TO: All Department Directors DATE: November 4, 1994
FROM: Roger M. Carltof~A.~~'
City Manager
I noted that, over the past eeveral yearn, the previous City Managers have written numerous memorandums
instructing all employees that they are not to pad< at the rear entrance of City Hail (west side) in the loading
dock/receMng areas. Additionally, City employees were advised not to pad< their vehicles on fie grass
areas on the west side of City Hall, as parking on the grass will damage the sprinkler systems and the
AS you are probably aware, there era spaces that have been designated for the Central Services vehicles.
These designated spaces am not to be utH~ed by City employees obhef than those employees from Central
Services OMsion who are authorized to pad< the In the spaces reeerved for Central Services vehicles.
City employees should be aware that having a City Wide or a City Hall Parking Decal does not authorize
the employee to illegally pad< in the City Hail loading zone or in those spaces/areas that have been
designated for specffic parking.
This is to serve as notice to all employees that any vehicles that are parked illegally and/or unattended in
the loading zone areas will be ticketed. If this action does not correct the parking problems, then the City
will commence towing illegally parked vehicles at the driver's expense, and the towing w'dl apply to City
vehicles, as wefl as to employees' personal vehicles,
Furtbar, those spaces on Convention Center Drive (east side of City Haft) that are posted end reserved for
parking by the City Commissioners only are not to be utilized, at any time, for temporary parking by City
employees. If there are no perking spaces available either behind City Hall or in other areas around City
Hall that are designated for employee parking, then City employees should utilized fie parking garage
adjacent to City Hall, which has more than sufficient parking space to serve the parking needs.
By copy of this memo to the Parking Department, I am advising the Parking Enforcement personnd to
immediately commence enforcing the posted parking around City Hall, and that any vehicles that are illegally
or improperly parked are to be ticketed.
This is the only warning that will be circulated on this matter. Therefore, t am asking all department
directors to ensure that this notice is circulated to all your employees, as well as posted on your office
bulletin boards, in an effort to ensure that all employees are informed of this effort to reduce illegal parking
by CIty employees.
cc: Mayor and City Commissioners
Dean R. Mielke, ASsistant City Manager
Maym Diaz-euttacavoli, Assistant City Manager
Ham/Mawngenes. ASsistant City Manager
Joseph Pinon, Assistant City Manager
Saul Francis, Parking Enforcement Chief
Fernando Redriguez, Parking Operations Chief