053-1994 DM r CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 53-1994 DATE: september 21, 1994 TO: ALL DEPARTMENT/DIVISION HEADS FROM: ROGER M. CARLT~ CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: FUEL PUMP CLOSURE AT FIRE STATION #2 ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- r- Please be advised that the fuel pumps at Fire station #2 (2300 Pinetree Drive) will be closed on Saturday, october 15, 1994. The Fire Department will be conducting a physical abilities test on this date and the area will be closed to vehicle traffic. RMC:TS:mc cc: Dean R. Mielke, Assistant City Manager Mayra Diaz-Buttacavoli, Assistant city Manager Harry S. Mavrogenes, Assistant city Manager Joe Pinon, Assistant city Manager Peter Liu, Executive Assistant to the City Manager r 0,9, 2 t. 94 04: t3 PM *MIAMI BlEACH FIRIE DIE P02 . f r " CITY OF MIAMI BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM ~O. DATEI SEPTEMBER 21, 11194 TO: ALL DEl'ARTMENT/DIVISION HEADS FROM: ROGEll CARLTON CITY MANAGBA SUBJECT: FUEL PUMl" CLOSURE A'l' FIRE STATION #11 Please be adviaed that the fuel pumps at Fire Station #2 (2300 Pinetree Drive) will be closed on Saturday, October 15, 19\14, The fire deparunent will be conducting a physical abilities test on this date and the area will be o1oMCI to vehicle traftic. r RMCfISlmc C:AdmlnIFllol.....lI12 Ll.--t- : b~('n 0',0 l'G t\S YYl :SoeR p~ L.J LL r