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020-1994 DM
~ ~ ~ DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. _~- DATE: April 1, 1994 TO: All Department Directors FROM: Roger M. carlt~-. (J. - City Manager ~ SUBJECT: 1994 EMERGENCY DIRECTORY UPDATE Enclosed please find updated pages to be inserted into your 1994 Emergency Directory. Please keep your copy in a confidential location for your use. If additional copies are required, or updated information is available, contact my secretary Amy Pinder. Thank you. RMC:ap Attachments c:\wp51 \telephone\emergency.upd r- CITY MANAGER HOME ADDRESS CITY MANAGER Roger M. Carlton (Spouse: Beth) 12715 Rolling Road Dr. Miami, FL 33156 SENIOR ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER C. Eddie Cox 6445 S.W. 99 Ave. (Spouse: Dorene) Miami, FL 33173 ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER Dean Mielke 7720 S.W. 134 Terr. Miami, FL 33156 Mayra D. Buttacavoli 5451 Alton Road Miami Beach, FL 33140 (Spouse: Frank) r- Harry Mavrogenes (Spouse: Silvia) 7521 S.W. 92 ct. Miami, FL 33173 EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT Joseph Pinon (Spouse: Sandra) TO THE CITY MANAGER 14723 S.W. Miami, FL 42 Terr. 33185 SPECIAL PROJECTS COORDINATOR Kaslyn Mohamed 5838 Collins Ave. #llB Miami Beach, FL 33140 CONSULTANT Jack Lubin 2151 S.W. 87 Court Miami, FL 33165 TOURISM , CONVENTION COORDINATOR MiChael C. Aller r- APRIL 1994 PHONE NUMBERS 673-7010 (office) 673-7782 (fax) 667-8661 (home) 333-5183 (portable) 880-8031 (beeper) 271-2262 (home) 333-5914 (portable) 673-7800 x0002 (beep) 673-7870, 1000 (radio) 238-6751 (home) 343-8280 (portable) 880-2849 (beep) 864-9585 (home) (private/unpublished) 738-5963 (beeper) 335-2350 (portable) 673-7193 (office) 596-9671 (home) 673-7800 x0057 (beep) 673-7772 (fax) 551-8859 (home) 673-7800 x0578 (beep) 299-1686 (car) 868-7173 (home) 738-3516 (beeper) 221-2831 (home) 793-5044 (car) 798-2429 (car) 673-7010 (office) 886-4795 (beeper) 299-1687 (car) - COMMUNITY RELATIONS/PUBLIC INFORMATION OFFICE COORDINATOR David Reddick ASSISTANT Beatrice Nunez ASSISTANT TO THE CITY MANAGER Robert L. Reboso CITY PHOTOGRAPHER Ron Francis (Spouse: Elaine) - CITY LIAISON/SPECIAL EVENTS Susan Winn (Spouse: stuart) r APRIL 1994 HOME ADDRESS 3203 Bird Avenue Miami, FL 33133 2457 Collins Ave. #402 Miami Beach, FL 33140 1365 West 60 Terr. Hialeah, FL 33012 7782 Indigo st. Miramar, FL 33023 PHONE NUMBERS 673-7010 (office) 445-1894 (home) 738-3807 (beeper) 673-7010 (office) 538-8712 (home) 673-7800x0595 (beep) 673-7010 (office) 362-9301 (home) 673-7482 (office) 673-7010 (office) 1-966-7443 (home) 276-1931 (beep) 520 NW 137 st. (Temporary) 681-8467 N. Miami, FL 33168 4613 Hancock Rd. Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33330 680-3480 (home) 880-5734 (beeper) ~ DEVELOPMENT, DESIGN , HISTORIC PRESERVATION SERVICES HOME ADDRESS PHONE NUMBERS DIRECTOR Harry Mavrogenes (Spouse: Silvia) 7521 S.W. 92 ct. Miami, FL 33173 673-7193 (office) 596-9671 (home) 673-7800 x0057 (beep) 673-7772 (fax) DEPUTY DIRECTOR Dean J. Grandin, Jr. (Spouse: Valerie) 222 Aledo Ave. Coral Gables, FL 33134 673-7550 (office) 443-6353 (home) HOUSING , COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIVISION