031-1993 DM r- ~ r ,. CIlY OF MIAMI BEACH Date: 'DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO: 31-1'l'l1 July 1, 1993 To: All Department Directors From: Mayra Diaz-Butt:Bcavoli?'I'. _". ,,0, . ~,.rr.. ,.o{L' Assistant city JfaDager b "a ' ~~ SUBJECT: PROPERTY MAIB'l'DANCE WOlUt REQUEST PROCEDURE As outlined in Eddie COX':;1 l:.." . :1..':19:2 memorandum (attached~, Property Maintenance work requests are to be submitted V1a interoffice mail. only ..erqenay work requests will be taken by telephone. Such requests are those which concern the safety of employees and/or visitors in and around a building, park or other pUblic facility; conditions which constitute violations of federal, state, or city statutes, or other conditions of a serious nature which require immediate attention. Many departments have continued to call in their r!5!quests. Effective Mondav. Julv 12. 1993, Property Maintenance will no longer schedule non-emergency requests received by phone. Attached for your use is a Work Request form and a batch of New Work Request forms (blue form). Please make sure that every diviSion/office within your department has a batch of each form. The request procedure is described in the attached November, 1992 memo. Most departments have not yet provided Property Maintenance with the name of the designated individual (and his/her alternate) responsible for submitting work requests. Please forward these names to Property Maintenance by Fridav. Julv 9th. Effective Mondav. Julv 12. 1993, requests for moving furniture will not be responded to by Property Maintenance staff. This service will be provided by temporary laborers from Best Maintenance, Inc. at a cost to the requesting department of 8a.50 oer hour. Departments must use the Work Request form to make such requests one day in advance. If you have any ~~estions, please contact Brad Judd at extension 7630. MDB:FJR:fjr cc: Roger M. Carlton, City Manager Eddie Cox, Senior Assistant city Manager Brad A. JUdd, Property Maintenance Superintendent ,,-- I""" ~ r . CITY OFJIIAIII BEACH 'leu !'rom.: BO.6odJer 10 r 1992 SUlJject: PROPBIlft ~ -.: llByumft l'JIa.'''iI'wsB.I-.muIB In an effort to improve Property Maintance's (formerly Building Maintenance) service to all departments and strl:.amline the Division's office procedures, several changes will be i.JiIplemented. Effective December 1, 1992, all Property Maintenance non-emergency work requests are to be submitted via the attached Work Request form. This form can be submitted through the inter-office mail and will apply to repair and uiDt......ce 1JOrk~. Note that the department must fill out the items marked by an asterik (*). Property Maintenance will schedule non-emergellcY requests on a "first come-first served" basis. Balerq8llay work requests will continue to be taken by phone. Hew work (office layout changes, elect:rical outlet installation or relocations, etc.) will be requested via the attached New Work/Estimate Request form. The following procedure will be used for Dew work: 1. The department completes the form (asterik items only) and forwards to Property Maintenance. 2. Property Maintenance provides a cost estimate on the form and returns it to the requesting department for approval. The department may obtain the estimate by phone prior to receiving the form; however, work will be initiated onlv after the DelJartment/Division Head has sianed the aDlJroval line and Pronertv Maintenance receives the form. CODies of each type of form should be made and kept accessible by each depar1:Jllent. Departments are requested to designate one individual (and an alternate) for completing and submitting both types of work requests. This will make for a more efficient process. Please provide the individuals' names to Property Maintenance along with your first non-emerqency or new work request form submission. Your cooperation in adhering to these procedures is appreciated. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Ray Horday at extension 7630. EC:fjr cc: Ray Horday, Acting Property Maintenance Superintendent ~ PROPERTY MAINTENANCE DIVISION WORK REQUEST NO. r- LABOR COST: $ MATERIAL COST: $ TOTAL COST: $ SECTION: WORK CODE: * DATE REPORTED: DATE STARTED: EXPECTED I COMPLETION TIME INIT. : SUPV'I CREW I DATE COMPLE1.'ED: ==m~==~===_============_=====-=====-a-- ---~ ---=== * REPORTED BY: * TEL. NO: * LOCATION: * BUILDING: * REQUEST: . ACTION TAKEN: ,-- .~DITIONAL COMMENTS/WORK PERFORMED: (including exceeding E.C.T.) WORK ACTIVITY SUMMARY (write only WHAT done to WHICH component) DATE INIT. HRS. WORK ACTIVITY DATE INIT. HRS. WORK ACTIVITY TOTAL HOURS FROM OTHER SIDE: TOTAL HOURS: r- MATERIAL REQUIRED UNIT COST EXTENDED COST $ $ - TOTAL COST FROM OTHER SIDE: $ TOTAL COST: $ ..- COMPLETED BY: CLOCK #: - WORK ACTIVITY SUMMARY (write only WHAT aone to WHICH component) ,-- DATE INIT. HRS. WORK ACTIVITY DATE INIT. . WORK ACTIVITY " TOTAL HOORS (carry to front): . ".- MATERIAL REQUIRED UNIT COST EXTENDED COST $ $ . . . - TOTAL COST (carry to front): ,-- EQUIPMENT IN I Model #: Serial #: EQUIPMENT OUT I Model #: Serial #: " " ......,<.-. :"t.- ',} '~~~J ". e.,,,,; ',f :t" ;;. ,~:::t.: ,.;c~,~:. :'-~~J, ,~;;. .~;!, \:a.f. ~":""~ :i;,j;'" !:, q'!..r ,~. --'1;' iif'~ :;~~: '-~~F ~ '';j!' '{ia'k.. .~,"ff 'J~ >,,...;,, ',.!~!, '$,~ t~'; c:" '. '''" " :.:1. ;..0.:., .~~ fr~' it?' ,'J}:'~: ".oj!" J':' t.! ,..~ : ",,'~ '.....f.. f,~ ';f'> . ~:_~ ;~::. ,.t~: ":""- 'J:f",-" -r.;,,".' 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