038-1994 DM DBPARTMENT JfBMORAND'OM NO. 38-1994 --- DATB: June 14, 1994 TO: All Department Directors FROM: Joe Pinon Assistant Coordinator Preparedness SUBJECT: HURRICANE WATCH (DRILL) The City of Miami Beach has been notified by Metro-Dade County, Office of Emergency Management, that a -HurriclUJe Drill- has been issued, The City will try to comply with Dade County's drill as much as possible, To this end, you should comply with the City's HurriclUJe Plan as well as your individual departmental plan, -- A Department Memorandum from City Manager Roger M, Carlton has also gone out on this Hurricane Watch and should be responded as if it were a real situation. On behalf of the City Manager's Office and the City of Miami Beach, we thank you for your cooperation in this staged event, JP:b1b cc: Bddie Cox, Senior Assistant City Manager Mayra Diaz-Buttacavo1i, Assistant City Manager Dean Mielke, Assistant City Manager/Labor Relations Harry Mavrogenes, Assistant City Manager/DDHP Dave Reddick, Public Information Coordinator Jack Lubin, Consultant to the City Manager City Manager's Secretarial Staff r '- TO:MB-RILEY DUNLEUY JUI-l--14-'94 TLE 106;:;8 lD;tlETRO DADE E 0 C TEL 1-0; JOCi :';96 879El il0J9 PEll/102___ .. OffIce of &mergency M8nagcmcnt 5600 SW !lIth Avenue Miami. Florida 33173-1018 (305) 273~ - Metropolitan DlIde COunty, FlOrida Send to Fax #:.J:II.A... '" \.. \ s_+ o~~~~~#:~~~.~~., FacsImIle TransmissIon Metro-Dade Emergency Management Date: 1"1 JI.A.'n '" ':t \"V\.1:O'~ Co,V'\ E2'€""-I~e: ONt..'1 ~"'''ll'''loQ.... To: H U..\'O'CAo.M, \"'IS+ From:F~~.a mu,,,,,'1'" ~.E .'ro. q........t.............. lA.>\-t\" '..."'....."..1 ...~o\'i.k$ ;;;CLI.u.I\ ~ b... ....-h....,-t"'., r ~"''''1-' >'t. o.-&.m, . l/.""'.(..")..' .... f..., '0 t'a... I...f..t.d..st",-~Jl.. essag81comments: E,lfClr<."4. .. 't)...... <:~ \... l.J....-t.. h \\......... ""'...."...""'1'......, E ......... f.... C liT '!> ~t........, ..1' Q tCQ ,1't'7..... is,... ~\ s "... \-t......., 'S "'.... '''' ..........,.:t: ~... .....,,1' \.,., ....""ol .... a..l.\.......... ....".... ..... '" ,.......... .. "'.... l S I....'" \......) r NUMBER OF PAGES \ (Excluding Transmittal Page) If there is a problOln with this tro.nomiasion, Please call this otIIce al1d it will be regenerated, EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT'S FAX NUMBER: 273-6708 ~ TO:MB-RILEY DUNLEUY JUI-l-14-'94 TLE 06:::i9 lD:METRO DADE E 0 C TEL 1-1:1: JEl::i ::i96 8798 **039 P02/02 ~ ,s 185 ;!!m;g:;ul.~'!' ............ ......... ..........."......... ...................... ...................... ..............,...".. 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Ft ".lo"h ,,,...... BlILLlINDALE, 1't. Warning To. HAT.T,ANTlJ.T,1P., 1!'L Watch tOi rtAHZNGO, FL *------------------------------------------------------------------------------, I ni~tanc. - Sto~ o.ntG~ ~o S.lected Location. 362 N. Mil.a Diet.nc. - 34 IIl1uL lfiml6 to selected t.ocatlon: ,237 ll. MU". -------------------------------------------------------------------------------, I Direae p.th Calculation. storm C8nt.r Arrive.: w~u . ~M (~b Hour. After AdvioarYI 34 XD~ Wind. ArrivR! ~n ; AM (24 Hours A~~.~ Advieory) ._______________ _. . _ M'_ _.__________________________......________________________OJ ~ Clo...t Point of Approach calculations (CPA! WnrAl"!lll."'" etlu anD'S ~A. 105 N, HI ON WID 1 ~H (32 tiNS Ali'TlIR llDV,1 34 MOT wtKllS Ql( WED 9 All (28 HRS AFTER AnVT~nRV) AvorG90 Brro~ erA; wnll AV<J l!:IUIDK, c!;NTZR COt/t.D WJ'I'H IWQ ERRoR 34 f.HOT WINDS l\JtRlVE OR 'flIE ON WED {; All (25 !IRS Al"TER llDV, I 9 PM (16 IUlS l\PTER ADVISORY I