033-1993 DM r ,,-- r- MEMORANDUM DEPARTMENT MEMO NO: 33-1993 August 3, 1993 TO: All Department Heads Roger M. carlto~ city Manager FROM: SUBJECT: RESPONSE TO MEMOS FROM THE CITY MANAGER It is the responsibility of each department head to ensure that responses to memos and requests for information from the City Manager's Office be done as expeditiously as possible or by due date. We need to work together to get the message to the public and elected officials that we are responsible to their needs. You are strongly encouraged to cooperate in this effort. RMC:pp ..... Pinon #4 .:DEPT-MEMOS Sll~ r- r- r- ~ MEMORANDUM July 8, 1993 FROM: Joe pinon Executive TO: Roger M. Carlton City Manager to the City Manager SUBJECT: MAYOR'S CORRESPONDENCE As of Wednesday, July 7, 1883, we have the following open (unanswered) items: Priority I . . . . o Regular Complaints (15 day response required) Priority Memos . . City Manager Memos 6 2 40 Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 NOTE: We need a stern memo from you to department heads making them responsible and accountable for responding to your requests on time. If not, noncompliance will continue. JP:pp