026-1994 DM DEPARTHENT HEHORANDUFI NO. April ! 9, ! 994 TO: . All Department Directors and City ManaGer's Staff FROM: Roger M. Car~ City Manager SUBJECT: PROPER PROCEDURES FO PREPARING THE COHIq!SSION AGOIDA Please be advised Chat effective immediatel f all Department Directors are to have their personnel adhere to the following prccedures for preparing the Commission AGenda: All paperwork is to be on lena I size paper. If a Department does not have a xerox machine with the legal paper capacity, they may use the City ManaGer's xerox machine 2. Do not submit any folded map:, diagrams, etc. Maps, diagrams, etc., ~e larger than 8 !/2 x ! ~1 must be reduced onto legal size paper. 3. No startles. Only use paper d ~s or binder clips. 4. Long tides. Staff who are esponsible for typing a Commission Memorandum must contact Pane Hines, Agenda Coordinator, at #7010, co ask her when they should bring their disk to her in order that the title may be copied. 5. Titles must be Given to the Aa enda Coordinator as soon as they are completed. 6. The date of the Commission M. ednG is to be typed on the Commission Memorandum. 7. Submissions mnst be checked or typographical errors. 8. Make sure thai all ~ases in y~ ,,r document are in order and thai the attachments are also in order. 9. It is the staff members responsl bility to make sure their submission has received all required signatom (i.e. Legal, Budget) before submitting document to the Agenda Coor~ inator for the City ManaGer's signature. ! 0. It is the responsibility of each Department Director to make sure that all of their submissions for the Commission Agenda are being completed in a dinely fashion. It is NOT the AGenda Coordinator's respo asibility to do the Department's work. It is unconscionable for my staff to work m an Agenda until I :00 a.m., and the Central Services staff to deliver the fini: hed product at 4:00 a.m. Effective immedjateJy, ALL staff will remain at City H ill unUl the Agenda is completed. There will be NO EXCEPTIONS. RMC:Icd cc: City Manager's Staff