ot ~e eleotion. 298 o 124 .~ & 221 11 232 The ('-ie81on VBlU1PUS the resul'ta of the election con4uc- ted FlJbruary 15, 1994. fte CODmUn.1cationa Worke:nl of Amerio. receival:! a majority ot t:he va1id vote. plu.. challenged ballots. Pursuant 1:0 SectiOD 441.307(3)(b), Florida stat.uta., the ComlIIiallloft \OAKnlIES the COIP""\1catlon. WOrkere of AIlI.rioa (OR- ee-003) as t:he lIXclusiv. ba~a.in11lf repz-aaentllt.i... ror eIIIploye_ in the unit deaorlbec1 aJ:Iove. c.-tification n\Ulher In47 te issuec1 to the COIIlIIlUIlicat1olU1 Workers of America. Cezotitlo.t1on 11'-- 388, prevlowaly issued to M1&1111 Beach _lay.es Ben."olent: Aa8ooia~icm.. 16 hon-eby revolted. This ord8r may be appealed 1:0 the appropriate dietrict OOQrt of appeal. A notice of app_l ..u.t lie receiVed by the COll1lli..ion and the distriot oourt: of a>>Peal wit:h1n thirty days trom the 4ate Of th.111 order. Except in oues ot lndlqency, th. court will requiX'. II. r1ling tee Ilncl the C;:OIIlDis.1oft will require payment tor preparing t:hll. recer<< on appeal. Further explanation of the right to appeal i. provided in section. 120.68 and 4&7.504, F10rida Statute., and the Florida Rules of Appellate Procedure. a r- ."..,..,..,.. ..... ",. "",., ...",., ,""'...."'. .......... '.._......-.. .. - .... ............... . . ,EO'd ES ~1:9t nHl te-Ot-HVH . , . . '-' 'owl RC-93-052 r- Al1:.8rnat:ively, . .otton for r.eon8id~t.1011 _y be filed. The Dotion !ll1at 110 received by the CI:llDIission within tiftHn days frCllll 'the <late af this ord..... The !lotion shan etate. the parti- (llllar points ~ faot or law allegwdly oYm'lo0ke4 or lIiSllppre- hBJU!e4 by the C'......i.sion, and .hall not rMr9'hI ~ aeribl of the order. Par further explanation, reter to Plaric!a AdIlinbtrlltive COde Rule 38D-15.005. It ia 90 oz:denct. HORNI, Chainlan, SLOAN and AH'l'BONY, C....t..ion.r., ClOl1Clur. I HBRDY CBlTIlPY that _tbt. dOQUlllcmt __ ~11ed and a copy 8C1:t:'Ved on each party on ~1f-t ...:;. , 1!l!l4. BY; t.h.v~ O. Aj~~II.h 9'erk I tJ'J.a ~ ..-<~p; ~~',".It.,l~"; ,11.Y-, ...:,....4,; - ''''f~ ~"~~i\ · ~;, ~ .' . -- .....'. ,.._,1'" ~.'''..:' - '-:~..:"':,,:: ,~, , -- "/' ~ 1"". ....,7..... - .:-/ ;;.., ' . 1'i;_1 ~,,+, - .. to'c:->' ,', '.J:" , _r',' i '.....)' '/',' ~ - '.. .' "..' ..: I" ""'~'.- ::--l.,~-.., ,- 3 r ........ ..... ... ... ,.... "'(\1"1 Irl"ll"l , ...".....,............,. "...