024-1993 DM CITY OF MIAMI BEACH /' , CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH FLORIDA 33139 OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER TELEPHONE: (305) 673-7010 FAX: (305) 673-7782 DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 24-1gg~ June 8, 1993 TO: All Department Directors FROM: Roger M. Carlto city Manager SUBJECT: DONATION OF BOOK SHELF UNITS ,--. On June 3, 1993, the USA Book Expo/Publishers Book Exhibit, Inc., donated 113 book shelf units to the City of Miami Beach. The book shelf units are seven (7) feet tall, four (4) feet wide and 18 inches deep. Each unit is made of wood and has as a 30 watt florescent light fixture. The book shelf units will be available to the City on Wednesday, June 16, 1993, after the Mayor and City Commission adopt a Resolution accepting this donation. If you are interested in receiving a book shelf unit(s), please send a memorandum to Joe Pinon, Executive Assistant to the city Manager, requesting how many units you will need. Each department will be responsible for making pick up and delivery arrangements. If you have any questions, please contact Joe pinon at #673-7010, on Friday, June 11, 1993. RMC:JP:blb r ,It I - ,.-.. . - . ' . '.' -, , Ed Malinowski President USA Book Expo Publishers Book Exhibit 86 Millwood Rood Millwood, New York 10546 June 2,1993 Mayor Seymour Gelber 1700 Convention Center Miami Beach, Florida 33139 Dear Mayor Gelber: The undersigned companies and principal would Uke to donate to the City of Miami Beach 113 brand new display book shelf units. We do this in every city that we have an exhibit in order to enable libraries, etc. to benefit from these shelves as a vehicle for encouraging reading. We are prepared to store the shelves for approximately one month, so the City can make any necessary arrangements regarding this donation. Thank you for the prompt handling and care in this maUer. It is our pleasure to help the City of Miami Beach. Sincerely, . &11L~~~ Ed Malinowski President USA Book Expo cc: Roger M. Carlton, City Manager / r CITY OF MIAMI BEACH ,.. r '--..... " - '... TO: Mayor Seymour Gelber FROM: Cheryl Meltzer ~ DATE: June 2, 1993 RE: Donation to the City of 113 Book Shelves Ed Malinowski, President of the USA Book Expo and with the PubUshers Book Exhibit called to express his wish to donate 113 brand new display book shelves to the City for use either in the City's Ubrary, the Youth Center or any other worthy organization in order to promote reading. The unUs are adjustable, have a canopy with ajluorescent Ught and the dimensions are as foUows: 7' high, 4' wide and 18" deep. Mr. Malinowski is prepared to store the shelves for approximately one month so the City can make all necessary arrangements. After his call, 1 contacted Amy in the City -- Manager's office and Reana at the Convention Center. Reana verified the size of the shelves and their condition and Amy called to give me instructions in the handling of this matter. Amy stated that a leuer was needed from Mr. Malinowski offering this donation and that the Commission needed to approve the donation. Subsequently, 1 contacted Ed Malinowski and verified all information and attached is a copy of his letter to you. If you have any questions about the donation, Mr. Malinowski can be contacted at 914- 762-2422. The fax number is 914-762-2407. ((', Dv\O S?~~Jlr:.-,-- V- r i the Publishers ~Book Exhibit i7W. ,.-, June 3, 1993 Mayor Seymour Gelber 1700 Convention Center Miami Beach, Florida 33139 Dear Mayor Gelber: The undersigned company and principal would like to donate 113 new display book shelf units to the City of Miami Beach. ~ We do this in select cities to enable libraries, bookstores and schools to benefit from these shelves as a vehicle for encouraging reading. These units are constructed of wood, and consist of five adjustable shelves. Each measure seven feet high, four feet wide, and are eighteen inches deep, They also have a light fixture which includes a 30 watt florescent light. They weigh approximately 275 pounds each. The value of these units is almost $28,000. We are prepared to store the shelves for approximately one month, so the City can make any necessary arrangements regarding this donation. Thank you for the prompt handling and care in this matter. It is our pleasure to help the City of Miami Beach. Sincerely, ~"~~. - t~fO() - ~ ~7- '7" ~ '7 {ux/ '~I '.1/,0 j' -~ Jon Malinowski President JM:kn cc: Roger M. Carlton, City Manager - f ,<;11 '.!illwood Road' '.lillwood. :\e\\" York' 105..6' Tel: 91-l-762-2-l22' F:L,: <Jl-l-762-2-l07