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037-1994 DM
. .-- DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: DEPARTIIENT JIEMORANDDM NO. 37-1994 June 14, 1994 All Department Directors Roger M, Carlton () I' ..,1 City Manager ,\..../' HURRICANE JlfATCH (DRILL) On Monday, June 13, 1994, at 12:15 pm, Mr, Joe Pinon, Assistant City Manager/Hurricane Preparedness Coordinator, was notified by the Metro-Dade Office. of Emergency Management that a Hurricane Watch (Drill) had been issued, It is essential that you submit the following information, prior to 1700 hours (5:00 pm) this date, The information required is in your Hurricane Manual, and is as follows: .-- 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7} 8) Updated list of all essential personnel, List of items you need to protect your office property, Inform the Ci ty Manager's Office if all vi tal records can be stored in a protected area within 24 hours. Inform the City Manager's Office if communication equipment (if available) is operational, Determine where departmental vehicles will be stored, Identify person(s) to coordinate with Purchasing Division, , Identify employees designated to handle FEMA documents, Identify employees for our damage assessment team, Please stay tuned for further last minute advisories, If you have any questions, please contact Joe Pinon, Assistant City Manager, at 673-7010, RMC:JP:blb cc: Eddie Cox, Senior Assistant City Manager Mayra Diaz-Buttacavoli, Assistant City Manager Dean Mielke, Assistant City Manager/Labor Relations Harry Mavrogenes, Assistant City Manager/DDHP Joe Pinon, Assistant City Manager Dave Reddick, Public Information Coordinator Jack Lubin, Consultant to the City Manager City Manager's Secretarial Staff .-- I U : Mt:!-I"( 1 Lt:. T lJUI'\ILt:. V T JUI-l-14-'94 TLE 06;:J3 ID'tlETRO DADE E 0 C TEl.. to{)'::lOCi ::;96 8790 110:J'3 P0l "02...- .. ~ Metropolitan D8C1e COunty, Florida .. Offlce of &mergency Managomcnt 5600 SW lllth Avenue Miami. Florida :1:3173-1018 (305) 273-6700 SsndIOI"u#U:l"""". \"\S_+ O~~~~~~~~\-~~.J Facsimile Transmission Metro-Dade Emergency Management r- Date: 1"1 JI.AY'l "\.., ~'", I, eo...... E.1'I("C-I~~ Ot-.al-'1 ,"",,,,~,,,,,04.... To: H Ur""CALM, \.",+ From: 'F1o-Cl.a ~.."....... ... <=> ,E 1m. <!:,....rl'............. w,oot\. ,'...-t ..........\ "'..~......s Eot.....,wll\ ~ D"- ....:tI...-n-..., r- ~...."""'~ O.i'i:.m. ft ,..,...-(,."''lJ\ .... I.., '\0 ;..... 1...f..("'Ulft<\.~,,- essage/\.iomments. ~\S... _ 'tl""",. Cb ,... WOl(tc h ~ "'ofl .... ~......-l",'t....'1 e. ........l'.... c::: IlT '!> ~........ ...-t Q tOQ 11'i7"'... CS\W\ ~\ S ~...\'t"'\1 "'~ '''' "'... :t:wi......... :\'\_ Co...." 1" "I.\......a.. ........ ....." .... ,........ ..,...... '1........\...+.'\ NUMBER OF PAGES \ (excluding Transmittal page) II ther. I. /I problom w"h thio tranomioaion, llIease calltl1ls 0IlIC8 BOO . will be regenerated, EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT'S FAX NUMBER: 273-6708 .~ TO:MB-RIL~Y UUNL~VY JUI+-14-'94 TLE El6;:::;9 ID;METRO DADE E 0 C TEL 1-(1: Jro :::;96 8790 110J9 Pe2,'02 . . 85 ..... '1:......,.... .... ,. . , . ..... ................ :;.:::~:~:~j~1 ~Hj1~~Wll1mj~m m\m:H i~: ~~;~1 'n .............,....". ;; : : ;; : : :: ::: :::!;: ~ : . .. 35 . ' , . . . . . . .....,.................-.....,.........................,.................. ..::: !1:;!:::'W:iimm ill::w:m'm:'i!:.!1!;!!j11,11::::::::!:,:::,:: :::::,:::=;;~, ,,;':::; ;;i W i iii i i~i i~~~ ~! ~.: ~! 3~~: ~!E j!~!;~!!! m; i! j ~) m! i!!! 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".... . . . . . ..~_ ;:! :::: ~:::::::::H::::::::: :::::; ;::: ::;:; ::: ::::: :: :::: HURRICANE PYFROM 96/1 ~ I~q TUE 5 AM ADU# 92 FRN# 5 13.6BW 25.9N lJINDS/GUSTS: leG/12g KTS SPEED: 10 PR08: 2~i. ___________________________A S~.cy Intormation w______________________~______1 E.. ~ ~~c.l:!>E QN ~'1 .~eCMI KUMRICANZ P%PROH Tim... TUE 5 AM 6&~e. 06(14(94 Advl.o~y# 02 ~11. Reference' 5 CUr~.nt POlition: 73,60W 25.96 Wind.: 100 KTs GUR~RI ,," ~TS Speed I 10 KTS Selected PrQb.b~lity. 24' ~------------------------------------------------------------------------------: I Wun1nCl FI:OII. NllW SKYRNA. FL ".~..h r,,_. IIlILLAIIDALB, n. Warnino To: lfAT,r,AKTlar,1P., I'L Watch To. FLAMINGO, FL ~------------------------------------------------------------------------------, I ni4taneo - Sto~ o.ntG~ ~o S.lectad Loo.~~on. 362 N. Hil.. Dbt.ll~e - 34 It..u~ Wl.n<.I.. to llelect.d LOclt1on: ,237 Il. Mil.. ______________________________________________________-------------------______1 Ilireat Path Calculations $to~ COnter Arrives: w~u ~ VII (~b Hour. After Advi.orYI 34 XDot Winds Arrival w.n ~ AM (24 Hour. a~t." Adv18gryl -----------------. - -----------------------------~------------------------- /'"" Clo...t Polnt of Appl:oaeh Calculation. (CPAI .0....,...... t.!"", CJ:1IUll'lI CPA. 105 N. HI Off WID 1"" (32 ilKS lU'TIR ADv.) 34 OM IItlltlS Olf WIlD 9 AM (28 H1lS AFTI!:R AnVT~nRV) A.orAg_ .rro~ CPA. wn'lI AVO III111OK, ClIiIlTSR COOLD AlU\IVE ON WID 6 AM (25 HRS AFTER l\IlV, I 111'1'11 Avr. IIIUlOR 34 IOlO'r WINDS 011 TIll 9 PM (16 !IllS l\F'1'EIl ADVUlOIW)