062-1994 DM .-. ~-, MI BEACH OF M I A IDA 33139 C I T Y DRIVE MIAMI BEACH FLOR 1700 CONVENTION CENTER CITY HALL MANAGER OFFICE OF THE CITY 5) 673-7010 TELEPH~~:~ ::S) 673-7782 t Memorandum No. Departmen 62-1994 TO: FROM: DepartlnentIDivision Heads DATE: November 4, 1994 Roger M.Cad City Manager SVIl.1Ecr, . 1994 UNITED WAY CAMPAIGN --- .:"" city Will. ';ok off "" '994 Uni"" W,y _gn willi , 'P<tial llleeJing lor ",':;.'"v,""",," - "" w",,,,.y, ,,_ '..." 2,,. PJ\f '" City l/alI """""".. I om """'" - of yo" 10 _t d"""""" <Ii . . . . -go """_, g;w". "'" """'" ,'.. d " ;"""" "'" ,,"ft "'_, ..... job It "ill b, '" -. PI- -". Wi~ """' ~'P' .... """'" ""'" At""",,;, 'Ji" 0"_ ~... I, '" ""' ""'''at.. '" yo" ,,:, .~':::::.:"""';: ~097 If"", Wi" "",""", .. _. I: -. n.., <kp-", _lotI"" ... "tal ~s ea ?renee by November 14th With the m promotmg the drive. Please have the dep"....... . No - "uent eaptams come to the meeti,,~ 'th 0"",,,,, 17th,,,,, 23", '" ,",,, U nilod l\( .~ ", -... """ "'" ""'" """'" -k ""'"''''' -..... I, "<m 'Y -","" _ i. '"" -...", W, '11 J r area, and WilIwork aroUnd staff", ,,_ . e WI ."ee".llgs Or roll caIls 10m",,,,... "" yo" "'" ."" """""'''''I '" . . -... ""-",,,,,,...,,,,, "'''''-':::- '" 1W1y._ ~I. _. tlniIod Way can only be achieVed With all of our s"""-n ""C'T""FC,.. ~ . AttaefunCllt cc: Dean Mi~lke, Assistant City Manager M,,,, D"'-B"""",,", ^-, CIIy M.. """ M'''''g_, ~ Clly M_ '" Joe Pm.on, ASSis~t City Manager Pot,,- L" "'-" As,;""'1 to /hoclty M lOok L'%, E""""" '''''toot '" tho CIty ~ / -. ,-.. UNITED WAY CAMPAIGN DEPARTMENT CAPTAINS 1994 D~tJDivision ~ ~ Mayor & Commission ...... 7030 City Manager's Office Bonnie Baines 7010 City Attorney's Sheila Farias 7470 City Clerk's Mercy Williams 7411 DDHPS Joyce Hottenrot 7193 Building Services Jerry Cohen 7610 Code Compliance Patricia Behnstedt 7555 OMB ...... 7570 Recreation Culture Parks Bass James Lawrence 7530 Beach Patrol ...... 7714 Parks Lee Drayton 7720 Recreation ...... 7700 Finance ...... 7466 r- Fire Luis Garcia 7120 General Services Computers/Communication Susan Kalver 7042 Central Services ...... 7480 PurchasingIW arehouse Al Sprigle 7490 Mechanical Maintenance Scott Mondshein 7642 Property Maintenance ...... 7630 Human Resources Florence Cohan 7091 Parking Larry Kaltman 7505 Public Works AdminlEngineering Nancy Mire 7620 Yard ...... 7625 Sanitation ...... 7616 r-