041-1993 DM " ,"""" ",..... ~. , DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. Ab~.3.._ DATE: September 16, 1993 TO: All Department Directors FROM: Roger M. Carl City Manager SUBJECT: 1993 EMERGENCY DIRECTORY UPDATE Enclosed please find updated pages to be inserted into your 1993 Emerqency Directory. Please keep your copy in a confidential location for your use. If additional copies are required, or updated information is available, contact my secretary Amy Pinder. Thank you. RMC:ap Attachments c:\wp51\telephone\emergency.upd . . r-- CODE COMPLIANCE CODE COMPLIANCE SUPERINTENDENT Michael Saclarides 11240 N.W. 23 st. Pembroke Pines, FL 33026 CODE COMPLIANCB SUPERVISOR Joe Damien 11163 N.W. 7 st. #104 Miami, FL 33172 r r ...EPTEMBBR 1993 673-7555 (office) 437-4983 (home) 673-7800 x0017 (beep) 673-7555 (office) 225-6543 (home) 276-9401 (beeper)