016-1994 DM ~ .. r DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. ~6~94__ March 23, 1994 TO: All Department Directors FROM: Roger M. Ca city Manage SUBJECT CITY MANAGER'S CONFERENCE ROOMS r Referencing Department Memorandum No. 8-1992, this memorandum shall reiterate the policy for use of said rooms. The primary use of the City Manager's Conference Rooms are for meetings scheduled by the City Manager, the city Manager's Staff, or the Mayor and Commission Office. All future meetings to be conducted by other Departments are to be scheduled in any other available meeting room throughout city Hall. Only in the event that no other room is accessible, should you contact Amy Pinder, Executive Secretary, to inquire as to the availability of the City Manager's Conference Rooms. Thank you for your cooperation. RMC:ap deptmemo\confroom.323 cc: Ed Cox, Senior Assistant city Manager Mayra Diaz Buttacavoli, Assistant City Manager Dean Mielke, Assistant city Manager Harry Mavrogenes, Assistant city Manager Joe Pinon, Executive Assistant David Reddick, Public Information Coordinator Jack Lubin, Consultant ~ City Manager's Secretarial Staff ..----.--~ {-' IJ L..lt-\ -., -':~,"7"~_ , / - CITY OF MIAMI BEACH qry HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH FLORIDA 33139 OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER TELEPHONE: (305) 673-7010 FAX: (305) 673-n82 DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 8-1992 March 3, 1992 TO: All Department Directors ~ . - - FROM: Carla Bernabei Talarico City Manager SUBJECT: CITY MANAGER'S CONFERENCE ROOMS ,- In an effort to avoid scheduling conflicts with the use of the City Manager's Large and Small Conference Rooms, this memorandum shall serve to establish the policy for the use of said rooms. The primary use of the City Manager's Conference Rooms are for meetings scheduled by the City Manager, the City Manager's Staff, or the Mayor and Commissioners' Office. All future meetings to be conducted by other Departments should be scheduled in any other available meeting room throughout city Hall. Only in the event that none of these rooms are accessible, should you contact Roberta Sloane, Executive Secretary, to inquire as to the availability of the Manager's Conference rooms. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. CBT:rlr cc: Stuart L. Rogel, Assistant City Manager Peter F. Liu, Acting Assistant City Manager Eddie Cox, Executive Assistant ".- William H. Harrison, Executive Assistant Dean R. Mielke, Exective Assistant Milton Vickers, Assistant to the city Manager