059-1994 DM CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH FLORIDA 33139 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH ~ OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER TELEPHONE: (305) 673-7010 FAX: (305) 673-7762 DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 59-1994 October 28, 1994 TO: All Department/Division Directors FROM: Roger M. CarltoJ . .()q /'" City Manager '~ SUBJECT: CLASSIFICATION AND COMPENSATION PROJECT ,-. As all of you know, the Classification and Compensation study began October 6,1994. The Consultant, Charles Hendricks, conducted 13 orientation sessions, throughout the City with the unions, management, and the employees from October 12, through October 14,1994. Mr. Hendricks conducted over 60 onsite interview sessions, to include all departments and divisions, between October 28-21, and October 25-28, 1994. This project has gotten off to a rapid start as 1 had directed. IN ORDER TO KEEP UP TillS PACE AND FINISH THE PROJECT ON SCHEDULE, PLEASE BE ADVISED OF THE FOLLOWING: I. Questionnaires were to be completed by employees, reviewed by supervisors, and forwarded to Human Resources by October 27, 1994. Many of these questionnaires have not been received. MAKE SURE HUMAN RESOURCES RECEIVES ALL REMAINING QUESTIONNAIRES BY WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 2. 12:00 NOON AT THE LATEST. 2. By October 21, 1994, each Department, Division, and Section was to submit a Table of Organization showing the reporting structure and indicating the name and classification of each employee. MAKE SURE HUMAN RESOURCES RECEIVES ALL REMAINING TABLES OF ORGANIZATION BY WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 2.12:00 NOON AT THE LATEST. ,-. . . 3. Since Mr. Hendricks has been to all departments and divisions, and the departments have been able to schedule the individuals whom they want Mr. Hendricks to interview, it is assumed that Mr. Hendricks has inlerviewed all special cases (especially those where audits, salary increases, and reclassifications were requested). THERE WILL BE NO NEW AUDITS, SALARY INCREASES, RECLASSIFICATIONS, AND NEW CLASSIFICATIONS CONSIDERED UNLESS A WRITTEN REQUEST IS RECEIVED BY GAIL POE-LIU IN HUMAN RESOURCES BY TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1994, 12:00 NOON AT THE LATEST. r" In order for this project to be successful and to be completed on schedule, your cooperation and meeting deadlines is essenlial. RMC:GPL:mar cc: Mayra Diaz-Buttacavoli, Assistant City Manager Dean Mielke, Assistant City Manager Harry Mavrogenes, Assistant City Manager/DDHP Joe Pinon, Assistant City Manager Peter Liu, Executive Assistant to the City Manager Jack Lubin, Executive to the City Manager GAIL'SDISKlC&CPROJE.RMC r r