DIRECTOR Shirley Taylor-Prakelt (Spouse: victor) 376 Linwood Dr. Miami Springs, FL 33166 673-7772 (fax) 673-7260 (office) 885-0375 (home) MIAMI BEACH ACTIVITIES Agi Long ~(Spouse: Frank) CENTER (LOG CABIN) PROGRAM 8777 Collins Ave. #305 Surfside, FL 33154 SUPERVISOR 993-2008 (office) 866-8265 (unlist/home) REDEVELOPMENT SPECIALIST Marla Dumas 1145 Harrison Street Hollywood, FL 33019 673-7193 (office) 925-5711 (home) r ..PRIL 1994 ,- GENERAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR Natalie L. Tooks (Spouse: Melvin) HOME ADDRESS ADMINISTRATION CENTRAL SERVICES DIVISION 12810 N.E. Miami ct. North Miami, FL 33161 PHONE NUMBBRS 673-7411 (office) 688-6344 (home) COMPUTERS AND COMMUNICATIONS DIVISION MIS DIRECTOR cheryl L. Gorchik 7601 E. Treasure Dr. #2404 N. Bay village, FL 33141 TELECOMMUNICATIONS SUPERVISOR Joe London 7751 N. Bayshore ct. #6C Miami, FL 33138 r TELECOMMUNICATIONS ANALYST Linda Michols (Spouse: Richard) SYSTEMS SUPPORT MANAGER Eloy Bauleth (Spouse: caridad) NETWORK ADMINISTRATOR John Visser (Spouse: Felicidad) Gonzalo Gonzalez (Spouse: Veronica) APPLICATION SYSTEMS MANAGER Walter J. Coolidge, Jr. (Spouse: Christine) r APRIL 19114 12009 Landing Way cooper City, FL 33026 8447 E. Dixie Highway Miami, FL 33138 147 SW 154 Terr. Miami, FL 33187 3630 S.W. 139 Place Miami, FL 33175 673-7040 (office) 865-4910 (home) 673-7800 x0011 (b) 673-7040 (office) 751-4044 (home) 841-0622 (beeper) 335-0922 (car) 673-7043 (office) 1-432-8110 (home) 673-7040 (office) 757-7173 (home) 673-7040 (office) 238-7246 (home) 673-7040 (office) 225-0554 (home) 841-0598 (beeper) 2101 N.W. 104 Ave. 673-7040 (office) Pembroke Pines, FL 33026 305/435-8145 (home) 841-0620 (beeper) , , ,,- GENERAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT (continued) HOME ADDRESS MECHANICAL MAINTENANCE DIVISION SUPERINTENDENT OF MECHANICAL MAINTENANCE L.H. Bob Wells 530 S.W. 69 Terr. Pembroke Pines, FL 33023 SHOP SUPERVISOR Gilbert Novick SHOP SUPERVISOR Larry McPherson ~URCHASING AGENT rudi th M. Ford (Spouse: Douglas) CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR Al sprigIe ( Spouse: Donna) 660 Lenox Ave. Miami Beach, FL 33139 20861 N.E. 2nd Avenue N. Miami Beach, FL 33179 PURCHASING DIVISION 15591 N.E. 9 Ave. N. Miami Beach, FL 33162 5720 N.W. 199th st. Miami, FL 33015 BEEPERS IN PURCHASING DIVISION: 0024 & 0026 ASSISTANT DIVISION DIRECTOR Robert Thomas (Spouse: Emma) ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Clifton Cloud r APRIL 1994 SANITATION DIVISION PHONE NUMBERS 673-7641 (office) 1-961-3675 (home) 277-0879 (beeper) 673-7641 (office) 673-1395/538-9322 (h) 277-0880 (beeper) 673-7641 (office) 655-0444 (home) 277-0881 (beeper) 673-7492 (office) 947-3955 (home) 673-7851 (fax) 673-7497 (office) 623-0787 (home) 10504 NW 7th Street 673-7480 (office) Pembroke Pines, FL 33026 696-2546 (home) 437-0475 (Broward) 673-7074 (fax) 839-2075 (beeper) 673-7010 (office) 673-7800 x0590 (beep) ,- GENERAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT (continued) HOME ADDRESS PHONE NUMBERS WAREHOUSE DIVISION WAREHOUSE SUPERVISOR Bernard stein 12902 S.W. 112 Place Miami, FL 33176 673-7670 (office) 232-1422 (home) 673-7851 (fax) r r APRIL 1994